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Sermons on merciless:

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  • Mercilessness, The Disease Of The Soul - Part 5 Of 8 Series

    Contributed by Guy De Swardt on Apr 1, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    5th part of eight on the Beattitudes.

    The Perfect Standard For Life Mercilessness, The Disease Of The Soul -Part 5 of 8 Reading: Matthew 5v7 Many years ago now, a true story is told of two identical twins who were working for their father. They were so close they even dressed alike. When their father died they took over the family more

  • "Should I Be Concerned About Nineveh?"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jan 22, 2018

    Should we be concerned about people who are merciless? The sermon addresses that question.

    “Should I Be Concerned about Nineveh?” Jonah 3:1-5, 10 1. Jonah is told by God "TO GO" Go to the city of Nineveh • Go Preach against it because of its wickedness. They had humiliated and crushed the Israelites, then stripped them of their culture and their more

  • Repentance

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Jun 19, 2020

    Short message during virus shut down time. This was shared by text and other media.

    Sunday 4/5/2020 From the Desk of the Pastor: In the early years, Circuit riders were most often lay preachers without formal education. They were young, poor, and, for the most part, single. Traveling thousands of miles a year. Though circuit riders eventually represented many different more

  • Prodigal Or Judgmental

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 20, 2022

    Imagine someone who wasted his inheritance on wild living, went broke, was homeless, smelled like a pig and just wanted to come home? Purpose: Let’s look at the prodigal son. Plan: Let’s examine Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32.

    Hymns: You Raise Me Up (Joshua 5); Forgiven (Psalm 32); We Are Standing on Holy Ground (2 Corinthians 5); Father I Have Sinned (the Prodigal Son Song). Readings: Joshua 5:9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Prelude: Imagine someone who wasted his inheritance on wild living, went broke, was more

  • The Crown Of Suffering Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Dec 19, 2018

    The scourging Jesus endured would have been unimaginably horrific, but His suffering was from over. Following the merciless beating, Jesus was then subjected to ridicule and mockery. All of this was done for you and me!

    The Crown of Suffering Mark 15: 16-21 Our last study ended with a gripping statement: And so Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified. It doesn’t reveal much detail. We are merely told that Jesus was more

  • Nine Characteristics Of Wisdom From Above

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 25, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    Failure to exude the wisdom from above leads to impurity, pickiness, harshness, unapproachableness, mercilessness, fruitlessness, wavering and dishonesty. True wisdom is pure, peacable, gentle, entreatable, merciful, fruitful, steadfast, honest that evide

    Nine Characteristics of Wisdom from Above (James 3:17,18) "But the wisdom from above is first of all pure (undefiled); peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle); it is willing to yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits; it is wholehearted and straight forward; impartial and more

  • Sin Rocks The Boat Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 29, 2022

    When an evil empire displayed its power before God and the world through various demonstrations of inhumane mercilessness, that is when Jonah heard God instruct him to proceed to call the people to repent for their sins.

    When an evil empire displayed its power before God and the world through various demonstrations of inhumane mercilessness, that is when Jonah heard God instruct him to proceed to call the people to repent for their sins. In verses 1-3: God called Jonah to do a work in Nineveh, an important city more

  • Satan’s Deadly Political Leader: The Antichrist Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 2, 2023

    This message explores the Antichrist's rise to power, and the vicious and merciless war he will inflict on humanity. However, God is so good that in the midst of hell on earth He still gives us hope we can trust!

    Alpha and Omega, Part 38, Revelation Part 15 Satan’s Deadly Political Leader: The Antichrist Revelation 13:1-10 Introduction - Been studying Revelation together, to understand God’s plan for creation -- REM: Redemption of sin has been provided through Jesus; we have a choice - Last week, we more

  • I Have Forgiven You Already Series

    Contributed by Alan Tison on Jun 2, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    The need for mercy is great, Jesus points out the need for mercy in the beatitudes found in the sermon on the mount

    You were in a hurry to get to work – you did not see the stop sign, but he did, and in just a matter of seconds, you hear the siren and see the blue lights. You are about to receive a traffic ticket. The cost will be approx. $150.00 plus points on your license. Your insurance is going to go up, more

  • God At The Mercy Of Sinful Humankind

    Contributed by Richard Jones on Nov 3, 2000
    based on 117 ratings

    A heartfelt look at the suffering servant.

    God at the Mercy of Sinful Humankind Isaiah 50:4-9 (Main Text) Philippians 2:5-11(Read entire text pg. 5) Each text I will use today relates to the suffering of Christ -- from the first inklings of the suffering in the prophet Isaiah, to the long passion narrative in Mark, to the theological more

  • Isolation

    Contributed by David Crank on Sep 12, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    Those who isolate themselves are without a shepherd and are wide-open to peril.

    One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do…. - Three Dog Night As I was thinking about my message on isolation that well-known lyric sprang to mind. I remember a time when I wasn’t just singing it….I was living it! I was married at 18 years of age. My young wife more

  • Beware

    Contributed by Ben Bannister on Jul 4, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    In this sermon, we are warned about three problems that Christians are often a part of.

    Text: James 2:1-13 ETS: James warns the early church not to show favoritism. ESS: There are three warnings in this passage. OSS: The Youth of MVBC will heed these three warnings. PQ: What are the warnings given in this passage? UW: Warnings Title: Beware I. Beware of showing personal more

  • "Serve The Lord With Gladness,” And Why?

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Nov 16, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    why we are to be a thankful people - a people who serve the Lord with gladness.

    “Serve the Lord with gladness,” and WHY? Psalm 100 One morning a deacon was asked to go to the airport and meet the preacher who was coming to his church to conduct a revival. He went but was not sure as to what the preacher looked like. He carefully examined the passengers as they exited the more

  • Mercy: "The Way To Happiness” Series

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Feb 4, 2002
    based on 90 ratings

    Many Christians are not happy because they are missing this one beatitude in their life.

    Imagine if you would a fork in the road. To the right the road is named “Merciful Avenue” and it leads to happiness. To the left the road is named “Cruelty Avenue” and it leads to misery. Illustration: Happiness - A fascinating study on the principle of the Golden Rule was conducted by Bernard more

  • Viewing The Sin Of Prejudice Series

    Contributed by James Mccullen on May 6, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Prejudice is not an attractive quality of the Christian life. So why don’t we work more to eliminate it from our lifestyles? In this sermon it is identified as sin. Prejudice needs to be approached from several different angles, and this sermon speaks

    Viewing the Sin of Prejudice James 2:1-14 C:\MyData\JAM-OLD But Good\JAMES2-1.WPD (1) My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. (2} For if a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes, and more

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