Sermon Series
  • 1. The Certainty Of God's Word

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The Word of God is sure, it is certani, it is true and it will come true.

    Two Sundays ago we saw how King Jeroboam ignored the Word of God for his life and led Israel into apostasy (idolatry). • He listened instead to his own voice and the voices of godless men, and created two golden calves as gods. • He built shrines at high places, created his own festival and more

  • 2. Godless Delusion Ii

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2017

    Jeroboam listened to his own voice and the voices of men, ignoring the voice of God, and led Israel into grievous sin.

    We saw last week King Rehoboam (Solomon’s son) listening to the advice of his peers, motivated by his own desires, caused the split of the Kingdom. • This turn of events fulfilled the Word of God given to Solomon and Jeroboam. • We see the sovereignty of God and the certainty of His more

  • 3. Godless Delusion

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2017

    See the foolishness of man (without God) and the wisdom and certainty of God's Word.

    1 Kings 11 ends with the death of Solomon, and with that, the end of a united Kingdom of Israel. • The Kingdom will be divided into TWO – with ten tribes to be led by JEROBOAM (one of Solomon’s official), currently taking refuge in Egypt. • And the other – the tribe of JUDAH plus Benjamin – more

  • 4. He Holds The Future

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2017
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    We see the Kingship of God and the love of God in His dealings with men.

    King Solomon loved many foreign women and held fast to them in love. • He went astray and committed idolatry when he followed the gods of the Sidonians, the Ammonites and the Moabites. • We want to stay vigilant. Guard our heart and pray that we will have the fear of God always in our more

  • 5. The King's Prayer

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    Praise God for His faithfulness and plead for His forgiveness.

    Finally the Temple of God is completed and Solomon brings in the Ark of the Covenant into the sanctuary. • It’s the symbol of God’s presence with His people. It is to be placed in the inner sanctuary, the Most Holy Place, and under the wings of the cherubim (4:6). • 1 Kings 8 - Solomon more

  • 6. Building The Temple Of God

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2017

    Learn from Solomon. We give God our best and we follow His design.

    We have come to the actual building of the Temple of God in 1 Kings 6. • This is a short write up of the building; we have greater details in the books of Chronicles. Let’s read a portion – 1 Kings 6:19-37. TWO THINGS stand out in the building of the Temple – they dedicated the best to the more

  • 7. The Lord Establishes

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2017
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    The two giant bronze pillars serve to remind Israel that it is God who establishes and in Him is strength.

    We shared on Solomon’s building of the Temple of God last week. Today in 1 Kings 7 we will look at the furnishings of the Temple. • The building of the Temple was in the heart of King David and also the desire of his son Solomon. • They gave their best for it, by providing the best material more

  • 8. The Fulfilment

    Contributed on May 21, 2017

    On God's part, the fulfilment of His promises is sure. On man's part, let us be driven by the desire to do God's will and glorify Him.

    1 Kings 5:1-18 THE FULFILMENT ES 21 May 17 1677 We are seeing in the first few chapters of 1 Kings the fulfilment of God’s promises. • First, the fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham - 1 Kings 4:20 “The people of Judah and Israel were as numerous as the sand on the seashore…” • The words more

  • 9. Securing The Kingdom

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2017
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    Solomon heeded David's advice to devote himself to keeping God's Law and deal with the threats to his Kingdom.

    The transition from one ruler to the next is not always a smooth one. • We see that in the election of a new president, in USA or Taiwan, or a new governor in Jakarta. It’s very political. • We see a different kind of transition in 1 Kings 2. David called Solomon and gave him very good more

  • 10. The Prayer That Pleases God

    Contributed on Apr 30, 2017
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    The prayer that pleases God is one that ask for what God wants, trust in the goodness of God, and recognise our true needs.

    1 Kings 3:1-15 THE PRAYER THAT PLEASES GOD ES 30 Apr 17 1637 Solomon had an exceptional encounter in 1 Kings 3. God appeared to him in a dream and posed this: “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” (3:5) • What would you ask for, given the chance? This is not easy as it sounds. There more

  • 11. The Wisdom From God

    Contributed on May 8, 2017

    You can have knowledge without wisdom, but you cannot have wisdom without knowledge. Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. It is knowledge applied. Seek wisdom from God.

    Solomon asked for wisdom, and God granted him. • 3:15 Solomon “returned to Jerusalem” (instead of going to the high place), and “stood before the Ark of the Lord’s covenant and sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings.” • He did the right thing and worshipped the Lord before the more

  • 12. Who's Got The Kingdom?

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2017
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    Nathan did what is most crucial and stirred David into action. God uses obedient individuals who know His will and is willing to do His will.

    Read 1 Kings 1:1-10 – we have now a frail and aged King. The author paints us this picture. Again we see that the Kingdom is threatened. Not by external forces but by people from within the household. • There is no end to this, apparently. Earlier we have Absalom, and now his brother more

  • 13. The Favours Of God

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2017
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    Solomon was blessed with wisdom, riches and honour, and they are the favours of God. Let us acknowledge the favours of God in our lives. We seek God, not the gifts.

    The Queen of Sheba came to visit. She has heard of Solomon’s fame and his “relation to the Name of the Lord” (10:1). She came to see it for herself. • She was in awe of what she saw. It was beyond her imagination. • She asked him many questions and saw the WISDOM of Solomon. She looked around more

  • 14. Guard Your Heart

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Stay faithful to God. Guard your heart and fear the Lord.

    1 Kings 11:1-13 GUARD YOUR HEART ES 16 Jul 17 1672 Chapter 11 marks the turning point in Solomon’s life. He has left his first love and allowed other loves to take hold of him. • He has wisdom, but wisdom cannot immune us from sinning against God. Solomon hardened his heart towards God. more

  • 15. The Folly Of Man

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2017
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    Jeroboam seeks God only when he wants something, only on his own terms, only to fix his problems, and only for himself. We are to seek God for WHO He is. We worship Him and obey Him because He is the Lord of our lives.

    In 1 Kings 13, God interrupted the King’s pagan worship proceedings when he sent a man of God to declare His judgement. • He gave King Jeroboam a chance to repent, but 13:33 says EVEN AFTER THIS, the King did not change his evil ways. Sadly, the King made no effort in knowing God or more

  • 16. Set Your Heart Right

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2017

    Rehoboam failed to treasure what he has, he abandoned the Law of the Lord and forfeited the true worship of God. Heed 2 Chron 12:14 words - let us set our heart on seeking the Lord.

    Over the past 3 sermons we have been looking at King Jeroboam and his Northern Kingdom of Israel, the ten tribes that had defected. • They defected not just from David’s dynasty but from God. King Jeroboam led them into idolatry, creating another new religion, with new gods. What about the more

  • 17. Evil Men In The Hands Of A Good God

    Contributed on Oct 3, 2017

    In the midst of evil, God is watching. He is not oblivious. God's decree directs history. He will judge evil and sin. His light still shines through His faithful prophets.

    1 Kings 15-16 Evil Men in the Hands of a Good God ES 1 Oct 17 1828 We are going to touch on 1 Kings 15 today. Now that we have two kingdoms – ISRAEL and JUDAH, the author swings from one to another, telling us about the reigns of the Kings in both Kingdoms. • Following the account of King more

  • 18. The Heart Of God

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2017

    God seeks to restore His covenantal relationship with His people.

    We will be looking at the reign of King AHAB for the next few weeks. • After the split of the Kingdom, this is the longest record we have of a King – from chapters 16-22. AHAB is the son of OMRI. Read 1 Kings 16:29-34. 16:25 “Omri did evil in the eyes of the Lord and sinned MORE THAN all more

  • 19. The Provision Of God

    Contributed on Oct 15, 2017
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    We can depend on God. God's work, done in God's way, will never lack God's supply.

    The prophet of God has just pronounced a drought, sent by God although not mentioned. • The drought will end only at his word – which means at God’s bidding, when God said so. • We know that it lasted for 3.5 years because of two accounts in NT: • James 5:17 - Elijah was a human being, even as more

  • 20. The Greater Purpose

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2017

    In a crisis, we trust God's greater purpose and seek God's perfect will.

    We saw how the Lord provided for Elijah in the drought, first at the brook and then at the widow’s home in Zarephath. • By doing that, God also saved the widow and her son from death, and sustained all three of them for the duration of the famine. • Miraculously the supply of flour and oil did more

  • 21. The Great Setback

    Contributed on Nov 6, 2017
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    Don't look at the big setback, see the big picture. Don't look at the big self, see the works of God. Don't look at the big things, listen to the voice of God.

    Elijah had a great victory against the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. • He challenged the 450 prophets to call on their god to bring down fire and burn up the sacrifice. They failed, after a whole day of shouting. • At the time of the evening sacrifice, Elijah repaired the altar of more

  • 22. The Marks Of A Servant Of God

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2017
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    Elisha was willing to obey the call, prepared to count the cost, and determined to make the commitment.

    Elisha was one of the great prophet of God recorded in the Bible! • His name in Hebrew means ‘my God is salvation’ and his ministry would prove to be a testimony to the meaning of his name. • He was God’s choice. We read last week how the Lord asked Elijah to anoint Elisha to succeed him as more

  • 23. Three Words From God

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2017
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    God came to Ahab through a prophet to give him a word of promise, a word of caution and a word of assurance.

    In the last 3 chapters of 1 Kings, the author highlighted some incidents in Ahab’s reign. • It shows the failures of King Ahab. He failed, not because God has given up on him; Ahab has chosen to ignore God. • We see Ahab’s repeated rejection of God’s Word, given through the prophets. It is more

  • 24. Justice And Mercy Of God

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2017
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    God's justice is sure. God's mercy is great.

    We read last week in 1 Kings 21 of a great injustice and cruelty. • An innocent man Naboth, who owns a vineyard, was framed and murdered. And according to 2 Kings 9:26 all his sons were killed too. • Queen Jezebel wanted to prevent any future claimants for the land. King Ahab coveted his more

  • 25. Embrace The Truth

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2017
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    Seek the truth with sincerity, speak the truth with integrity, and stand by the truth with courage.

    This passage is now the third in the series of Ahab’s encounters with the Word of God. • From chapters 20-22 the author recounted some incidents when the King was confronted by the Word of God. • The Lord has not rejected Ahab (yet) even though he has been stubborn and unbelieving. The first more

  • 26. And It Shall Come To Pass

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2017
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    Nothing is random to God. There are no accidents with God. He is sovereignly in control, at all times and in all ways.

    Going against God’s warning, Ahab decides to retake Ramoth-gilead. READ 1 Kings 22:29-38. Ahab has a battle plan - disguise himself. No one will be able to identify him, if they are out to kill him. • It’s strange. He did not believe prophet Micaiah’s words and yet somehow feared that more