Sermon Series
  • 1. Give Freely

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2017

    The greatest gift to the human beings is Free will. We must avoid using the free will, except in giving to the Lord.

    Exodus.36:01-07 Give Freely v.3-4. Willing to come and work Bezalel (Ex.31:2-6- “Lord said to Moses”, 35:30 “Moses said to the Israelite”, (Ex.37:1, 38:22)- I have chosen him, I have called him, I have filled him with Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts- to make more

  • 2. Sacrifices To God

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2020

    Offerings follow the character of the worshipper. God looks not into the hands of a man but the heart of a man. We can't satisfy God by our mere offerings but by the broken heart and humble spirit. God is after a man or woman who is living with love and devotion to God and fellow human.

    Better Sacrifice Genesis 4:1-10 Introduction: This year we are going to meditate under the Theme: “A cloud of Witnesses”(Hebrews 12:1). We will be thinking numerous personalities of the Bible from the perspectives of Faith journey. This Sunday we have two personalities before us to learn. They more

  • 3. Worship And Giving

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2020

    The modern worship patterns slowly take the real relationship with God and man. The worship is dominated by singing, music and dance. The deep devotion to the word of God is very much missing. This sermon takes you to know the meaning of real worship in today's context.

    Theme: What Will I Give to the Lord? Text: Micah 6:8-9 Joke: A widow used to get a pension of Rs. 1000/-. She lost it, she does not know how to survive for the month. So she wrote a letter to God. The Postman opened it and found the reason for the poor woman, so out of compassion he collected Rs. more

  • 4. Give Thanks

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2021

    The word “Give thanks” this sentence is used five times in this Psalm (Psalm 107:8, 15,21, 31, 32). He repeats the word distress or trouble four times. He has delivered them from their distress (Psalm 107:6,13, 19,28). For his wonderful works, miracles (Psalm 107:21).

    Psalm 107 - Give thanks to the Lord (Psalm 107:1 & 43) Introduction: The word “Give thanks” this sentence is used five times in this Psalm (Psalm 107:8, 15,21, 31, 32). He repeats the word distress or trouble four times. He has delivered them from their distress (Psalm 107:6,13, 19,28). For more

  • 5. Give Thanks Through Worship

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2021

    Music constituted another demanding part of the worship of the temple and evidently in the early Christians. So, the singing of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs play important roles in worship mentioned by Paul in his Epistle to the Ephesians.

    Theme: Give thanks thru worship Text: Ephesians 5:18-20 Greetings The Lord is good; his love endures forever. I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Today, I would like to share with you the significance of giving thanks to God through worship. It is based on Ephesians more

  • 6. Give To Poor

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2021

    The significance of giving to the poor, and its relationship with being thankful to God is found in Matthew 6:1-4.

    GIVE TO POOR - Matthew 6:1-4 Greetings The Lord is good; his love endures forever. I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This evening, I would like to share the significance of giving to the poor, and its relationship with being thankful to God. We would meditate from more

  • 7. He Remembers All Your Offerings

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2021

    The sacrificial system of the Old Testament served as a means of grace to restore the relationship between God and humanity. Ultimately, the sacrificial system was inadequate, which is why Jesus came to earth.

    Text: Psalm 20:1-9 Theme: He remembers all your Offerings (Psalm 20:3) We had had meditations on Thanksgiving through Worship, through giving to the poor, inspired giving and Levitical offerings. Today I would like to share on Thanksgiving offering. (Psalm 20:3). Introducing the theme: We had had more

  • 8. Tithe And Me

    Contributed on Sep 28, 2021

    The world is full of inequalities. Highs and valleys, ups and downs, fortunate and unfortunates, rich and poor, etc., but one thing we all have in common is the same amount of time each day. Give tithe of ...

    Theme: Tithe and Me Text: Malachi 3:8-10 Today, I am going to touch your pocket. I would make you open your valet. But if I want to succeed in my attempt, I have to touch your heart. If your mind is convinced, it will command your heart and hands to work together and obey God and Honour God. I more

  • 9. Honor God With Your Bodies

    Contributed on Jun 14, 2022

    Now we have come to understand that we worship God with our Bodies. Our physical bodies are the Temple of God, honor one another as the temple of God, as the temple of the Living God, and as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

    Theme: Worship with your Bodies Text: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Greetings: Introduction: we have started the month with the covenant of Rest, enter into the rest of God. We have meditated on the significance of Work and Rest based on Genesis 2:1-3. Now we have come to understand that we worship God more

  • 10. Indescribable Gift

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2022

    He emphasizes giving generously, giving bountifully, and giving the indescribable gift. The true Christian life is connected with giving the self, the sources, and giving the priceless gift of salvation to all.

    AMC, 04.09.2022 Theme: Indescribable Gift Text: 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 The Lord is good and his love endures forever. Happy Teachers’ Day! St. Paul Having discussed in chapter 8, the principles of Christian giving, Now, he shares the promises that we can claim if we are faithful in our giving to more

  • 11. Excel In Giving

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2022

    The thump rule for giving to God and to the needy is love to God. This is the secret to prosperity and success. God has left a challenge to all the Tithe payers that he would open the windows of heaven and pour out the overflowing blessings upon them if they are faithful in paying their Tithe.

    Theme: Excel in Giving Text: 2 Corinthians 8:7 Excel in Giving Naturally, we are tempted and more enthusiastic about getting, and retaining than giving. Paul remembered the words of our Lord Jesus Christ related to giving and recorded in his preaching saying, ‘It is more blessed to give than to more

  • 12. Fill My House

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2023

    God demands from everyone who believes in his word to fill his house. The house may refer immediately to the church where you are part of, the house also refers to the kingdom of God, the house refers to his abode with us.

    Theme:  Fill My House Text: Malachi 3:1-10   Greetings: The Lord is good and His love endures forever!   Introduction: What does it mean the house of God: It was a Tent of meeting during the wilderness journey, a place where the ark of the Lord was placed during David, Jerusalem more

  • 13. Sacrificial Giving

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2023

    These two are pleasing sacrifices to God. The fruit of the lips, the fruit of the hands. Both are outward expressions of the inner heart. The words of the lips and the deeds of the hands have come from the bottom. Your inner heart is expressed through your outer face.

    Text: Hebrews 13:15-21 Theme: Sacrificial Giving Greetings: The Lord is good and his love endures forever! Illustration: Today, I would like to leave with you three spiritual principles based on Hebrews 13:15-21. The pleasing sacrifices, pleasing lives, and pleasing works of a believer in more