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  • God Leads Godly People Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 18, 2014

    How godly are we?

    Before reading, let us note the 4 major characters in the story of Ruth 2 Naomi – a Jewish widow who lived in Moab but returned to Judah (Israel) Ruth – a Moabite widow who decided to stay with Naomi and become a Hebrew Boaz – a prominent Hebrew in Judah related to Naomi’s more

  • It Just So Happened? Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Feb 8, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    God provides wonderfully for those who place their hope in his unfailing love.

    Scripture Introduction We meet Boaz in our study today. Do you know what kind of man Boaz was before he got married? Answer: he was Ruth-less. The book of Ruth teaches us to look for God’s blessings even in our bitterness. Naomi, just like you and me, had hopes for her life: a husband, happy more

  • Love, Loyalty And Labor Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 13, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    A mother’s day sermon on the book of Ruth.

    Sermon for 5/12/2002- Mother’s Day Ruth 3:16 Introduction: A. Read Ruth 3:16-18 B. Attractive = Pleasing to the eye or mind. C. Beauty = A pleasing quality associated with harmony of form or color, excellence of craftsmanship, truthfulness, originality, or another, often undefined property. D. To more

  • More Than A Pretty Face: Seeing Character In My Future Mate Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    External beauty, attractiveness are always temporary. But internal beauty can get stronger and stronger not only in all of this life but throughout all of eternity.

    Many of you know of Benjamin Franklin, one of the fathers of our country, was also the ambassador to France. And while he was in France, he was a member of a literary society. So Ben Franklin, without letting this agnostic literary society know where he had gotten the story, shared with them the more

  • Behold, A Woman Lay At His Feet! Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Feb 16, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    God works through unexpected circumstances to protect and redeem his people.

    Children’s Sermon Tell about time when Helen and I were sound asleep and suddenly – plop, something jumped into the bed with us! I woke, sat up, stared blindly into the dark (of course saw nothing), and laid back down thinking I had a bad dream. When it happened the second time, I was certain it more

  • Personal God Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jul 20, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    When Psalm 91 becomes your reality, Covid 19 cannot touch your home. The global outbreak of this pandemic has caused panic in the lives of people. But as believers we do have a place of great safety. This series on Psalm 91 will be a great immunity booster.

    We read in Psalm 91:2, “I will say to the LORD, "You are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." (GW) If we observe the above mentioned verse, the Psalmist refers to God in a most personal way when He says of God, ‘My refuge’, ‘My fortress’ and ‘My God’. God is not a more

  • Three Funerals And A Wedding

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Jun 3, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes when one runs away from their problems God has a plan and they are running into their destiny

    hree Funerals and a Wedding By the help of the Lord I plan to preach this at a youth rally tomorrow night in Wisconsin. Your prayers are appreciated Three Funerals and a Wedding Thank you Rev. Mike Faulk Ruth 1:14-18 KJV 14: And they lifted up their voice, and wept again: and Orpah kissed her more

  • The Story Behind The Story

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jun 28, 2018
    based on 5 ratings

    In these first seven verses of Ruth we are introduced to the family of a man named Elimelech who lived during the days of the judges (v. 1). It is the sad tale of a man who chooses to walk out on the Lord and on God's plan for his life. As a result of his

    Studies in the Book of Ruth “The Story Behind The Story.” Ruth 1:1-7 Only two books of the Bible bear the names of women; they more

  • Sermon 8: God Works In Mysterious Ways Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Aug 4, 2019

    This sermon wraps up the book of Ruth, first examining Boaz's role as a kinsman-redeemer & Christ's role as ours, & the results of those actions, both in history (David was Ruth & Boaz's great-grandparents) and the larger story of redemption through Christ.

    Sermon 8: God Works in Mysterious Ways Series: Ruth Chuck Sligh August 4, 2019 TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to Ruth 4. INTRODUCTION If you asked the average person to quote a verse of scripture, besides John 3:16 or Genesis 1:1, the third most probable verse they would cite would be that more

  • Ruth: Quitting Is Not An Option Series

    Contributed by Ralph Juthman on Feb 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This part 1 of a series on the life of Ruth. The theme is how God providentially moves in the lives of those who commit to Him.

    RUTH: QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION Ruth 1:1-22 By Pastor Ralph Juthman INTRODUCTION: Illustration- Ladies/Men Answer this Question, what is the title of your favotite movie, TV show or book ( other than the Bible). There are obvious differences. Personally, I like movies/tv shows and books that more

  • A Bold Request Series

    Contributed by Dean O'bryan on Jul 2, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    Third in a four-part series from Ruth. Ruth in faith requests that Boaz take her as his wife. She models for us the sort of risks God will ask us to take if we press out in faith, knowing His character.

    Trinity Baptist Church June 24, 2007 Ruth: God redeems A bold request Ruth 3:1-18 Marriage proposals come in all shapes and varieties. From the stories I’ve heard, many proposals don’t happen soon enough for one or the other person in the relationship! I have to admit -- before more

  • Ruth (Friend Or Companion)

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on May 3, 2022

    4 chapters with notes (NASB); perhaps written by Samuel; during Judges' time

    Marilyn Hickey notes: written over 30 years; the location is Bethlehem and Moab(MODERN DAY JORDAN); Naomi widowed; disobedience; cursings & blessings; Naomi and her family start with the wrong motives. 1 Now it came about in the days when the judges [a]governed (NOT KINGS, ETC) , that there more

  • 7) Worthy Of Fame

    Contributed by James Lyons on Jun 7, 2023

    Part VII in a Series on Ruth

    We left off in Ruth 4 where Boaz has contracted to marry Ruth in order to continue her departed husband’s lineage, and to redeem Elimelech’s property for Naomi. We saw that a nearer kinsman had been willing to redeem the property when he thought there was some profit in it for him. But when more

  • God's Hand In Our Luck Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Sep 8, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Did the events of Ruth 2 happen because of good luck or divine intervention?

    [To receive free, weekly sermons contact; for sermon audio, visit] GOOD LUCK? Choir practice at the West Side Baptist Church in Beatrice, Nebraska, always began on Wednesday evenings at 7:20. At 7:25 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1, 1950, an more

  • Loyalty: Loyalty Rewards Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Oct 29, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Loyalty is a virtue. Loyalty seeks to honour God, it values the relationship and God rewards our faithfulness. God is loyal.

    Loyalty is a virtue. Loyalty is to be faithful, to stick to a commitment. • But unfortunately loyalty is losing its appeal today. People do not see it as necessarily a good thing. • Marriages are breaking up because spouses do not want to keep to their commitment to stick together “for better more

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