The Lord's Prayer
Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Aug 11, 2024 (message contributor)
1. Teach Us To Pray
Contributed on Aug 11, 2024
The Lord's Prayer is an integral part of our prayer life and its so easy to take it for granted - to say it without thinking what we are saying or thinking. The Lord's Prayer was the result of the disciples asking Jesus to teach them to prayer.
Sometimes we have unpleasant things we have to do. Awkward situations we would rather avoid. People we would rather not meet. Tasks we put aside and hope that they will go away. One such task is writing a difficult letter – to a friend or relative who has recently been bereaved. Where do you ...read more
2. The Lord’s Prayer 2 - A Personal Relationship With God
Contributed on Aug 13, 2024
Prayer is an important part of our daily lives especially in building a relationship with God - its like any relationship it has to be worked on.
The Lord’s Prayer 2 - A personal relationship Do you know that there are two sounds, one that I love and the other I hate which ironically come from the same source! There is nothing more wonderful and lovely, a joy to the ear than to hear a baby laugh. But there is nothing worse than to hear ...read more
3. The Lord's Prayer 3 - The Pattern Of Prayer
Contributed on Aug 18, 2024
Sometime we repeat prayers over and over again and do not stop to think about what we are saying. The Lord's prayer falls into this category - we need to stop and think about each phrase and use it as our prayer.
The Pattern of prayer Sometimes when we say something in worship perhaps we do not stop and think what we are actually saying and when we do we wonder what on earth do we mean by that? Even though we might have been saying the same things over and over again we do not really think about what we ...read more
4. The Lord's Prayer 4 - Learning To Call God Father: Our Father
Contributed on Aug 24, 2024
We start the Lord's Prayer in a very personal way, calling God our Father - what a privilege but it goes even deeper than that as we are taught to call God, Abba Father where Abba means daddy. All this shows us how unique the Lord's prayer is, the prayer jesus taught us to pray.
Learning to call God Father: Our Father; who is in heaven. Do you know the wonderful thing about scripture is that you can read, re-read and read again the SAME passage and each time get something different from it! Many times nothing at all but sometimes there is that flash of inspiration when ...read more
5. The Lord’s Prayer 5 - The Holiness Of God, Sharing The Father's Heart
Contributed on Aug 27, 2024
The Christian God is unique, He is Holy and Divine but also approachable in prayer, especially the Lord's Prayer, the prayer Jesus taught us. In the Lord's Prayer Jesus taught us about the holiness of God and how to share God's heart by calling Him Father.
The Lord’s prayer 5 - The Holiness of God, Sharing the Father's heart Let your name be made holy, let your kingdom come, let your will be done, as in heaven so also on earth. When I was in school I found some subjects very boring and even thought that they were irrelevant. One such subject ...read more
6. Lord's Prayer 6 - Becoming A Discerning Child Of God
Contributed on Sep 5, 2024
Becoming a discerning child of God is not an easy task and this is where the Lord's prayer come to our aid. What is God's will to be done here on earth as it is in Heaven - this is NOT a new problem as it has been with us since the beginning of time. Does Jesus have the answer?
Becoming a discerning child of God - Let your name be made holy, - let your kingdom come, - let your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. One of the key components of intercession is the recognition that without us God's hands are tied and without God our hands are empty. Another is ...read more
7. 7.. Lord’s Prayer: Daily Bread
Contributed on Sep 17, 2024
Without food we die, our daily bread. But this food is for our wholeness in every aspect, food for life – food for body, yes AND food for our minds and our spirit. God, our Father gives us our daily bread, the bread of Life.
7.. Lord’s Prayer: Daily bread – Give us this day the bread of Life. Food is one of the most fundamental necessities for our existence; without it, life as we know it cannot be sustained. As children, we instinctively expect our parents to provide us with food. It is like an unspoken ...read more
8. Lord’s Prayer 8 - Food Glorious Food
Contributed on Oct 7, 2024
Give us our daily bread is not just about bread, its about sustaining life - our life. To be healthy means we also need spiritual food. Food glorious food in every sense of the word Food to maintain our wholeness of body, mind and spirit.
Food glorious food Christmas is not far away and if ever there was a song that described our activities over the Christmas period it must be that song from the musical Oliver – ‘Food glorious food’. We eat, drink and be merry as if tomorrow will never come. And then afterwards we have another ...read more
9. 9.. Lord’s Prayer: One Day At A Time
Contributed on Oct 7, 2024
We all have problems, worries and anxieties that we have to deal with everyday. The Lord's Prayer teaches us to take each day as it comes, step by step, to cross the bridge when we get there rather than try and solve problems that might never happen.
9.. Lord’s Prayer: ONE DAY AT A TIME Give us this day our daily bread – Did you know that in ancient Israel, bread was made for consumption the following day, so everyone had food in the house overnight. This helps us to understand the parable of the neighbour who asked for food at midnight. The ...read more
10. Lord's Prayer 10: The Need To Forgive Ourselves
Contributed on Oct 23, 2024
When we pray the Lord's Prayer we ask for forgiveness for the things we have done wrong, wrong to God and wrong to our neighbour. Sometime these things play on our minds and they are difficult to forget, we get depressed. In order to forget we need to forgive ourselves.
THE NEED TO FORGIVE OURSELVES When we meet each other either in the street or in a shop we say hello yet in the middle East the greeting is far more significant: shalom. Shalom is a biblical word and although usually translated 'peace', the word also means total harmony- with God, with ...read more
11. Lord’s Prayer 11: Forgiveness Of Sins
Contributed on Oct 30, 2024
Jesus died and suffered on the cross for us, to forgive us our sins and this is something we must never, ever take for granted. When we pray for forgiveness for the things we have done wrong to our neighbour or sinned in the sight of God our Father we must never forget the cost.
Lord’s Prayer 11: Forgiveness of Sins All his life, an old man had been a sceptic, especially about religion. Now he was dying and his friends asked him if he would like them to send for the parish priest to minister the last rites. 'No,' he said, 'God will forgive me - that's ...read more
12. Lord’s Prayer 12: As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us
Contributed on Nov 3, 2024
How often do we say this phrase everyday when we say the Lord's Prayer - AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US? Do we stop and think what we are saying and really mean it? Should we expect God our Father to forgive us if we can't forgive those who wrong us?
Lord’s Prayer 12: AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US As a young priest, John Wesley spent a short time in Georgia, USA serving as a missionary in Savannah whilst his brother Charles served as chaplain to the governor. On hearing the general say, 'Sir, I never forgive', John ...read more
13. Lord’s Prayer 13: Put Us Not To The Test!
Contributed on Dec 3, 2024
Everyday we face problems and tests which we have to try and solve or overcome - some strengthen us others lead us into doing things we are not proud of. The question that hits you from this phrase from the Lord's prayer is - does God put tests before us? Or is this just part of everyday life?
Lord’s Prayer 13: Put us not to the test! Isn’t it strange how the meaning of certain words either become old fashioned or their meaning completely changes. An extremely good example of the change of the meaning of a word, is ‘GAY’ A simple dictionary describes this adjective as someone who is ...read more
14. Lord’s Prayer 14: Deliver Us From Evil
Contributed on Dec 10, 2024
We all suffer from the effects of evil either directly or indirectly and being a Christian, having Christ in our lives helps us to overcome evil when it confronts us.
Lord’s Prayer 14: Deliver us from Evil An American preacher advertised his television programmes with the words, 'Tough times never last, tough people do'. It is through prayer that our faith is strengthened and we can become tough people. Through prayer God will sustain and guide us, ...read more
15. The Lord's Prayer 15: Never Underestimate The Power Of Evil
Contributed on Dec 17, 2024
The power of evil, unfortunately, is all around us, you only have to look at our world and you soon come to the conclusion that its gone MAD!! But God is for us, to protect us and deliver us from evil, so who can be against us.
NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF EVIL In his splendid book, The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis paints a picture of a senior devil instructing a young apprentice how to work effectively in the world. He describes his greatest achievement as persuading the world that he does not exist. Certainly ...read more