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  • Israel Is God's Chosen Nation! Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 18, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    God named Jacob( Grandson of Abraham), was named as Israel after he had wrestled with God (Gen32:28 ).

    God chose to bless the world through Abraham because Jesus Christ, would come to us through Abraham's seed because God chose the Israelites because He had made covenant with Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation and occupy the land of Canaan and Abraham would be the father of more

  • Kingdom Keys - Ezra Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on May 22, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    To fully restore our connection to God, we must become aware of our sins, admit them to another and act in a way which totally removes the sin and its tempters from our presence quickly. Any compromise robs us of a true connection to our God.

    So maybe you’ve heard it said, ‘read your bible’ so you tried and failed. Our hope as leaders is that all of us will pick up God’s word and come to understand the true nature of God. After all, the bible is God’s Word curated over centuries detailing His nature, His will, the meaning of life and more

  • Ki Le’olem Chasedo His Mercy Endures Forever Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 4, 2022

    Today, in our Hebrew Word Study series, we consider events surrounding the life of King Jehoshaphat. He was king of Judah, during the time when Israel was split between Judah and the northern kingdom.

    Today, in our Hebrew Word Study series, we consider events surrounding the life of King Jehoshaphat. He was king of Judah, during the time when Israel was split between Judah and the northern kingdom. There was a great army marching on Judah, from the other side of the dead sea. The historical more

  • Living For Legacy

    Contributed by Stephen Tilmon on Apr 20, 2022

    What are we without "Legacy"? What are we leaving behind to the generation after us? Today we're going to be going through some steps and blockers of building a lasting legacy. 7 Legacy blockers and 10 ways to build powerful legacy.

    If you will remain standing for the Reading - 2 Kings 13:20-21 20 Then Elisha died and was buried. Groups of Moabite raiders used to invade the land each spring.  21 Once when some Israelites were burying a man, they spied a band of these raiders. So they hastily threw the corpse more

  • What A Dad Needs

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jun 16, 2024

    Dr. Joe Edwards once told Jenny, “Jenny you have the ability to be a Queen; However, make your husband a King!”

    What A Dad Needs 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 A small boy said, "Father’s Day is just like Mother’s Day, only you don’t spend as much on the gift.” And I say, "What gift?" Mark Twain said, more

  • The Spirit Of The Sons Of Eli/The Spirit Of Lot’s Daughters/ The Prodigal Son (The Vagabond Spirit)

    Contributed by Babatunmishe Oke on Oct 8, 2024

    The vagabond spirit is the spirit that makes a person live an irregular life or a wandering life. Some contribution has been added from Dr D.O Olukoya's teachings.

    Throughout the Bible God speaks of the importance of parents raising their children to obey the Lord. After Lot's wife had turned back to look at Sodom and turned to salt, Lot and his two daughters fled from the plain up into the hills, where they could be safer. There were no settlements more

  • Did God Do Wrong To Kill All The Canaanites?

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 17, 2024

    Numerous times during my career, unbelievers have used God's judging the Canaanites as an excuse not to believe in God. They insinuate that God did evil in executing the people, particularly the children. Let's correct the view; God did the just thing!

    DID GOD DO WRONG TO KILL ALL THE CANAANITES? Genesis 15:16 INTRODUCTION A. REMOVING A STUMBLING BLOCK Numerous times during my career, unbelievers have used God's judging the Canaanites as an excuse not to believe in God. They insinuate that God did evil in executing the people of Canaan, more

  • Adversity Turns The Tide.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jun 29, 2021

    We dream of zero gravity. We imagine what life would be without any problems, or issues or challenges....

    Adversity Turns The Tide. Daniel 3:23-30NLT We dream of zero gravity. We imagine what life would be without any problems, or issues or challenges. Did you know that astronauts that spend any length of time in zero gravity experience serious medical complications? Without any resistance, they lose more

  • Power Of Praises And Worship PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 2, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the power of worship as a spiritual weapon and emphasizes that our victory lies in God, not in our own strength.

    Good morning, my dear church family. I am thrilled to be standing before you today, to share a message that I believe is timely and relevant for all of us. It's a message that touches on the very heart of our faith, our worship, and our relationship with God. Our text for today is found in 2 more

  • A Message To The Church In Pergamos Series

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Dec 4, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus writes this letter to call the Christians at Pergamos back to the right path. Even today, there is the danger that the Church of Christ might hold the right doctrines, but still drift into compromise with the world around us.

    Revelation 2:12-17 A MESSAGE TO THE CHURCH IN PERGOMOS December 4, 2022 The city of Pergamos (also Pergamon or Pergamum) was the capital city of Asia Minor. It was renowned for its political power, its intellectual achievement and its pagan worship. Lady Sharon and I visited the ruins of more

  • When The Reason I Am Standing, Stands By Me.

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 25, 2025

    There are times I seem to be all alone... Then I realize I am never alone... God is with me. Emmanuel... The reason I am standing is I have someone standing with me. I find great peace/comfort in this.

    WHEN THE REASON I AM STANDING STANDS BY ME. WHO WILL GO? LEAD ME, I WILL FOLLOW By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) I read a story about a very popular song from years ago. Seems the man was leaving the hospital where his wife had just passed away. more

  • Core Values: Family Ties PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 8, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores identifying and embodying God-honoring values within families, guiding decision-making, and intentionally passing these values to the next generation.

    Beloved, I am thrilled to be with you today as we gather together to delve into the heart of God's word. We are here to seek His wisdom and guidance for our families, our most precious and intimate earthly relationships. Today, we are going to focus on the very essence of our homes, the values that more

  • Favour PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 17, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores how faith, fortitude, and fellowship can lead to God's favour, using the story of Ruth and Boaz as an example. Key

    Good morning, beloved. We gather here today, united in faith, bound by love, and touched by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's a beautiful day, a day to celebrate the Lord's goodness, to bask in His mercy, and to find solace in His word. Today, we turn our hearts and minds to the book of more

  • Going From Bitter To Better PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores trusting God in times of pain, seeking redemption, and embracing resurrection through the narrative of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. Key

    Welcome, dear friends, to this gathering of hearts and souls in search of solace and strength from the Word of God. We gather here, not as strangers, but as a family bound by the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our lives, so beautifully diverse in experience, yet so united in purpose, are like more

  • God Chooses Us Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    God, as the ultimate authority, has chosen us as His special possession, and we should allow Him to shape us and choose Him back, despite not always understanding His decisions.

    Welcome church! We are excited you decided to worship with us. Today, I’m not sure what you are carrying with you, but I’m believing in faith that God desires to shed light into the darkness, and free you from having to carry baggage or burdens alone. The pursuit of righteousness; the life of more

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