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  • "You Must Be Born Again" Series

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Feb 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the grieving family to affirm to others that they must “BE BORN AGAIN” in order to receive eternal life.

    “You Must Be Born Again” Funeral Sermon for SFC (ret.) Oscar Herndon John 3:1-3;14-16 (KJV) U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Fort Ord, California BIG IDEA: THE LATE SFC OSCAR HERNDON’S FAVORITE SCRIPTURE INDICATES THAT GOD HIMSELF MUST WORK A MIRACLE IN OUR HEART AND RENEW IT IN ORDER more

  • "Christmas Meditation"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 21, 2017

    A sermon about GRACE.

    Christmas Meditation Luke 2:1-20 After reading through the Gospels and studying about the kind of companion Jesus was, and knowing what He taught about love for neighbors Mark Scandrette and his friend Joseph decided to try some experiments in radical openness to people. Riding the bus home more

  • Hosanna! Hosanna! (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Mar 21, 2024

    This morning is part 1, of a 3 part series. Today as we examine the Triumphal Entry, I’d like us to consider a few key points. Key verses found: Matthew 21:1 (1-17) Zechariah 9:9

    Today as we examine the Triumphal Entry, I’d like us to consider a few key points. Key verses found: Matthew 21:1 (1-17) Zechariah 9:9 Title of todays’ message is Hosanna! Hosanna! • The shouts of Hosanna and the prophesy • The Gospel harmony of the Triumphal Entry • The importance of the more

  • Jehovah-Rapha

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    God's nature revealed in Exodus 15:26, Jesus' ministry of healing all, and an abundance of promises in the Word of God combine to convince that it's God's will to heal us physically. He is Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord our Physician!

    JEHOVAH-RAPHA Ex. 15:22-26 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Ms. Smith was assigned to be a monitor on the playground and caught little Johnny making ugly faces and scaring other kids. 2. Smiling sweetly, she said, “Johnny, when I was a child I was told that if I made ugly faces, it would freeze and I more

  • "humility That Comes From Wisdom"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Aug 31, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about loving God rather than the things of the world.

    “Humility that Comes from Wisdom” James 3:13-4:10 You wouldn’t think it would be all that difficult. We were all formed from the same dust of the earth, by the same Creator. Basically, our bodies are pretty much the same. We all get sick. We all need to eat. All of us are lonely at more

  • Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Feb 16, 2015

    Jesus is the resurrection and the life, so we should trust the Lord: 1. When life is a mystery (vs. 1-6). 2. In our agony (vs. 17-21). 3. In His ability (vs. 21-23). 4. To overcome our enemy (vs. 24-25). 5. For our eternity (vs. 26-27).

    Jesus Is the Resurrection and the Life John 11:1-27 Series: The Great I Am Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 16, 2014 BACKGROUND: *Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That means He is also God the Son, one with God the Father, and conceived as a man by God the Holy Spirit. Jesus more

  • Amazing Authority Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    If we would follow Jesus into the place of power, we must also follow Him into the place of prayer.

    Amazing Authority (Mark 1:21-39) A man from Berlin, Germany, took an unusual approach in trying to bring peace to his marriage. CNN reported that the man was using an old air raid siren to stun his wife into submission. “My wife never lets me get a word in edgeways,” the man identified as more

  • What Makes A Hero? Series

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Sep 9, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Everyone needs a hero, and on 9/11, we discovered that there are heroes all around us. What traits make a person into a hero, and what does God need to do in my life to turn me into one?

    September 1, 2002 Hebrews 11 ¡§What makes a hero?¡¨ INTRODUCTION My son, Benjamin, being the extremely active boy that he is, will often fall and get cuts and bruises. When he does that, he¡¦ll come to Tammy or me for us to take the pain away. Knowing that we cannot take the pain more

  • The Table

    Contributed by Ed Young on Jul 6, 2022

    In this sermon, Pastor Ed Young uses the illustration of a table and chairs to model biblical principles for the structure of the local church.

    THE TABLE March 27, 2022, 11:15AM ED YOUNG How many of you have ever been to the flea market at Canton, Texas before? Let me see the hands. All right. Yeah, I've been there a couple of times. One time I went with my lovely wife, Lisa, and it was pretty unique watching mostly women moving at more

  • The Power Of Thoughts

    Contributed by Lisa Delay on Aug 28, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    We literally are changed by our thoughts. As we think so we are. Science shows the transformation of the brain with repeated thoughts. From an ethoughts weekly article installment

    When I was growing up we lived on a two-acre plot of land. We mowed about an acre of it with a push mower and the back acre we grew for hay harvesting. Grass grew all over our property except near our clothesline. The combination of hanging clothes and the weather would erode the ground there. It more

  • Why Did He Do It? Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Dec 11, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    A inductive exploration of the reasons why individuals sacrifice for others leading to the exposure of the reason Jesus died for us and how we must respond.

    Introduction: Have you ever heard a story and wondered why did they do that? Beauty and the Beast, a Walt Disney animated movie, tells the story of a beautiful French girl, Belle, who finds the love of Beast, a prince condemned long ago to live a life of shame and ugliness because he was rude and more

  • "O Lord, It's Hard To Be Humble"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Oct 25, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    Humility is the key to salvation, sanctification and evangelism.

    “O Lord, It’s Hard to be Humble” Luke 18:9-14 You wouldn’t think it would be all that difficult. We were all formed from the same dust of the earth, by the same Creator. Basically, our bodies are pretty much the same. We all get sick, we all need to eat, all of us are lonely at times, more

  • Connecting Lifestyle

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Wherever Jesus went, he tried to connect to people, especially, the hurting, the sick, the needy, the despised and the lonely so that they then might be connected to God. The same is true for us. At the heart of following Jess is you and me having connect

    Connecting Lifestyle John 1: 35-42 Perhaps one of the best movies ever made was Forrest Gump. It was creative, well-put together, thought-provoking, emotionally heart-tugging. I learned some profound things from Forrest Gump. The first is that “life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what more

  • End Of Another Adventure

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Dec 23, 2009
    based on 27 ratings

    Reviews the blessings of the last year and anticipates the blessings of the new year

    “End of Another Adventure” December 27, 2009 Matthew 28:16 – 20 We are in one of the most serious and sober Sunday’s of the year. Christmas is over and there is a natural let down. We have shopped for presents and prepared Christmas dinners and went to a bunch of Christmas parties. Sometimes more

  • Remnant Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 29, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    God’s Kingdom may seem to just "happen," but behind the scenes is God’s Sovereign hand; He has a plan and He executes His plan perfectly.

    Remnant (Romans 11:1-15) Intro 1. BERLIN (Reuters) - A German telecommunications company said on Tuesday it is developing the first mobile phone that will alert users when their breath is bad or if they are giving off offensive smells. The phone will use a tiny chip measuring less than one more

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