Sermon Series
  • 1. Sin Rocks The Boat

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2022

    When an evil empire displayed its power before God and the world through various demonstrations of inhumane mercilessness, that is when Jonah heard God instruct him to proceed to call the people to repent for their sins.

    When an evil empire displayed its power before God and the world through various demonstrations of inhumane mercilessness, that is when Jonah heard God instruct him to proceed to call the people to repent for their sins. In verses 1-3: God called Jonah to do a work in Nineveh, an important city more

  • 2. What Was The Problem Of The Prophet?

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2022

    The purpose of the book of Jonah is to show the degree of the grace of God, that the message of salvation is for all individuals.

    The purpose of the book of Jonah is to show the degree of the grace of God, that the message of salvation is for all individuals. This book is not quite the same as the other prophetic books since it recounts the tale of the prophet and does not fixate on his predictions. Indeed, just one verse more

  • 3. The Protesting Prophet

    Contributed on Oct 31, 2022

    Jonah sinned and ran from God; the sailors were spared and came to God.

    Fear of God – Scared 1:3 In verses 1-3: Jonah is referenced in 2 Kings 14:25. He prophesied during the rule of Jeroboam II, the king of Israel from 703-753 B.C. He might have been one of the youthful prophets of the school referenced regarding Elisha's service (2 Kings 2:3). Jonah was called more

  • 4. The Praying Prophet

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2022

    Jonah prays from inside the great fish. When we realize that God wants us to accomplish something, we ought not to run.

    Fear the God – Respect 2:1-9 At the beginning of chapter 1, we see Jonah as The Protesting Prophet. He did not want to go to Nineveh as directed by God. It is noted in verse three that he “rose up to flee…from the Presence of the Lord.” Jonah had sinned by running from God. However, we can see more

  • 5. The Preaching Prophet

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2022

    Jonah fulfills his mission as he preaches at Nineveh.

    In verses 1-3: Jonah had disregarded God and opposed him; however, God actually showed him sympathy. At the point when we disregard God, he might chastise us, yet he will, in any case, show empathy and pardon us assuming we abandon our wrongdoings. Jonah fled from God, yet he was allowed a second more

  • 6. The Pouting Prophet

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The mercy of God towards the people of Nineveh makes Jonah angry.

    The mercy of God towards the people of Nineveh makes Jonah angry. Jonah delivered the message, but Scripture does not state if he gave assistance or encouragement. In verses 1-4: For what reason did Jonah turn out to be so furious when God saved Nineveh? The Jews would have rather not shared more

  • 7. What Was The Sin That Caused The Boat To Rock?

    Contributed on Jan 28, 2024

    Evil was rampant through the area. God called a man to preach repentance. But instead of doing as he was instructed, he ran. How many Christians today are like that?

    When an evil empire displayed its power before God and the world through various demonstrations of inhumane mercilessness, that is when Jonah heard God instruct him to proceed to call the people to repent for their sins. However, Jonah ran away from God. In verses one - three: God called Jonah to more