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  • Freed By Forgiveness

    Contributed by John Gaston on Apr 23, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Coronavirus "stay-at-home" orders are causing an avalanche of divorces worldwide as people find out they don't like who they're living with. We need to fall on our knees and let God give us grace & patience to forgive those who offend us!

    FREED BY FORGIVENESS Mt. 18:21-35 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A story out of Fort Sumner, New Mexico, describes the power of revenge. Luciano Mare, 81 years old, caught a mouse inside his house and wanted to get rid of it. 2. He was burning leaves out in his yard, so he carried it out and threw more

  • The Politics Of Jesus

    Contributed by Tj Long Jr on Oct 30, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Christians think they align with Jesus' views. Some are surprised, others offended. Jesus’ campaign sounds like a liberal utopia because we’re not ready to let go of hate, we’re not ready to trust in God and not in the law. We have to transcend hate and show the mercy we’ve been shown by God.

    There are only two shows that I’ve ever watched the entire series. One of which I still own on DVD and have watched the entire series 3 times. If there was any show that I’d love to see still running today it would be this one. I’d love to see how it would interpret and respond to the issues of our more

  • Are You A Fan Or A Follower? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 7, 2014
    based on 48 ratings

    Fans walk away. Followers follow. But why do Fans walk away and how can we be sure we're not "one of them"?

    (Note, this sermon doesn't follow Idleman's approach. I preach differently than he does and felt I would fail to do justice to his message if I did it his way. I apologize for any frustration this may cause to those who read this sermon) A man named Charlie Moore moved into a new community with more

  • Dealing With Tensions And Conflicts In Churches And Church Organisations - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Feb 16, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Our study continues with a few serious matters. The place of PRIDE and GOSSIP is opened up, plus some thoughts on MONEY; and the way some like to dominate others. They all cause tensions in churches. Faithful, honest preaching is vital to reduce potential conflicts.

    DEALING WITH TENSIONS AND CONFLICTS IN CHURCHES AND CHURCH ORGANISATIONS – PRACTICAL EXAMINATION AND SUGGESTIONS – PART 2 Last time we began a list of issues that I have seen over my lifetime that can cause tensions and conflicts in the church. In this second message we continue that more

  • Who Is God? Part 2

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 8, 2020

    How can we understand how great God is? How good is God? How near is God to us right now? How high above us is God? How is God one? Why does God use the imagery of a Father when that offends so many today? How is Jesus also God? How is the Holy Spirit God? Let's discuss.

    How Near or Far is God? Immanence — God’s nearness The Bible quotes God as saying that He fills heaven and earth or as other translations put it, he is everywhere. "Can a man hide himself in hiding places So I do not see him?" declares the LORD. "Do I not fill the heavens and the more

  • The Servant In The Barn Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 8, 2013
    based on 26 ratings

    What can the story of a baby born in a manger tell us about being a servant like Jesus would want us to be?

    OPEN: There’s a story about church whose Sunday School decided to allow the children to stage their own impromptu Christmas pageant. The teachers read the story and provided some props; then they just stood off to the side and let the kids dramatize it on their own. One girl grabbed the more

  • I Noah Man Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 27, 2014
    based on 22 ratings

    The people of that day were unbelievably wicked, but was there a chance God would have spared them? Did God want to? And what can the flood tells us about the coming judgment at the end of time when Jesus returns?

    Someone put together a list entitled: "All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Noah's Ark" o Noah didn't wait for his ship to come in, he built one. o Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark. o Stay fit. When you're 500 years old, someone might ask you to do something REALLY big. o more

  • Forgiveness

    Contributed by Jb Hall on Jun 29, 2011

    This sermon answers 5 questions: (1) What is forgiveness? (2) Why is forgiveness needed? (3 ) Who needs forgiveness? (4) How do I receive and give forgiveness? (5) What are the results of forgiveness having been received or extended?

    Forgiveness Matthew 18:21 – 35 By: JB Hall Introduction: Central to salvation and the entire Christian life and experience is the issue of forgiveness. One who needs forgiveness is indebted and in bondage. The one who needs to forgive is also in bondage. This morning we want to more

  • Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 23, 2015
    based on 23 ratings

    Almost everybody can quote Jesus' statement: "Judge not". But are they quoting Him properly? Is there something in His words that say more than most people think?

    OPEN: Little Tommy was out on the playground during recess and was picking on the other children on the playground. One of his favorite ways of taunting the other kids was make ugly faces at them. Mrs. Smith was the teacher in charge of supervising recess and she saw Tommy doing this. She took more

  • Handling Offenses When They Come

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 26, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    How Christians deal with offenses.

    Handling Offenses When They Come Scripture: Luke 17:1-4; 2 Timothy 2:24; Matthew 18:15-16 Introduction The topic of this message is “Handle Offenses When They Come.” This message has been in my spirit since February of this year. We, as individuals and as a Church body, need to be fully more

  • Get Off The Fence

    Contributed by Kevin Taylor on Feb 22, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Did you know that God cannot perform a miracle in our life if we allow offenses to rule it? This lesson will show you how to rid your life of offenses as well as how not to be one.

    Text: Matthew 13:53-58 Verse 57 says that they were offended at Him. Why? Because they could not believe that He was the Son of God. I want us to look at this word “offense” today. What does it mean? What does the Word say about it? First, we must define the word: Offense. Webster’s II, more

  • Words And Their Consequences

    Contributed by Jeremy Long on Oct 7, 2024

    How many of you know that our words have consequences? That what comes out of our mouth has eternal significance? Learn today that our spoken WORDS can have eternal significance and consequence. Which words will you be allowing to proceed out of your mouth??

    Words and their consequences. I may be on track to get cancelled today. We need to talk about something that is probably going to rub someone the wrong way. And to that I will say………..Deal with it! Because I dealt with it first and it came down on me first and it was not pretty!! Did I just more

  • Overcoming Offenses

    Contributed by Danny Williams on Oct 25, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    How to Overcome offenses

    “Overcoming Offence” July 27, 2003 Am - Danny L. Williams Luke 17:1-5 Intro: Last week I share on Patience the fruit of the Spirit, And I believe that my subject this morning is responsible for absolutely blocking up the fruit of the Spirit. EVERY One of them: So we need to deal with more

  • The Ingredients For Believing God Pt 3 Series

    Contributed by Mike Sanders on Sep 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon series helps the believer position themselves in place where God can manifest Himself

    THE INGREDIENTS FOR BELIEVING GOD PT 3 PT 1: Hook your mouth up to your heart! PT 2: You can believe God with your heart and doubt in your head! PT 3: It possible to receive the word with joy and then be offended? Matthew 13:3-9 (NKJV) 3 Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: more

  • "Taking The Initiative To Reconcile" Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Nov 16, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Whose responsibility is it if reconciliation is to happen?

    Last time we spoke of the role of forgiveness in reconciliation. We said that without forgiveness, reconciliation is not possible. For reconciliation results with the offended person forgives and the offending person repents. Forgiveness + Repentance = Reconciliation Our reconciliation with God more

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