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  • Gift Or Stick!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Sep 19, 2013

    The flaming sword is reserved for stubborn sinners!

    GIFT OR STICK! Genesis 3:24’So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.’ The noise my school kids make was just horrendous and unbearable! We threatened, punished, more

  • The Art Of Focus

    Contributed by Amos Mapanda on Oct 19, 2020

    When one focus, you are blinded to other things and you fix your attention on just one thing.

    Heb 12:2 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. When one focus, you are blinded to other things and you fix your attention on just one thing. By more

  • The God Of The Impossible--Kid's Message

    Contributed by David Henderson on Nov 4, 2020

    I started to get dressed for church and realized that one of my socks had a hole in the toe. I didn't have time to mend them right then, so I thought I could do it during children's time this morning.

    The God of the Impossible. Object: a sock (or other garment) with a hole in it, a needle and thread. (Use large thread so that it is very difficult to get it through the eye of the needle.) Scripture: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter more

  • Train Your Conscience - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Nov 22, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    The Lord warns us that our eyes should be trained to be pure. Many are struggling with the sins of the eyes, because while there is much restriction as to what one can do with their hands and legs, there is no restraint set as to what one can do with their eyes.

    Train your conscience - Part 2 In the past few chapters, we have delved deep into the subject of our conscience. To summarize briefly, we understand that our conscience is placed inside of us by God Himself, it is God’s gift to us, which serves as our internal audit to help us be aware of what is more

  • He Taught Them Many Parables (The Body’s Lamp) # 22

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 14, 2022

    In this parable, the Lord used the image of eyesight to convey an important spiritual principle.

    We all would agree that eyesight is something that is very important to all of us. Illus: Did you hear about the fellow that went to the store the other day, and he said that he was there for only about 5 minutes. When he came out, he SAW there was a motorcycle policeman writing a parking more

  • "faith Vs Distractions" Part Ii

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Aug 14, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon is about the contrast between Peter's faith when he was distracted when walking on the water. He took his eyes off Jesus. The Canaanite woman faced many distractions but refused to take her eyes off Jesus. some comments from Ray Pritchard Matthew 15

    In Jesus Holy Name August 16, 2020 Text: Matthew 15:28 Pentecost XI - Redeemer “Faith vs. Distractions” Part II Matthew has another great story for us this morning. Matthew tells us about the faith of a Gentile woman. It is a lesson for us about over coming more

  • Quand Notre Cœur Marche AprÈs Nos Yeux

    Contributed by James Dina on Jun 26, 2021

    Veille sur tes yeux et ton cœur avec une grande diligence. Gardez vos yeux, de peur qu'ils n'ensorcellent votre cœur. Veillez sur vos cœurs, de peur qu'ils ne soient pris au piège par vos yeux. Là où l'œil est plein d'adultère, le cœur l'est aussi.

    QUAND NOTRE CŒUR MARCHE APRÈS NOS YEUX " Si mon pas s'est détourné du chemin, si mon cœur a marché après mes yeux, et si quelque tache s'est attachée à mes mains ;" (JOB 31:7) Le cœur peut-il marcher après les yeux ? OU l'œil peut-il more

  • The Veil PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 5, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores overcoming unseen barriers to deepen our relationship with God, using wisdom from the Bible to battle distraction and deception.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. It is indeed a joy to be in the house of the Lord with all of you today. We are gathered here not as mere spectators, but as active participants in the divine narrative of grace and redemption. We are here not just to hear the Word, but to live it, to embody it, more

  • God's Divine Nature Lesson 5 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 24, 2023

    “God is Spirit” (John 4:24, NLT). He has all power, all knowledge, and is everywhere present at the same time.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. How could the untrained observe and describe God? a. Spirit. b. Invisible. c. Unknown. d. The source of law. e. Intelligent – designer. 2. Only God understands Himself perfectly. Why some have difficulty accepting/defining/describing God: a. No infinite more

  • Encountering Jesus - Moving Naturally In The Anointing And Fire Of God

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Mar 6, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    God wants to give us a fresh anointing of Fire and impartation of His heart

    I have some questions for you. - Are you discontent with your spiritual life? - Does just going to church not satisfy the yearning deep in your heart? - Do you feel that nothing seems to satisfy you anymore? - Are you desperate for more of Jesus? - Do you desire intimacy with Him but more

  • 4 Nature Of Man – Body- Aid Is Crucify The Flesh Series

    Contributed by Louis Posthauer on Jul 14, 2022

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the body are summarized as the lusts of the flesh.

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the body are summarized as the lusts of the flesh. We discussed these in Study 3 -Lusts of the body are: >SEXUAL lust: All desire for sexual satisfaction outside of marriage >GLUTTONY: 1: excess in eating more

  • Plain To See Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 6, 2019

    We cannot be excused from responding to the light we all have. This includes the obvious realization that there is a might Creator.

    Plain to See (Romans 1:19-22) 1. One cold, snowy Minnesota night, I got lost on the way home. The snow was blowing so fast and piling up so high, I couldn't see any street signs. With no map in my car and a dead cell phone, I thought I might be stranded so I pulled over to the side of the more

  • Our Eyes Look To The Lord Our God

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 31, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    To show that our eyes must be fixed on our Master, LORD and SAVIOR - the LORD JESUS CHRIST and not to the things that can make us rich, things that can feed us,etc, for our MASTER our LORD is a Good Master He always feeds us daily.

    I. EXORDIUM: Where are your eyes fixed? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that our eyes must be fixed on our Master, LORD and SAVIOR - the LORD JESUS CHRIST and not to the things that can make us rich, things that can feed us,etc, for our MASTER our LORD is a Good more

  • Where Jesus Stopped: The Nature Of His Two Comings Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 15, 2015

    We often need hurry because our time is so limited, but God is in no hurry. That means we have to adjust to God’s ways and imitate His ways.

    Where Jesus Stopped: The Nature of His Two Comings (Isaiah 61) 1. Some people can be too patient. One blogger complained. She writes: “Today, my new roommate took a shower. This would be a good thing, except for the fact that it's apparently taken her two months just to take this one. I more

  • Untimely Death To Natural Men But Trust To Spiritual Men

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jul 27, 2016

    To show that GOD destroys unbelievers who have rejected Him and prolongs the life of spiritual men who continues to trust Him.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have confidence in yourself? No. Only on JESUS. Jeremiah 17:5-8 (Amplified Bible) Thus says the Lord: Cursed [with great evil] is the strong man who trusts in and relies on frail man, making weak [human] flesh his arm, and whose mind and heart turn aside from the Lord. For more

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