  • Lanny Carpenter

    Contributing sermons since Jun 28, 2003
Lanny's church

Bethesda Southern Methodist Church
, South Carolina

About Lanny
  • Education: M. B. S. Degree, Southern Methodist College, Orangeburg, SC
  • Experience: Pastor for 27 years in the Southern Methodist Church. Experienced in youth camp work as counselor and speaker. Bible Teacher, Dillon Christian School, 13 years. Writer, Teacher, and Board Member at Light of Life Ministry, Nashville, TN, 15 years
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I pray that these messages are a blessing to all who read them.
  • Hobbies: Sports (playing and coaching), reading
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  • Becoming Someone's Hero

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2021

    12th in the Unlikely Heroes series. Portrays how you can become someone'

    Babe Ruth had hit 714 home runs during his baseball career and was playing one of his last full major league games. It was the Braves versus the Reds in Cincinnati. But the great Ruth was no longer as agile as he had once been. He fumbled the ball and threw badly, and in one inning alone his errors more

  • Jesus: Ultimate Unlikely Hero

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    11th in Series on Unlikely Heroes. Portrays Jesus as the most unlikely Hero of all.

    INTRODUCTION The late Senator John McCain, who was a prisoner of war, recalled an incident of patriotism and heroism inside the Vietnamese prison camp, the “Hanoi Hilton.” In 1971, the North Vietnamese moved him and some other prisoners from isolation into large rooms with as many as 30 to 40 men more

  • Barnabas: Man Of Encouragement

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    10th in the series Unlikely Heroes. Portrays Barnabas' great, heroic attribute of encouragement.

    INTRODUCTION The late Bishop Fulton Sheen once entered a greasy-spoon restaurant for breakfast, and when the waitress, groggy and disinterested, took his order, he replied, “Bring me some ham and eggs and a few kind words.” When she returned 15 minutes later, she set the food before him and said, more

  • Paul: Man Of Zeal

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2021

    9th in the series Unlikely Heroes. Portrays Paul's great, heroic attribute of zeal.

    INTRODUCTION On an autumn day nearly 200 years ago, Ray Palmer met his friend Lowell Mason on a busy Boston Street. Mason was a collector and publisher of hymns, and he asked Palmer if he had recently seen any good religious verse. Palmer thought a moment, then pulled out a little book in which more

  • John: Man Of Love

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2021

    8th in the series Unlikely Heroes. Portrays John's great, heroic attribute of love

    INTRODUCTION A little 4-year-old African girl had been sold as a slave. She had never known what love was. Even her name, Keodi, meant “Nobody loves me!” When she grew to be about 10 years old, her body became covered with ugly sores. The natives turned her out and would have nothing to do with more

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