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  • The Sacrifice Of Praise

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Nov 7, 2020

    Are You Hungry? The aroma of a marvelous meal will whet your appetite! I hope to make you hungry for praise today!

    THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE “Through Him then, let’s continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips praising His name.” Hebrews 13:15 NASB What is your favorite food aroma? Apple pie. Turkey baking in the oven or deep far fried. Steak on the grill. Gumbo. (I’m more

  • It's True, You Can’t Out Give God!

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jun 29, 2022

    George Muller, September 1805–1898, witnessed probably more miracles than anyone ever. Along with pastoring one church for, 66 years, Muller establish the Ashley Down Orphanage in Bristol, England. He cared for 10,024 orphans while establishing 117 schools for their education throughout England.

    You Can’t Out Give God! John 6:1-13TPT Picture this, I'm at the marriage supper of the Lamb, I worship God with every bite. By the time dessert is served, revival is about to break out. What’s served? I’m not sure, but I know this, “It will be better than a fillet mignon with a blue cheese more

  • Christian Giving

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jul 12, 2022

    Many have asked, "How should I give to the Lord?" I thought I would share.

    I. An Individual Matter a. Not prescribed for a few to provide for all. b. Every member proposition. c. Church is a group of individuals. II. It Should be Proportionate a. As God has prospered. b. Distribution of obligation, 2 Corinthians 8:13-14 1) Faith method 2) Businesslike, no need of more

  • What We Believe About Stewardship Series

    Contributed by Todd Blair on Jul 19, 2022

    We don't give to obey the Law. We give to be obedient to God.'s it going? No, seriously. I mean how is your life really going right now? Pretty good? Could be better? Awful? Don't answer out loud but just think about it. On a scale of one to ten, how is your life? One is depressed and miserable. Ten is living a full and abundant life. If more

  • Is It My Money Or Is It God's Money?

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Feb 18, 2021

    Stewardship is a heart issue.

    MATTHEW 6:19-21, 24, 33 AND MALACHI 3:7-12 “IS IT MY MONEY OR IS IT GOD’S MONEY?” A) Boy do I have the stewardship program for us. * Let’s call it “MONEY SUNDAY.” – The rules are simple, so listen up. * All offering envelopes will be placed into a large round tumbler, (on the altar of more

  • Being Good Stewards Of God's Riches Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 19, 2023

    We learn some good principles of giving in this chapter. We want to nurture a heart that gives, seize the opportunity to give, keep to our commitment in giving, and guard God's gift with care.

    [You may listen to this audio sermon with slides at Earlier audio sermons are available at Thank you.] 2 Cor 8:16-9:5 Being Good Stewards of God’s Riches God is our Creator and He owns everything. We are stewards of all that He more

  • Pay Tithes, Get Floodgates Open

    Contributed by John Gaston on Mar 1, 2023

    The terminology for how God will reward tithers is extreme.God says He will “open the floodgates of Heaven.” This phrase was first used to describe the amount of water that fell during Noah’s flood (Gen. 7:11).

    PAY TITHES, GET FLOODGATES OPEN Malachi 3:10 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: Texas Cowboy Humor 1. Where do cowboys cook their meals? On the range. 2. What advice do cows give? Turn the udder cheek and mooooove on! 3. Why did the bowlegged cowboy get fired? Because he couldn't keep his calves more

  • Courage To Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 5, 2023

    A 5 week series using Philippians as a guide.

    Courage to Sacrifice Philippians 3:1-11 November 19, 2023 Have you ever known anyone who seemed to have it all, they were on the fast track to success. It seemed like their star power was increasing more and more. When someone looked at them, they whispered to others . . . “they’re going to go more

  • Courage To Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 5, 2023

    A 5 seek series using Philippians as a guide.

    Never Give In Philippians 3:12-4:1 November 26, 2023 You may not know this about Winston Churchill, but he struggled in school. Churchill failed the 6th grade and had to take a math class over 3 times. He couldn’t get into certain colleges because of poor grades and he failed the military more

  • Dear Philippians

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Mar 26, 2019

    A lover of God becomes a giver and server!

    My dear Philippians Philippians 4:15”You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone..” You know what, this is going to be really difficult to type; nevertheless, more

  • Hey, Wait A Minute

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Apr 23, 2018

    A study in the book of Leviticus 2: 1 – 16

    Leviticus 2: 1 – 16 Hey, wait a minute 2 ‘When anyone offers a grain offering to the LORD, his offering shall be of fine flour. And he shall pour oil on it, and put frankincense on it. 2 He shall bring it to Aaron’s sons, the priests, one of whom shall take from it his handful of fine flour and more

  • The Veneer Of Giving Excuses.

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 29, 2020

    Today starts a new series on EXCUSES. We look at the 3 major classes of excuses offered by people. Who believes your excuses? ( Next: EVEN THE BEST)

    THE VENEER OF GIVING EXCUSES… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. This is a start of a series on EXCUSES. (Next: EVEN THE BEST) TEXT: WITH ONE CONSENT… Luke 14:15 And when one of them that sat at meat with him heard these things, he said unto him, Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of more

  • Giving Is An Act Of Worship

    Contributed by John Dixon on Jul 1, 2019

    Clara Null of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma told of living in a small town with one bank and three churches. Early one Monday morning, the bank called all three churches with the same request. “Could you bring in Sunday’s collection right away?” We’re out of one-dollar bills.”

    Giving Is An Act Of Worship Proverbs 3:5-10 NASB Giving can be a very touchy subject for many people. The reputation of the Church has been damaged by folks who have abused others for their own selfish gain. But the excesses of a few wicked folks do not absolve you from your responsibilities. more

  • It’s Up To You

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 29, 2018

    A study in the book of Genesis 22: 1 - 24

    Genesis 22: 1 - 24 It’s up to you 22 Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” 2 Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering more

  • The Spirit Of Sacrificial Laws Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 20, 2021

    Offerings were given often in Israel. One of those special offerings was the Passover lamb (Numbers 28:16). How does any of the sacrificial system apply to the Christian in the spirit? Paul gave the Romans a basic principle that applies the law in spirit.

    Burnt offerings (Numbers 28:2-6) and grain and drink offerings (Numbers 28:2-8) were given often, as well as a whole liturgy of other offerings throughout the years. One of those special offerings was the Passover lamb (Numbers 28:16). How does any of the sacrificial system apply to the Christian more

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