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  • God Promises...holiness Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Dec 1, 2015

    Holiness is being Christ-like. We are only holy because of Christ in us.

    God promises…Holiness Selected Scriptures Introduction- Recap- We have been looking at the promises of God. Looking and seeing that God’s promises we can take to the bank. His faithfulness, His forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, and Him giving us purpose. This morning we want to talk more

  • Made Of Different Material

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Feb 15, 2024

    Working in the midst of people who respect, admire, appreciate, like and love you is always great; however, the challenge is to survive and serve people who just don’t know you at all, who mock you, despise you and criticize you.

    Made of different material Exodus 1:8 “Then a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in Egypt.”(NIV) “New king, to whom Joseph meant nothing”, these words jolted me today! God calls you to work in the midst of people and do good for those who don’t care two hoots about you nor more

  • Temporary Defeat

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 34 ratings


    BIG IDEA: GOD SOMETIMES GIVES TEMPORARY DEFEAT TO SET THE STAGE FOR MAGNIFYING HIS GLORY THRU DELIVERANCE INTRODUCTION: Israelite patriot being trampled over and seemingly ignored by God; Tone: mingling of faith and sorrow God’s might as shown in deeds both of mercy and justice should be called to more

  • Man's Three Responses To The Gospel

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Nov 17, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    When the Gospel of the Lord Jesus is preached in its fullness, those who hear will respond in one of three ways.

    MAN’S THREE RESPONSES TO THE GOSPEL Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him more

  • No Escape From God

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Oct 25, 2020

    When the earthly Government has a court of law where the wicked are punished and executed if needed, why would the court of law in heaven not do the same?

    No escape from God 1 Kings 19:17 "It shall come about, the one who escapes from the sword of Hazael, Jehu shall put to death, and the one who escapes from the sword of Jehu, Elisha shall put to death.” God is in no hurry, He does things meticulously, perfectly, dexterously and in His time. more

  • God Is In Control

    Contributed by Joel Sanabria on Jun 29, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Learning to let go of situations in life you can’t handle and how to let God take control!

    Why me, God…why am I going through this? Have you ever thought, whispered, or screamed that question? Have you ever thought that God was against you personally? At one time or another, everyone does, even people in the Bible. That is not surprising. What is surprising is God’s answer to their more

  • What A Mighty God We Serve! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 27, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Our God is unlike the imaginary gods of the nations; He is Almighty and Sovereign.

    What A Mighty God We Serve! (Psalm 76) 1. Last week Sam brought me a package that had been mailed to my name at Ahavat Yeshua Messianic Congregation, where I sometimes speak. 2. It was a free book on an item from the high priest’s clothing. I gave it to Sam to read first, because that is more

  • Good Friday 2017 (Weak/Strong Faith) Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Apr 17, 2017

    the faith of the first 12 disciples was weak; how about ours today when Jesus is mocked in our midst?

    We remember of course today Jesus Christ, God who became human to pay for the penalty of our sins by taking them to death on a cross. Before reading the story in Mark 15, let us highlight God’s prophecies about the suffering Messiah. Since the Messiah had to suffer and die for man’s sins, we more

  • Jesus Is Our King On The Cross

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 29, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    PENTECOST LAST(C)/CHRIST THE KING - Jesus is our King on the cross who is mocked by unbelievers but confessed by believers.

    JESUS IS OUR KING ON THE CROSS Luke 23:35-43 - November 24, 2003 LUKE 23:35-43 35The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, "He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One." 36The soldiers also came up and mocked him. more

  • Self-Inflected Wounds

    Contributed by Ronnie Smith on Jul 8, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Galatians 6 7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 2 Corinthians 9 6Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. · God set up the Law of Sowi

    Galatians 6 7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 2 Corinthians 9 6Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. · God set up the Law of Sowing and Reaping. · If you sow corn you’ll reap more

  • Finding God's Honey?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Feb 10, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    If we face our bitter problems, God will help us find honey when we need it!

    FINDING YOUR HONEY? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Maybe we should title this LORD REVEAL YOUR HONEY! Years ago, I was pastoring a mountain mission. One of our men was not in Sunday School or church. I saw him Monday morning... The man informed me, he had been fishing on Sunday more

  • God's Word Is Invincible

    Contributed by Wendell Blackburn on Sep 16, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Man has tried to destroy God’s Word, But it always comes right back!!

    GOD’S WORD IS INVINCIBLE Jeremiah 36 1:4, 20-23, 27, 28 There’s Men all throughout the ages that’s attempted to destroy God’s word!!! Throughout the ages there’s been Men that’s tried to make God’s Word Void or un-important!!! Here in this reading tonight we find a picture of several ways more

  • How Are You Worshiping God?

    Contributed by Jack Whitehead on Nov 28, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    This sermon deals with vain worship.

    How Are You Worshiping God? ISAIAH 1:10-20 I am amazed at the vain worship that takes place today in our modern churches. It seems to me that many people come to church to be seen, or to pay God his dues, as if that were possible. Many people come to church because it’s their family church. What more

  • Father Forgive Them Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus demonstrates God's self-giving love and forgiveness by praying for those who mock and crucify him, embodying his own teachings from the Sermon on the Mount.

    Today, we're going to talk about something super important - forgiveness. You know, that thing we all need but sometimes find hard to give. We're going to look at a story from the Bible where Jesus shows us the ultimate example of forgiveness. So, let's dive in! Our main story comes from Luke more

  • Good Friday - Remember Me

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Apr 3, 2021

    One criminal mocks. The other asks for Jesus to remember Him. Two responses that are still the heart posture of much of humanity.

    Good Friday 2021 Jesus died…for you! Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 04-02–2021 Three Crosses Behind me on the wall of our sanctuary, there are three crosses. These crosses are precious to our church because they are made out of the wood from the the old church building. But more

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