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  • Be Thou My Vision Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 4, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    In the Bible, people often fasted when they were serious about getting direction (or a vision) from God. Who fasted in the Bible, and why should we?

    "Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it; Plan more than you can do, then do it; Point your arrow at a star, take your aim, and there you are; Arrange more time than you can spare, then spare it; Take on more than you can bear, then bear it; Plan your castle in the air, then build a ship more

  • Eulogy--Rochelle Noel

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jul 20, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    This is a funeral for a woman who grew up in the church but has been away from it for about 25 years. She left 4 children behind.

    Eulogy –Rochelle Noel by Rick Gillespie- Mobley In the year 1961, young people from across the country were beginning to do freedom rides in order to desegregate, the bus terminals throughout the south. Young people were being sent as gifts to make this country more of what it needed more

  • Noel- "Now All Is Well"

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Dec 18, 2000
    based on 60 ratings

    A Christmas sermon on the word "Noel."

    Introduction: A. There are many Christmas traditions and observances that have lost their meanings. B. Many words have lost their original meanings. C. Like, What does Gloria in Excelsis Deo Mean? It means Glory to God in the highest, but how many of us know that when we sing the Christmas more

  • Good News.... Peace For Your Soul

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Dec 15, 2017

    The sermon is about the "Peace" offered by faith in Jesus verses the fear that comes into our daily lives. What is the "peace" the angels offered the shepherds at Bethlehem? (some quotes from Max Lucado in "Fearless" Includes a story about "Noel"

    In Jesus Holy Name December 17, 2017 Advent III Text: Luke 2:10, 14 Redeemer “Good News…Peace For Your Soul” Today is our Children’s Christmas Program. The program this year is based on more

  • Christmas Questions

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Dec 14, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    At what time of year was Jesus born? What does Noel mean? How could the wisemen come from so far, yet show up on time? How many Wisemen worshiped Jesus? What was the star the wisemen followed? Who were the wisemen? How is His birth and death tied together

    1. At what time of year was Jesus born? Answer: late December. Jesus was baptized about his 30th birthday. ¡§That Jesus was also baptized . . . Jesus Himself began to be about thirty years of age (Luke 3:21-23). Jesus had approximately 5 to 6 months of activity between his baptism and his trip more

  • The 12 Days Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 22, 2015
    based on 15 ratings

    When you view the Christmas story in Scripture, it almost seems like God didn't invest much in Jesus' birth. Lowly parent, born in a barn, laid in a manger, announced to mere shepherds. Is there something about this gift of Christ that we're missing? (acapella – fade out at 3:00) Did you notice how much fun those guys had singing that song? That’s the way it ought to be because Christmas is a fun time of the year. There’s another Christmas song that says that Christmas is the more

  • Have You Any Room Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 1, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    There was no room to be found for Mary and Joseph to stay in Bethlehem? Seriously? You'd think someone would have taken pity on a VERY pregnant woman that day, but no one did. Why not?

    Several years ago, a church held a Christmas pageant with a group of 4 year-olds. Everything went along pretty well until Mary and Joseph “arrived” at the inn. The 4 year-old Joseph asked: “Do you have any room for us?”. “No,” replied the innkeeper, “the inn is full.” “But it’s so cold outside, more

  • Lessons Learned In The Valley

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    My experience with cancer taught me some important lessons about life that I could only learn in the valley of suffering.

    Lessons Learned in the Valley Chuck Sligh May 2004 BIBLE READING: Psalm 23 TEXT: Psalm 23:4 – “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” INTRODUCTION Several years ago (1979), I went to the more

  • Spiritual Development

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Feb 10, 2025

    Paper for Erskine Theological Seminary CC52 July 10 2023

    This is a paper that critiques theories of spiritual development including Fowler, Oser, and McGoldrick that articulates a personal theory of spiritual development using at least five sources in the APA style. All biblical quotes are from the New American Standard Bible. Fowler faith more

  • Can Anything Good Come Out Of Nazareth Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 7, 2014
    based on 34 ratings

    Nazareth would seem to be an insignificant backwater town. That's how most scholars have painted it. The city didn't even seem to make much difference in the life of Christ. But is there more to its story?

    OPEN: What you just saw was the opening celebration for last year’s “Christmas in Nazareth”. It’s a 5 day festival that begins with the lighting of a Christmas tree and fireworks. In the following days there are parades, more

  • The Way Of Escape Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Aug 20, 2022

    If you want to escape sin in times of temptation, realize how much God has blessed you, resist the desire for evil, rely on God for your way of escape. Then take that way of escape and run! Run from the idolatry that will eventually destroy you.

    For six months, a farmer near Regensburg, Germany, worked in vain to capture his runaway bull. The bull had escaped in the summer and hid out in the Bavarian woods. The farmer attempted to lasso the animal, but the bull would always slip away into the woods. Once, the farmer tried shooting the more

  • Astonished By Answered Prayer! Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 24, 2016

    When Peter was imprisoned in Acts 12, the church in Jerusalem prayed fervently...but not in faith. The results were comical, yet God answered their prayer. This sermons examines the importance of faith in life and especially in our prayers.

    Astonished by Answered Prayer! Acts Series Chuck Sligh February 24, 2016 TEXT: Turn in your Bibles please to Acts 12 INTRODUCTION Have you ever been in a really BAD situation? JOKE: Three guys are stranded on a desert island, which was bad enough. Then they find a magic lantern containing a more

  • The Son In Songs

    Contributed by Loyd C. Taylor on Dec 8, 2023

    This was used as a Christmas letter. It may be of use to you either as a sermon, illustration or letter.

    I love Christmas, who doesn't? I love Christmas music, decorations, and presents! Yes! I love to receive presents, don't you? But I love the songs of Christmas, and I love to hear of the Son in Christmas songs! “It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” is a line from the popular more

  • After He Rose

    Contributed by Russell Jeffares on Apr 3, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Easter sermon on why Jesus told Mary not to cling on to Him.

    “After He Rose” John 20:10-18 I. Introduction a. Illustration: Noel and Jill seemed to have everything. They worked in ministry with youth in Germany. Noel gave up a promising basketball career to pursue full time ministry. After five years of marriage Jill was six months pregnant. She was very more

  • The Story Of Christmas

    Contributed by Emil Boniog on Dec 18, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    From the story of Christmas, I learned practical lessons about SOVEREIGNTY, SOUL-MATE, SUBMISSION, AND SELF-SACRIFICE.

    THE CHRISTMAS STORY Luke 2:1-20 The play we just watched is called “The First Noel.” Of course, “Noel” is the name of the boy in the play. However, the word noel has its origin in the French language and it means Christmas. So, the “first noel” means the first Christmas. I saw two dominant more

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