Sermon Series
  • 1. Blow The Shofar!

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2016

    The Feast of Tabernacles reminds us of the blessings that come from aligning ourselves with God, and the losses we experience but stubbornly resisting Him.

    Blow the Shofar! (Psalm 81) 1. Pride begets bragging, whether about ourselves, our family, or our nation. 2. Amir: You Americans are always boasting how Paul Bunyan was the greatest lumberjack ever, but we Moroccans know that Ibrim Hassan was the world's greatest lumberjack. Fred: I never more

  • 2. Please Restore Us!

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2016

    God’s people are vulnerable, and sometimes they foolishly become sidetracked. The Psalmist seeks to plead his case by bringing up God’s special relationship to his people.

    Please Restore Us! (Psalm 80) 1. When our kids were at home, we had a plastic swimming pool in the back yard. 2. One day, we went to the park and caught crayfish. We made the pool into a crayfish haven. 3. A couple of days later, we heard a noise from our kitchen window. We looked and more

  • 3. Breaking The Cycle

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Present generations can choose to follow the Lord despite the ridiculous or ungodly example of their forefathers. The Psalmist gives us advice to help us do so.

    Breaking the Cycle (Psalm 78) 1. A couple decided to go to Cyprus for the weekend, but because they both worked it was hard to coordinate their diaries. So they decided the husband would go a day early, and his wife would join him the following day. On arriving, the husband thought he would more

  • 4. Distancing Ourselves From God

    Contributed on May 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    God wants us to be close to Him, not emotionally or spiritually distant from Him.

    Distancing Ourselves from God (Psalm 50) 1. Memorial Day is a day to remember our war dead. Over 1.1 million military personnel have died as a result of war in the history of our nation. 2. To give you a sense of proportion, almost 500,000 died in the Civil War, over 400,000 in World War more

  • 5. Please Restore Us!

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    God’s people are vulnerable, and sometimes they foolishly become sidetracked. The Psalmist seeks to plead his case by bringing up God’s special relationship to his people.

    Please Restore Us! (Psalm 80) 1. When our kids were at home, we had a plastic swimming pool in the back yard. 2. One day, we went to the park and caught crayfish. We made the pool into a crayfish haven. 3. A couple of days later, we heard a noise from our kitchen window. We looked and more

  • 6. A Time To Lament

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    When the bottom drops out, we need to lament before God.

    A Time to Lament (Psalm 79) 1. My high school assignment 
was to ask a veteran about World War II. Since my father had served 
in the Philippines during the war, 
I chose him. After a few basic questions, I very gingerly asked, “Did you ever kill anyone?” Dad more

  • 7. Living In Light Of Eternity: Replacing Bitterness With God’s Presence

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2016

    The most important thing in life is to be near to God; if you have everything else but fail here, you have lost all. But if you have that, you have God’s companionship and blessing in this life and for all eternity.

    Living in Light of Eternity: Replacing Bitterness with God’s Presence (Psalm 73) 1. A boy wanted to sell a puppy, but his “for sale” sign did little good. The puppy looked unkempt. A salesman urged him to clean up the dog, brush his hair, put a nice collar on him, etc. The more

  • 8. The Lingering Gloom Of Sleeping In The Bed We Made

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2016

    Our personal choices have consequences, some of them long-term. The choices groups or nations make also have consequences. Provoking God’s long-term discipline is a miserable experience, and sometimes the righteous have to experience it/w the unrighteous.

    The Lingering Gloom of Sleeping in the Bed We Made (Psalm 74) 1. A blogger out west writes, “Today, I was hiking, and four miles away from my car and civilization, I tripped over a rock into a cactus. I used duct tape, which ripped all the hair off my arms and legs but ignored the more

  • 9. Judgment Has Been Scheduled

    Contributed on Jun 20, 2016

    Whether judging a nation in the course of history or all mankind in the end times, God is completely organized and on schedule.

    Judgment Has Been Scheduled (Psalm 75) 1. This week, I emailed Janie to remind her to purchase a new giant calendar for 2017. Even though the new year is more than 6 months away, we will soon be scheduling events for 2017. 2. Sometimes, when event are scheduled even further in advance more

  • 10. What A Mighty God We Serve!

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Our God is unlike the imaginary gods of the nations; He is Almighty and Sovereign.

    What A Mighty God We Serve! (Psalm 76) 1. Last week Sam brought me a package that had been mailed to my name at Ahavat Yeshua Messianic Congregation, where I sometimes speak. 2. It was a free book on an item from the high priest’s clothing. I gave it to Sam to read first, because that more

  • 11. The Insomnia Psalm

    Contributed on Jul 4, 2016

    How can we cope when God lets things go on in our lives that are heart-rending — and it feels like He shows no interest in our plight?

    The Insomnia Psalm (Psalm 77) 1. Comedian W.C. Fields once offered a cure for insomnia: get lots of sleep! “One of my favorite sleep deprived stories describes a woman in her late 40’s who had a surprise new baby and was back in the newborn haze. She was running through Old Navy more