
Summary: The 5000 were feed as an act of compassion, Jesus gave compassionately we should follow his example.

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Like sheep without a shepherd

Compassionate Giving: Mark 6:30-42

The Salvation Army at this time of the year we are asked to respond to developing further the work of the kingdom of God here on Earth by giving sacrificially. Now this is a challenge, it started through one or two individuals giving of their time and resources so that others might be able to be feed and sheltered.

“General Booth came up with the concept after Major (later Commissioner) John Carleton said he would ‘go without his pudding’ for a time and donate the money he saved to the Army’s mission work.

‘Why not have an annual effort,’ said Booth, ‘in which everyone shall be invited to perform some act of self-denial?’ He announced the establishment of the ‘Self-Denial Fund’ in the 14 August 1886 edition of The War Cry: General Booth’s words;

‘We propose that a week be set apart in which every soldier and friend should deny himself some article of food or clothing, or some indulgence which can be done without, and that the price gained by the self-denial shall be sent to help us in this emergency.’

The Self-Denial Appeal was expanded internationally in 1888 and many innovative projects and methods were used to raise funds.”

Well the idea is still with us as we engage in self-denial, for those on missionary service.

The point of this is that it is sacrificial compassionate giving, following Jesus' example, Jesus is not putting himself first. As we read the gospel of Mark chapter 6:30-42 we see that Jesus showed great compassion on those around him. He was tired, the disciples were tired, they were all hungry, I don't know about you but when I am tired and hungry I’m also grumpy. But Jesus' advice was that they head off to a quiet spot and put their feet up, rest for a while. So as a group they headed off to this quiet spot only to find the crowd had got there before them. Now, this is where I'd be getting grumpy, and when I get grumpy I get vocal. “Why don't you lot leave us alone, we need rest, we need sleep, go away.”

This is what Jesus does! No he doesn't, he shows compassion. Why, well Mark says "they were like sheep without a shepherd, they were lost and wandering, vulnerable, and uncared for. Like sheep without a shepherd."

So Jesus began teaching them many things. Teaching many things takes time, takes effort and energy. Jesus showed compassion to these people, he taught them many things. He did this sacrificially.

In life we are constantly faced by situations that we can either react angrily or even ignore people, treating them like they are of no value, or we can show compassion to people. We have all been like those who followed Jesus and the disciples that day, like sheep without a shepherd, in need.

How do we respond to those we don’t understand, don’t like, or don’t know, to the vulnerable needy people of this world? How did Jesus respond, by showing compassion, not just feeling sorry for them but by getting involved in the solution to whatever the issue might be that has left them lost and vulnerable?

In Fiji, at this time many are struggling with their own needs and I am sure that there are people here today, in our wider community, in Sigatoka and the surrounding area who are in need of support due to the fall out of Covid-19.

In life, daily we are challenged about how we are to respond to others, this week when you are tired or hungry, maybe not having things just the way you want them when you see others in need, how will you respond?

There’s a saying that I have taken a bit of a liking to that says this, “Bread for me is a physical thing or maybe in Fiji, I could say breadfruit for me is a physical thing, bread or breadfruit for my neighbour is a spiritual thing.” Something happens when we extend ourselves and give of ourselves to others. Here’s another story about our founder.

It was Christmas Eve, 1910. General William Booth, the founder of The Salvation Army was an invalid and near the end of his life—it was impossible for him to attend the Army’s annual convention.

Someone near the General suggested that Booth send a telegram to be read at the opening of the convention to the many Salvation Army soldiers in attendance as an encouragement for their many hours of labour serving others throughout the holidays and the cold winter months. Booth agreed.

Funds were limited and telegrams charged by the word, so to ensure as much money as possible would still go to help the needy, General Booth decided to send a one-word message. He searched his mind and reviewed his years of ministry, seeking the one word that would summarise his life, the mission of the Army, and encourage the soldiers to continue on.

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