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  • Cinco Propósitos Para Una Vida De Victoria

    Contributed by Joshua Pinto on Dec 5, 2002
    based on 104 ratings

    Es importante que en nuestro caminar con Cristo aprendamos a caminar antes de comenzar a correr. La Biblia no puede ser mas clara, existen propósitos vitales para la vida de todo aquel que acepta a Jesús en su corazón. Nadie fue salvo solo para creer, el

    Cinco Propósitos Para una Vida de Victoria Mateo 22:37-40 “37 Jesús le dijo: Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma, y con toda tu mente. 38 Este es el primero y grande mandamiento. 39 Y el segundo es semejante: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. 40 De estos dos more

  • El Odre Nuevo Y El Viejo

    Contributed by Fatima Gutierres on Dec 9, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Y nadie echa vino nuevo en odres viejos, de otra manera el vino nuevo rompe los odres, y el vino nuevo se derrama y se pierde, por eso el vino nuevo en odres nuevos se ha de echar”. San Marcos 2.22

    Jesús está enseñando aquí una de las verdades que debemos entender; un odre de alguna manera representa nuestra vida. Los odres eran los recipientes donde se depositaba normalmente el vino, el aceite, el agua, y evidentemente esos odres, cuando pasaba el tiempo, se endurecían y se les echaba vino more

  • Una Razón Para… Profundizarse- Parte 2 Series

    Contributed by Joshua Pinto on Jul 1, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Los bebes recién nacidos no pueden comer, hablar, o caminar por si mismos y tampoco pueden controlar sus vejigas. Esa es una parte de ser bebe. Nadie esperaría que un bebe pequeño pudiera hacer dichas cosas. Mas sin embargo, si un bebe llega a la edad d

    Una razón para… Profundizarse Los bebes recién nacidos no pueden comer, hablar, o caminar por si mismos y tampoco pueden controlar sus vejigas. Esa es una parte de ser bebe. Nadie esperaría que un bebe pequeño pudiera hacer dichas cosas. Mas sin embargo, si un bebe llega a la edad de 10 años y more

  • Por Que Tuvo Que Morir Jesus?

    Contributed by Leo Castro on Apr 16, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Nadie ha influenciado al mundo de la manera que Jesús lo ha hecho. A través de la historia, la influencia que Jesús tuvo en la vida de la personas, no ha sido sobrepasada. Ningún otro líder ha inspirado tantos cambios positivos en la vida de sus seguidor

    SEMANA SANTA 2008 ¿Por qué? 22 de marzo, 2008 Introducción Nadie ha influenciado al mundo de la manera que Jesús lo ha hecho. A través de la historia, la influencia que Jesús tuvo en la vida de la personas, no ha sido sobrepasada. Ningún otro líder ha inspirado tantos cambios positivos en la more

  • Hoyo Horible Ó Pozo Posible

    Contributed by Craig Benner on May 29, 2014

    A nadie le gusta pegar a un bache (hoyo) en la calle. Nos molesta y puede dañar nuestro mueble. En la vida espiritual, es posible que Dios permite el hoyo. Por el contenido de este mensaje, tu puedes meditar sobre los pozos de tu propia vida.

    El Hoyo Horrible o El Pozo Posible Salmo 143:7-11 7 Respóndeme presto, oh Jehová porque mi espíritu desfallece; no escondas de mí tu rostro, no venga yo a ser semejante a los que descienden a la sepultura. 8 Hazme oír por la mañana tu misericordia, porque en ti he confiado; hazme saber el camino more

  • Noé: Un Llamado A La Fe Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Sep 23, 2023

    Noé tendrá que comprometerse todo para construir esta arca. Cada gramo de financiación y tiempo. Se necesitará su sacrificio del 100%. Debe confiar en Dios en un momento en el que nadie más lo hacía. Y Noé hizo todo lo que Jehová le mandó.

    Noé: un llamado a la fe Génesis 6:9-7:5 El Arca de Noé, el diluvio, qué gran y dramática historia bíblica. En medio de una generación malvada, Dios llamó a Noé. Construir un Arca: 450 pies de largo 75 pies de ancho 45 pies de alto Puedes imaginar la more

  • Justice And Injustice In Court - On Trial – But What Is The Verdict? Part 1 Of 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 28, 2022

    Governments and the people who elect them can not carry out justice because they all are seriously flawed. Therefore individually, nationally and internationally, injustice is everywhere. Those persecuted, oppressed, neglected, deprived and downtrodden are crying out for justice.

    JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE IN COURT - ON TRIAL – BUT WHAT IS THE VERDICT? PART 1 OF 2 INJUSTICE FOR CHRISTIANS A disgraceful thing is happening in Australia. In New South Wales, football is god. The football code is Rugby League. One football club, Manly Sea Eagles, made a decision to make its more

  • What To Do With Spit In Your Face

    Contributed by John Perry on Aug 10, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus tells us how to deal with the attitudes of people & the people themselves that come against us in life. The big picture that Jesus is revealing to us is that we are to be people of a different spirit.

    Bunbury Wed pm 10/08/2011 “What to do w/ spit in your face” Intro: We have been focusing for the past two Wednesday nights on this text & so far we have looked at offences & the enemy that delivers the offence to our lives. T/n we want to focus on something that Jesus singles out as more

  • A Fresh Start. Series

    Contributed by John Gullick on Mar 30, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    A sermon that uses the passages around Jesus’ Resurrection to explore what we need to make a fresh start/.

    A Fresh Start. Every now and then in life we have to make a fresh start> Sometimes we choose a fresh start. It might be a new financial plan A new fitness regeme A new job A new family member – Sometimes the fresh start chooses us. I might get fired from my job. I might be left a fortune in more

  • United As One Body.

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Feb 22, 2020

    Paul was concerned that some in the Church at Corinth thought they were less important in the Body than others. It is through our unity that the Church as seen as Jesus witness.

    United as one body. 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 The joy and excitement I feel being in Fiji is great. I had the real pleasure this week of travelling around the country well, the island of Viti Lavu with Major’s Phillipa and Merika, visiting the Corps and spending some time with officers and seeing more

  • What Hell Has That We Need?

    Contributed by Keith Peters on Jul 9, 2011

    Uses the example of the rich man in hell to describe how believers ought to develop spiritual disciplines.

    What Hell has that we need?” Luke 16:19-31 REFLECTION: Hell is mentioned 54 times in the Bible by name, and many other times by implication. Our Savior mentioned it no less than 15 times during his earthly ministry. Hell is a real place that we need to reckon with in order to live more

  • Like Sheep Without A Shepherd, Compassionate Giving

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Jul 31, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The 5000 were feed as an act of compassion, Jesus gave compassionately we should follow his example.

    Like sheep without a shepherd Compassionate Giving: Mark 6:30-42 The Salvation Army at this time of the year we are asked to respond to developing further the work of the kingdom of God here on Earth by giving sacrificially. Now this is a challenge, it started through one or two individuals more

  • Strength And Contribution Lesson 1 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jun 29, 2023

    Faith attempting to complete the Great Commission. You can learn from successful leaders.

    1. Faith to plant 100,000 new churches. Suliasi Kurulo, Fiji. Suliasi was a government engineer who began knocking on every door on his island in Fiji, then planted a church to finish the task. Next, he planned to knock on every door of every island in Fiji and build over 300 churches to complete more

  • Churches With A Big Problem!!!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 28, 2022

    Every church needs:

    ? Good talented musicians, ? Christians who faithfully attend all the services, ? Christians who will faithfully support the church with God’s tithes and their offerings etc. Many churches across this nation have these wonderful Christians. However there is something you do not find in many of more

  • A New Year's Resolution: Reconciliation

    Contributed by Michael Mays on Sep 11, 2021

    We've all made promises to ourselves (or others) that we were going to try something new, or give up something old, for the new year. But one of the hardest things is reconciliation--making it right with someone who's offended you... or whom you've offended.

    I. What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions? How about… Reconciliation? A. Introduction: “Civilizing the Fiji Islanders” Many years ago, when the Fiji Islands were first civilized, there was great interest in bringing commerce to this primitive society. This was a daunting prospect, considering that more

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