  • Jerry Smith

    Contributing sermons since Apr 4, 2020
Jerry's church


About Jerry
  • Education: Masters from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Experience: 32 years as a full-time Minister and bi-vocational for 8 more
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  • Face Cloth Neatly Folded

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2021

    The neat folding of the face cloth gives further evidence to me that Jesus calmly and deliberately unwrapped Himself of His grave clothes and walked out of the tomb.

    I would like to see a show of hands, who makes their bed every day? I figured there would be someone who does it. You are the kind of person who should really appreciate what Jesus did in the tomb after His resurrection. I know this isn’t Easter Sunday, but I wanted to share with you something I more

  • Difference Between Grace And Mercy

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Not long ago, my wife Jane, asked me what was the difference between grace and mercy? I began rattling off some stuff, but soon realized I didn’t really know the difference either. I have researched it and found an answer.

    Let me share with you the difference between grace and mercy. I. Definitions A. Mercy is compassion shown to a law breaker or enemies. Mercy is not getting what we deserve. We deserve Hell for our sin, but God shows us mercy because of Jesus. This story will put mercy into a life situation: A more

  • Layers Of An Onion

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    I was originally drawn to this passage because of this conversation between Jesus and Peter. I wanted to understand the deeper meaning of what was being said here. I have learned that and much more. I found four layers to the onion.

    Have any of you tried a fried blooming onion? They taste great. If you haven’t had one - they cut open a sweet Vidalia onion and dip it in batter and deep fry it and all the layers spread out. You are probably wondering why I am talking about onions and making everyone hungry; it is because onions more

  • Edom's False Security

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    What gave the Edomites their arrogance and false sense of security?

    we began a new study in the one-chapter Old Testament book of Obadiah. Historians do not know anything about him personally other than he wrote this prophesy. It is a little odd that this book is included in the OT writings, because it is not written to the nation of Israel, but to Edom. The more

  • Open Your Heart's Door To Jesus

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2021

    Many people have used this verse evangelically; however, its true context is for Christians. Jesus is speaking to the Church members of Laodicea to let Him into their life for fellowship and worship and not only religious pretense.

    This is my last message on the theme of doors in the Bible. Our text is Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. (I put on screen pictures of painting - artist depictions of this more

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