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  • The Spirit Of The Sabbath Year Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 21, 2021

    Let’s explore the spirit of the laws of land rest and jubilee found in the Old Testament. These are laws that even good Christians will object to, because we are too selfish to even contemplate them.

    Let’s explore the spirit of the laws of land rest and jubilee found in the Old Testament. These are laws that even good Christians will object to, because we are too selfish to even contemplate them. An agricultural sabbath was mandated for the whole of the seventh year (Leviticus 25:2-7, 20-22) more

  • Advent With Handel's Messiah 5 Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 5, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus brings peace through the means of peace

    First Sunday After Christmas December 28, 2008 Advent Series based on Scripture in Handel’s Messiah Read p. xvii in the Voice from on High Song 18 Zechariah 9:9-10 The Magi come to honour a king – what kind of king? Alexander vs Jesus Alexander – verses 3-7a – an empire based on force and more

  • Unto Us A Son Is Given Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Mar 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Unto us a Son is give because He is a priority from God, with the authority of God, and who gives us liberty that is only found in God.

    Sunday, December 10, 2006 “Unto us a Son is Given” Text: Isaiah 9:6 Isaiah continues with his prophesy Unto us a Child is born and goes a step deeper by saying unto us a son is given. It is interesting to note that not only was Isaiah a man with a burning desire to follow God, but he was also a more

  • In The Light Of The Lord

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Dec 31, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    Darkness can hide a lot of things, but it cannot remove the one thing we need to have taken away...a guilty conscience.

    1The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 3And many people more

  • "God Will Teach Us"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 26, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    A sermon for the first Sunday in Advent.

    ISAIAH 2:1-5 “God Will Teach Us” In our Old Testament passage for this morning, we are told about “the mountain of the Lord” where God will teach us God’s ways so that we will be able to walk in God’s paths. God will judge and settle the disputes for the nations. There will be no more need more

  • What Are We To Do When Trouble Comes?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Feb 3, 2023

    God is always there to assist us, offering safety, peace, and refuge. God’s power is unending, and the victory has already been won. Those who love Him will be rescued by Him.

    Psalm 46:1-11 This is another case of what Christians are supposed to do when they face a problem and what some might do. How Christians handle deal with a trouble can either positively or negatively affect others. Trust and thanksgiving are the primary topics in Psalm 46. It starts with solid more

  • Sermon On The Christmas Spirit

    Contributed by William Meakin on Dec 15, 2024

    Christmas is defined as the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth, held on the 25th December in the Western Church.

    William E. Vaughan, otherwise known by the pseudonym: Burton Hillis, an American columnist and author once remarked: “The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” James 1:17 reminds us: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from more

  • Blessed Are The Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Aug 23, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    Peace is the purpose of God for mankind, the promise of Jesus, the possesson of God’s people, and the pursuit of mankind.

    Blessed Are the Peacemakers Matt. 5:9 INTRO.: Peacemakers, it seems, are blessed even above the pure in heart. They will not just see God, they will be called sons of God. Peacemakers enjoy an intimate relationship with God as sons. Maybe the greatness of the reward reflects the difficulty of more

  • War And Morality

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on May 30, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    The Scriptural criteria that determine whether a particular war is morally acceptable. “My country, right or wrong” is not a Christian motto.

    War and Morality…a Memorial Day weekend sermon by Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts Scripture text: II Samuel 22 Historian Stephen Ambrose (Band of Brothers) observed: "During WWII, when soldiers from any other army, even our allies, entered a town, the more

  • Peace Warriors

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Oct 14, 2023

    We don’t HAVE bows and arrows; we ARE bows and arrows in the hand of God.

    Probably the only part of the book of Zechariah that the average Christian would recognize is the beginning of the passage that is almost always read today, in the context of Palm Sunday, when Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time, sending his disciples into Jerusalem to pick up a donkey in more

  • The Millennium In Focus Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 13, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Many portions of the Bible discuss a literal Millennial reign of the Messiah on the earth; because it is so interwoven and connected to other teachings, we can consider the Millennium an important point of our faith.

    The Millennium in Focus (topical) 1. Futurist Thomas Frey blogs, “People are seriously worried. I’ve been in a number of conversations recently where people are very worried about our coming era of automation where fewer and fewer jobs will be left for people to do. A few months ago I more

  • God Is Our Refuge

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Sep 14, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    A sermon for the Sept. 11 tragedy.

    GOD IS OUR REFUGE Text: Psalm 46:1-11 In his book HOW CAN IT BE ALRIGHT, WHEN EVERYTHING IS ALL WRONG? Lewis B. Smedes describes hope and how we view it: "... three things are going on when we hope for something. The first is desire: we want what we hope for. The second is belief; we believe more

  • The Enemy Situation (Lesson 1) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Feb 18, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    To establish that the Christian must prepare to be fit-to-fight. Paul gives the saints at Ephesus their operations order to engage the forces of evil successfully. It outlines the enemy situation, rules of engagement, and equipment safeties (protections).

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. The Enemy Situation Remarks. 1. This is lesson one in this sermon-series: “Fit-to-Fight,” “The Enemy Situation,” in “Ephesus’ Operations Order.” This lesson will deal with the saint’s need to understand the enemy situation in this fight: for the saint’s battle in their more

  • The Way Of Peace

    Contributed by Kathy Findley on Oct 25, 2003
    based on 76 ratings

    The sermon speaks of shattering the darkness that sometimes covers our lives, darkness cause by fear, anxiety, disappintment, suffering, sin . . . The hope of Advent’s peace begins at the point we are able to own our darkness and know it intimately, w

    Advent I - Peace Isaiah 2:1-5 The season of Advent comes upon us year after year, and most every year we sing and pray and read about darkness and the dawning of light. You know the texts: "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Those who dwell in the land of the shadow more

  • The Mountain Of The Lord Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 26, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The concept of hope as set forth in Isaiah 2:1-5 shows us a glorious future.

    Scripture Today is the First Sunday of Advent. This year’s Old Testament Scripture Readings for the Season of Advent are taken from Isaiah. So, I have decided to preach from these Scripture Readings. I am calling this series of messages, “Advent in Isaiah.” God called Abram out more

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