
Summary: In this sermon, we are warned about three problems that Christians are often a part of.

Text: James 2:1-13

ETS: James warns the early church not to show favoritism.

ESS: There are three warnings in this passage.

OSS: The Youth of MVBC will heed these three warnings.

PQ: What are the warnings given in this passage?

UW: Warnings

Title: Beware

I. Beware of showing personal favoritism (vv1-9)

A. Because the grace of God is for all people (vv 1 & 5)

B. Because this does not fulfill the law of love (vv 2-4 & 8-9)

C. Because the rich are the ones mistreating them (vv 6-7)

D. Because favoritism is a sin (vv 8-9)

II. Beware of rating which sins are more severe (vv10-11)

A. Because one transgression breaks the whole law (v10)

B. Because we will begin thinking certain sins are okay (vv10-11)

III. Beware of a merciless heart (vv12-13)

A. Because we will be judged by the law of liberty (v12)

B. Because we will obtain no mercy (v13)

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