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  • Because God Will Lead You PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Even in our moments of confusion and fear, God is present, guiding us and asking for our trust, just as He did with Moses in the wilderness.

    Good morning, church family! You know, there are moments in our lives when we feel like we're in a wilderness. We're confused, lost, and maybe even a bit frightened. But that's often when God speaks to us most clearly, guiding us and asking for our trust. Today, we'll be diving into the story of more

  • 40 Days 2 - Planned For God's Pleasure - Worship Series

    Contributed by David Elvery on Nov 27, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Adapted from welcome to the planet 40 Days of Purpose Series. Sermon #1

    WELCOME TO THE PLANET: WHAT ON EARTH AM I HERE FOR? Part 2: We were planned for God’s Pleasure – Worship Based on Series by Doug Fields Last week we introduced our series. We began to talk about What on Earth are we Here for. We found out that we can either believe that there is no God in more

  • Embracing God's Purpose For Men PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 6, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes our identity as God's deliberate, purposeful creation, encouraging us to live in alignment with His divine design and purpose.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this sacred gathering. It's a beautiful day, isn't it? The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we are here, together, ready to bask in the warmth of God's Word. Isn't it amazing how God's creation reflects His glory and reminds us of His love for us? We are His more

  • Have A Biblical Worldview Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 17, 2014

    God allows things to happen but He always has a purpose.

    Let us remind ourselves what happened in 1 Samuel Chapter 8. The Israelites before the time of King David did not consult with God and they wanted a king. They expressed themselves personally that they wanted to be just like the other nations; they abandoned God and ignored their calling as more

  • Awesome God

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on May 25, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    An exploration of God’s wisdom, power and love, and how they work together to accomplish His purposes.

    Awesome God His Wisdom, Power and Love TCF Sermon February 13, 2005 What do you think of when you think of the word “power?” When I think of power, many different things come to mind. When we’re working here in the office and a thunderstorm moves through, I think of electrical power...because more

  • More Than Enough Church Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 24, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    Many churches function on a "survival mode" mentality, rather than a faith based plan. How can you tell the difference?

    OPEN: About 100 years ago, Edgar Guest wrote the following poem: "Somebody said that it couldn’t be done, But he with a chuckle replied "maybe it couldn’t", but he would be one who wouldn’t say so till he tried. So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin on his face. If he worried he hid more

  • Caring For Other Beleivers Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 29, 2003
    based on 229 ratings

    You and I were created for community. That’s why our topic this morning is so important. You were made to have intimate relationships, to serve people lavishly, to share the stuff that you have, to build into the lives of the people around you, to have p

    Making an Impact: Caring for Other Believers It’s been said that the church is like a family. I’ve always wondered about this because some of the families I know don’t function all that well. In fact, there were times when I was growing up that I wasn’t the best brother to my sisters… I may have more

  • G.p.s. Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jul 13, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    This is the 2nd sermon in the series "Pot Holes". God plugs in the information, will you follow?

    Sunday Morning July 5, 2009 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: Pot Holes [#2] G.P.S. 1 Samuel 9:1-10:27 Introduction: As you are driving to your destination, it always helps to know how to get there. Have you ever gone somewhere that you didn’t have directions to? If you have a man more

  • 3d Series

    Contributed by Neil Henley on Jan 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Big Idea: God made you for something, has meaning and purpose! THe reason for your existence is to discover and reach that God given calling. You see, God had something in mind when He designed you! Find out more here.

    Please view disclaimer at the end of this message. God Bless! Question: Why am I here walking this earth? What is the point to life? What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning behind my life? Now I am saved why does God leave me here? I mean... Why not just take you from this earth and into more

  • God Wants You Happy Series

    Contributed by Craig Groeschel on May 30, 2008
    based on 37 ratings

    You will hear people talk about this. You will hear it on TV today with TV preachers. You’ll read books about it, and you will hear it over and over and over again, and it is a message that feels very good. Here is the urban legend. It goes something

    Urban Legends #2 [Video, Eerie Sounds] Well, I wanted to give you a little bit of, kind of a little bit of scoop on the now famous haunted house video. If you are new with us, we were promoting our legends, and we were at a house where there is an urban legend, where a little girl was supposed more

  • Keeping A Resolution Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Aug 14, 2014

    God made a resolution to save us from our sin, and kept the promise in sending His only Son.

    Keeping A Resolution Text: Gal. 3:15-22 Introduction 1. "I hereby resolve to:" a. Actually work from home on my telecommuting days. b. Get dressed before noon...or at the very least, before the video conferencing call with my boss. c. Less e-mailing? Cancel at least a few of the 9 or 10 e-mail more

  • For Want Of A Vision

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Apr 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    How many churches have failed in their ministry for want of a vision?

    For Want of a Vision Proverbs 29:18 What is Vision? Vision is more than just looking on the bright side. It is looking on God’s side. Finding the vision God has for us takes time and prayer. Steve Goodier says " Both the hummingbird and the vulture fly over our nation’s deserts. All more

  • Paul Of Arabia Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Oct 13, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Our zeal and God's timing are often very different things. God knows when, where and how to make us ready for and get us started in our ministry so that we can experience our full potential.

    Somewhat funny series of commercials that ask the same familiar question: ‘Do you wanna get away’. People find themselves in awkward or embarrassing situations and need to exit them as quickly as possible. Saul, soon to be Paul, was in just such a moment in his own life. One of the more

  • Let Us Run

    Contributed by Clark Harden on Apr 11, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God has a race for every person in this church to run. If you’re lost he’s waiting for you to join the race. It’s time for you to get engaged in the race. Let’s run! Maybe you are already in the race, but you’re carrying unnecessary weight. Lay that

    Let’s Run Opening: Hebrews 12: 1-2 from the Message Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start more

  • Embracing God's Call: Transformed By His Purpose 2 Timothy 1:9-10 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 9, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    2 Timothy 1:9-10. Let us delve into the depths of this passage and discover how God's purpose transforms us and empowers us to live out His truth.

    Embracing God's Call: Transformed by His Purpose 2 Timothy 1:9-10 Introduction: Dear brothers and sisters, today we gather to explore the transformative power of God's calling in our lives, as revealed in 2 Timothy 1:9-10. Let us delve into the depths of this passage and discover how more

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