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  • Friends In High Places Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 18, 2014
    based on 15 ratings

    What impressed Jesus in this story was the faith of the men who'd brought their friend to him - a friend who was crippled and lived in a low place of life. The phrase is "Jesus saw their faith." What does that mean? And what can it mean to us?

    A few years back, Garth Brooks came out with a popular Country and Western song called: “I’ve Got Friends In Low Places” How many of you have ever heard the song? (when most of them raised their hands, I stage whispered: “Pagans”) It has a catchy tune, but it is NOT a more

  • Sin Crouching At The Door Series

    Contributed by Jerry Smith on Mar 18, 2021

    The phrase “sin crouching at the door” the KJV has “lies at the door” depicts a wild animal such as a lion, ready to pounce on you. This is the word picture about the attack of sin. This word picture is not a literal door, but portrays Cain’s heart as a door.

    Cain was the first human to ever be born on earth. His parents, Adam and Eve, both had special creation births. Many parents will read this story of Cain and remember what it was like to wait for the birth of their first child. So many hopes and dreams are wrapped up in that little baby who is your more

  • Please Don't Chase The Dove Away

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Aug 28, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    This phrase refers to the Holy Spirit, often symbolized as a dove, and the warning it carries against actions that grieve the Holy Spirit and lead to division within the church. Our unity is a powerful force that can bring about significant change in the church and in the world.

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (James 2:1) "My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons." (Proverbs 16:18) "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit more

  • Hearing God's Voice

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on May 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The phrase He that hath an ear let him hear appears 14 times in the Bible this is interesting because the number 14 is considered to be a symbol of salvation and deliverance. The 14th day of the 1st Hebrew month called Nisan is the Passover.

    Hearing God’s Voice By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer Jr. OPENING:- I want to start this message out by telling two brief stories. The first is:- There once was a man that whispered, “God, speak to me.” And a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear. So the man yelled, “God, speak to me!” and more

  • The Law's Binding Power Series

    Contributed by David Baeder on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is the third of a series of sermons based on scriptures where a rhetorical question beginning with the phrase "Do you not know. . ." is asked. This sermon deals with the rhetorical question asked in Romans 7:1. "Or do you not know, brothers—for I am

    Series Title: Do You Not Know? Sermon Title: The Law’s Binding Power Text: Romans 7:1-6. Introduction: What a profound statement—the law is binding on a person only as long as he lives. Duh!! That’s like saying, “Don’t worry about temptation, it will only bother you as long as you live.” Or, more

  • Greatest 4 Letter Word ~ Love

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 12, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    As February comes around, you will hear the phrase ’love is in the air.’ I tend to wonder, are they talking about love or lust? People today are kind of confused between the two and do not know where to draw the line. As Christians shouldn’t it be explodi

    Opening introduction: video on LOVE. Introduction: In today’s context most people get confused with love and lust and don’t even know where to draw the line. Some do have an idea and stand by engraving a line in stone to demarcate their extent and limitations. A key difference between love and more

  • It Takes Faith (Part One) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 12, 2017

    Hebrews 11 is commonly known as the faith chapter. Each section starts out with the phrase, "by faith" and then lists a person's name and what they had done as a result of having faith. In looking at their examples we will see what it takes faith to do.

    IT TAKES FAITH (part one) Hebrews 11:1-3 INTRODUCTION: Hebrews 11 is commonly known as the faith chapter. Each section starts out with the phrase, "by faith" and then lists a person's name and what they had done as a result of having faith. All the persons listed are from the Old Testament more

  • The Dark Night Of The Soul

    Contributed by Dr. John D. Wentworth on Jan 6, 2022

    The phrase “dark night of the soul” comes from a poem by St. John of the Cross (1542-1591), a Spanish Carmelite monk. According to the poet, the “dark night of the soul” is synonymous with traveling the “narrow way” that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7:13-14.

    TITLE: THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL TEXT: 2 Cor. 4:7-10 “But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but more

  • The Apostle John Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 17, 2022

    During his life, John wrote the Gospel of John and the first, second, and third books of John and the book of Revelation. Near the end of his life, it is said that he constantly repeated the phrase, "Little children, love one another!"

    QUESTION: What is the history of John, the disciple of Jesus? ANSWER: To learn the history of John, the disciple of Jesus, we begin with his life before he met Jesus. John, his brother James, Peter, and Andrew were all partners in the fishing business before becoming disciples of Jesus. John was more

  • Not Far From The Kingdom Of God

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on May 5, 2022

    You've heard the phrase, "close but no cigar". It communicates that getting almost there is not good enough. Jesus had an encounter with a teacher of the law in Mark 12 where he tells him that he was not far from the kingdom of God.

    NOT FAR FROM THE KINGDOM OF GOD Mark 12:28-34 You've heard phrases like, "close but no cigar" or “almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades”. These communicate that getting almost there is not good enough. Jesus had an encounter with a teacher of the law in Mark 12 where at more

  • Pentecost Series

    Contributed by Greg Van Heukelom on Jun 30, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We have all heard the phrase---you are what you eat. I believe this also true for our minds and spirits, we are what we take for me and my house---I desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

    What Fills You Controls You Hello, I am pastor Greg of Calvary Reformed Church and I am here in one of the Portage parks Celery flats. We are going to be looking at part 2 of filling of the Holy Spirit. Last week we were looking at the fountain which is straight ahead from where I am standing, more

  • Filling Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Greg Van Heukelom on Jun 30, 2020

    We have all heard the phrase---you are what you eat. I believe this also true for our minds and spirits, we are what we take for me and my house---I desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

    What Fills You Controls You Hello, I’m pastor Greg of Calvary Reformed Church and I’m here in one of the portage parks Celery flats. It is a beautiful park; I chose this place with the fountain behind me because of the idea what we're going to look at today. Last week was Pentecost Sunday, more

  • It Adds Up Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 23, 2017
    based on 8 ratings

    One of the problems in too many churches is the issue of "Whose church is this?" The answer to that question is summed up in this simple phrase: "The Lord Adds to His Church." What can that mean to us and how can it change how the church functions?

    OPEN: How many people were baptized into Christ at Pentecost? (about 3000 souls) That story in Acts has inspired many churches, evangelists, missionaries and 1000s of others to attempt to reach as many as they can to bring more and more people to Christ. One such church was one from New Jersey more

  • Story Of My Life Series

    Contributed by Nickolas Kooi on Jul 8, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Story of my life. It is the phrase that you never want to say. As Paul writes Romans 7, we hear him sigh and say, "Story of My Life." As we look deeper at the chapter, we see that it is the story of our lives too!

    Jack has been working at a certain accounting firm for years. He graduated at the top of his class but his career seems to be stagnate and going absolutely nowhere. He begins to feel frustrated as he is passed over time and time again for the new positions and promotions. Not wanting this to more

  • What Do I Get Out Of It???

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 5, 2017

    The phrase "What do I get out of it" seems to embody the reason for church attendance for many people who claim Christianity as their faith today. Is the body of Christ, the church, supposed to be a vehicle to make me happy for my own sake?

    Please open your Bibles to Romans 12:3-8 which we will read in a few minutes. Why on earth would anyone want to join a church? You don’t need to officially join a church to be saved and joining a church doesn’t save you. So, what’s the big deal? With that in mind let’s go ahead and read: Romans more

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