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  • Passion Of The Christ

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Oct 7, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    We know about His passion....where’s yours?

    COL 3:1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, more

  • Passion To The Christ

    Contributed by Steve Rutherford on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    This message is to challenge listeners to be passionate in their worship of Jesus Christ.

    Passion To The Christ (Joh 11:34 KJVR) And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see. (Joh 11:35 KJVR) Jesus wept. (Joh 11:36 KJVR) Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him! (Joh 11:37 KJVR) And some of them said, Could not more

  • The Passion Of Christ Series

    Contributed by David Seeley on Sep 21, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    Third is a five week series. I trust this series will help us gain a new appreciation for who Jesus Christ is and what He did for us.

    The Passion of Christ Philippians 2:8 “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Christ’s passion was to complete the work of obedience to the Father and love toward us. There were many individuals who tried to thwart more

  • The Passion Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Mar 4, 2004
    based on 134 ratings

    Learn God’s reasons for the sufferings of Jesus christ

    THE PASSION OF CHRIST Isaiah 53:1-12 How many people have already seen The Passion of the Christ? I went to see the movie this past Thursday. I had one thought during the movie and one though after the movie. As tears filled my eyes, my first thought was, “I should be the one punished. I more

  • The Passion Of The Christ

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Mar 6, 2004
    based on 44 ratings


    THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST GOSPEL: MATTHEW 26:36-46 MARCH 3, 2004 MOUNT HOLLY LENTEN LUNCH HYMN: JESUS PAID IT ALL 210 INTRODUCTION: A few years ago, as a part of orientation for new students at Belmont Abbey College, Father Martin, an elderly monk, gave a tour of the monastery. When the group more

  • Passion Of The Christ

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Mar 17, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Why did Jesus have to die such a gruesome horrible death? Why choose the crucifixion and not the firing squad?

    Passion of the Christ The movie “The Passion of the Christ” has generated all sorts of discussion in the media, in mainstream society and in churches • If nothing else it has forced people to once again confront Pilate’s question, “What do you want me to do with this man Jesus? • So today we are more

  • A Passion For The Christ

    Contributed by Fidel Patron on Mar 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    There is a need for a ’right’ belief in the life of the believer to re-awaken our passion for Christ

    In the last verse from our reading today from John 11:1-45 we read “Many of the people who were with Mary believed in Jesus when they saw this happen.” (John 1:45 NLT) The question I would like to ask this morning is, where did that believe take them? Remember how near we are to Good Friday, more

  • The Passion Of The Christ Series

    Contributed by A. David Hart on Mar 26, 2008

    To veiw the passionate state of our Savior, even while on the Cross.

    THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST Luke 23:33-43 A couple of years ago, Mel Gibson directed a movie that put new meaning to the way Christians viewed the crucifixion. Now although it was surrounded with controversy from the Jewish community and some over reacting covenant more

  • The Passion Of The Christ

    Contributed by Dan Brown on Nov 28, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Easter Message 2006 on Christ’s Love for us

    LBC Sermon-Easter (first service)4.16.06-The message of the cross-God’s love for us brought Christ to give EVERYTHING for us, our response should be to love God and give EVERYTHING for Him Holy week or Passion week Think about all that happened in the life of X that week, especially the last 24 more

  • The Passion Of The Christ Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Nov 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Message about Christ's Passion for us in Isaiah 53.

    Title: The Passion of Christ Theme: Show the true passion of Christ in Isaiah. Text: Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 Introduction This prophecy was written 700 years before the crucifixion. Isa 52:13 Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently (wisely, practical wisdom); He shall be exalted and extolled more

  • Passion For Christ

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Feb 18, 2014

    We must have a passion for Christ and that passion must be strong enough to motivate us to follow Jesus no matter what we must leave behind in order to do so.

    Last Sunday we talked about the marital relationship between husband and wife and Christ and the church and the kind of commitment that this holy love portrays. This week we’re looking at the passion that should be a part of the relationship between every believer and the Lord. Passion is more

  • The Passions Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Oct 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    When you uncover the things that people are passionate about… and see the things that they ‘willingly’ give their – time, energy, resources and efforts too, you will learn a lot about that person. Same is true of Jesus.

    The PassionS Of Christ I Want To Know Christ!!! – week three THIS MORNING – I want to start off our time together by reading a several New Testament passages that are basically doxologies… NOW - the word doxology comes from a combination of the two Greek words, doxa meaning glory, honor or more

  • The Passion Of The Christ Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Apr 9, 2021

    The first sermon of the church was about the passion of Christ.

    INTRODUCTION • When the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact America, leader after leader—from the local mayor to the governor to the president of the United States—made daily public speeches about the virus and its effects on their respective communities. • And oftentimes, the leader would issue a more

  • Is Your Passion Christs Passion

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Feb 28, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    It is an exhortation to seize the opportunity that the Lord has given us in the making of the Passion of the Christ.

    Is your Passion Christs Passion The Passion of Christ is the buzz of our time. Nearly a year ago - When I first heard about the film / Before I understood anything about it. Something deep inside of me knew it was different. As the weeks have passed my spirit has soared within me. I more

  • Understanding Christ's Passion

    Contributed by Lanny Carpenter on Apr 1, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    A look at the passion of Christ and how it is to be understood.

    UNDERSTANDING CHRIST’S PASSION ISAIAH 52:13 – 53:12 INTRO: Centuries ago on the south coast of China, high on a hill overlooking harbor of Macao, Portugese settlers built an enormous cathedral. 1. Believed it would weather time, so placed a massive bronze cross as its centerpiece. 2. Mot too more