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  • Advent Through The Eyes Of A Prophet Pt. Ii

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Dec 7, 2003
    based on 17 ratings


    ADVENT THROUGH THE EYES OF A PROPHET PT. II: PREPARE THE WAY ISAIAH 40:1-11 2ND SUNDAY IN ADVENT DECEMBER 7, 2003 INTRODUCTION: Twas’ the night Jesus came Twas’ the night Jesus came and all through the house, not a person was praying, not one in the house. The Bible was left on the shelf without more

  • What Have You Fixed Eyes Upon

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Jan 10, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    Walking on Water or staying on the boat what are you focusing on. Faith. Are you trusting Christ or are you taking your eyes off of HIM?

    What Have you Fixed Eyes Upon Matthew 14: 28-33 In the Verses three words stick out COME- in the present tense, come NOW SAVE- (lord save me) delivers or protect DOUBT- to weaver- to stand in two ways The more we believe = less doubt We must go forth to meet him in a way of duty PRAYER INTRO more

  • Praying That The Eyes Of Your Heart Would Be Enlightened

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 15, 2005
    based on 118 ratings

    A shoe manufacturer who decided to open the Congo market sent two salesmen to the undeveloped territory. One salesman cabled back: “Prospect here nil. No one wears shoes.” The other salesman reported, “Market potential terrific! Everyone needs shoes.

    Praying that the Eyes of Your Heart Would Be Enlightened (Eph. 1:16-20) "I pray that the Father of Glory may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation (of insight into the mysteries and secrets) in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him. By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so more

  • See The Ascended Jesus With The Eyes Of Your Heart

    Contributed by Jon Hadler on Jun 6, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    An ascension sermon to help us see through faith that Jesus rules and reigns over all things for the good of the Church.

    SEE THE ASCENDED JESUS WITH THE EYES OF YOUR HEART 1. He Rules Over All Things 2. He Rules for the Church Years ago in a small town a man received a permit to open a tavern in that town. The members of the local church were strongly opposed to the bar, and so they began praying, asking God to more

  • Run The Race -- Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

    Contributed by Kelvin Parks on Nov 30, 2001
    based on 111 ratings

    Stay focused -- God is going to run that last mile with God.

    RUN THE RACE -- KEEP YOU EYES ON THE PRIZE I Corinthians 9:24-25 Let us pray -- Lord, the task of preaching your Gospel is once again in my keeping and I commit myself to do it the best that I can. Clear my mind of distractions, warm my heart with compassion, and fill my soul with faith in your more

  • Why God Opens Our Blind Eyes?

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Jun 29, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    You may be suffering from blindness that you are not aware of! It’s worse than physical blindness.

    “The LORD opens the eyes of the blind…” (Ps. 146:8, New American Standard Bible – Updated Edition.) No doubt the Almighty Creator can open the eyes of the blind. When Jesus was on earth, He fulfilled the words of prophet Isaiah: "THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH more

  • Lord, Open The Eyes Of Our Young Men

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon encourages our young men to look beyond the difficulties of life to the unseen power of God.

    Intro. Oh that God would open the eyes of our young men. What a tremendous prayer for our times. We often tell our sons and our daughters that they need to open thier eyes. If our daughters or sons meet the wrong person base on our opinion, we encourage them to open thier eyes. But how often do we more

  • Ther Is More To You Than Meets The Eye Series

    Contributed by Michael West on Oct 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Lord is my Banner. My license. My authority under whom I am commanded, under Whom I follow and His banner fly’s high. Jehovah Nissi gives us victory over the flesh, the world and the devil. Our battles are His battles of light against darkness and go

    May 4th, 2008 River of Life Ministries Pastor Michael West Series: His Majesty, His Name Part Six— Jehovah Nissi—Banner Sermon: There is more to you than meets the eye Scripture: Luke 10:19-20 The Lord is my Banner. My license. My authority under whom I am commanded, under Whom I follow and more

  • I've Got My Eye On You!

    Contributed by Dean Meadows on Jun 7, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a sermon that deals with keeping our eyes on Jesus and what happens when we do so.

    I’ve got my eye on You! Hebrews 12:1-3 “I’ve got my eye on you”, is a saying that we all have heard at one time or other. Maybe it was when you received a warning from a person of authority, a police officer who gave you a break but tells you that if they catch you speeding again you will get more more

  • "Running Your Race And Keeping Your Eyes

    Contributed by Ronnie Mcneill on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Keep your eyes on the prize. The prize is Jesus the Christ. No matter how hard the road becomes, keep your eyes on Jesus the Christ.

    Looking at the world of athletics, I see many young people training daily with dreams of becoming a professional athlete. Whether it’s in football, baseball, basketball, tennis, figure skating, boxing, or whatever the sport, they know that they must train diligently and must be consistent in more

  • Short Challenge: Keeping Our Eyes On Christ Series

    Contributed by Nate Herbst on Jan 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A short encouragement on how to practically keep our eyes on Christ.

    Short Challenge: Keeping your eye’s on Christ! Can’t stay stagnant in life – you’re always going up or down. Jer.30:21 – “…who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?” Heb.12:1-2 – “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that more

  • Seeing With Our Eyes; Touching With Our Hands Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 23, 2010

    John's sacramental vision was translated into a church building with two centers--a center of the Word and a center of Eucharistic celebration

    Feast of St. John Dec 27 2010 Spirit of the Liturgy It is very appropriate to be preaching on the Spirit of the Liturgy on the Feast of St. John, because both the letters and the Gospel of John are so sacramental. One useful definition of sacrament is Christ touching us through sacred signs. Our more

  • Marked Moments? "Open Your Eyes, There Everywhere"!

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jan 9, 2012
    based on 9 ratings

    Those were small stepping stones, compared to what was going to happen next. This would be the one that would put him on the map, the one that would make his name a household word forever

    Marked Moments? Open Your Eyes, There Everywhere! Eccl. 9:11 NKJ 11. I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift,  Nor the battle to the strong,  Nor bread to the wise,  Nor riches to men of understanding,  Nor favor to men of skill;  But time and chance happen to them more

  • Ruth Chapter One: "Open Your Eyes" Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Feb 15, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    To overcome bitterness, we need to open our eyes to see the personal concern of others and the providential care of God.

    Today we are beginning a series of messages based on the book of Ruth. This book as often referred to as one of the greatest love stories in the Bible, if not one of the greatest love stories in all of literature. When such an observation is made, of course, it is the love relationship between more

  • There Is More To Me Than The Eye Can See Series

    Contributed by Jerry Gatson on Feb 5, 2006
    based on 68 ratings

    As a believer, I have Jesus Christ the King on the inside of me. Therefore, there is more to me than the eye can see.

    THE BELIEVER’S TRAINING HANDBOOK (part 4) There Is More To Me Than The Eye Can See! 1Sa 16:1-13 And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the more

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