Sermon Series
  • 1. I Want To Know Christ

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    The introductory message to the series I want to know Jesus. A series designed to help us take Jesus out of the box of our current understanding so that He can become all that He really is in our lives.

    I Want To Know Christ Video – Who Is Jesus? Luke writes in the 9th chapter of his gospel; Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one more

  • 2. The Person Of Christ

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In the message we will look at the Person of Jesus by unpacking several of His names and also by describing how Jesus is in every book in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

    The Person Of Christ I Want To Know Christ! – week 2 THIS MORNING – I want to start out with a passage of Scripture from Colossians chapter one, I’m reading from the Message Bible. 15-18We look at Christ and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at Christ and see God's original purpose more

  • 3. The Passions Of Christ

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    When you uncover the things that people are passionate about… and see the things that they ‘willingly’ give their – time, energy, resources and efforts too, you will learn a lot about that person. Same is true of Jesus.

    The PassionS Of Christ I Want To Know Christ!!! – week three THIS MORNING – I want to start off our time together by reading a several New Testament passages that are basically doxologies… NOW - the word doxology comes from a combination of the two Greek words, doxa meaning glory, honor or more

  • 4. The Emotions Of Christ

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    In this MSG we will look and several of the emotions of Jesus that we find on display in the Gospels and discover what they reveal to us about who He is.

    The Emotions Of Christ I Want To Know Christ – week 4 TODAY - is week four of our message series, “I Want To Know Christ…” A – 7 week series that is ALL about one thing… A journey to know Christ better. A journey where many of us are embracing Paul’s cry in Philippians 3:10 as our own. “I Want more

  • 5. The Foolishness Of Christ

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    In this MSG we will look at some of the ways of Jesus that to the 'upside down' world looked foolish.

    The Foolishness Of Christ 24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. 26 But more

  • 6. The Miracles Of Christ

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    In this message from the feeding of the 5000 we will talk about 4 principles for cooperating with God so He can do a mighty work in our lives.

    The Miracles of Christ THIS MORNING – is week 5 of our message series ‘I Want To Know Christ…’ A SERIES – where many of us in this room are desperately trying to know better THE ONE we have chosen to follow and have surrendered our lives to. AND WHY – are we so desperate to know Him… Because more