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Sermons on Matthew 6:26:

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  • Surrendering The Need To Worry

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on May 21, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    to emphasize that we don’t need to worry and what we should be doing instead.

    Surrendering the Need to Worry Matthew 6:25-34 Primary Purpose: To encourage the congregation not to worry and to give their anxieties to the Lord. A man said to his friend, “I have a mountain of credit card debt. I have lost my job. My car is being repossessed and our houses is in more

  • Standing Tall: Agaist The What-If's Of Life Series

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on May 29, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    What if’s can rob you of Life till you learn to seek God’s kingdom first.

    One of our local channels last week aired a report on the dangers lurking in our shower curtains. They took a fair number of minutes getting samples with swabs off people¡¦s shower curtains. Surprisingly in the greenish/black stuff that has grown there in the folds and along the base of the more

  • War Against Anxiety Demons

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on May 14, 2004
    based on 108 ratings

    Any concern too small to be turned into prayer is too small to be made into a burden, so worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its strength.

    Palm 37:8: “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath. Fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.” This is simply saying, “Don’t let your anxiety drive you to a point where you will sin against God.” Proverbs 12:25: “Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop; but a good word maketh it glad.” This is more

  • How To Live Free From Anxiety Series

    Contributed by John Baker on Jan 12, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Series on Christian Stewardship

    Sermon Title: How to live free from Anxiety Place: Oakdale Wesleyan Church Date: February 27, 2005 Series: How to Live the Uncomplicated Life Introduction In recent years our society has been plagued by a new epidemic. The cure for this epidemic has become a billion dollar industry as one more

  • Floodlight Eyes

    Contributed by Johann Neethling on Jan 18, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Some practical implications of regarding our eyes as God’s lamp for our bodies - freeing us from worry and anxiety and setting us free to love as we have been loved.

    FLOODLIGHT EYES Matthew 6: 19-34 1. “The eyes are the lamp of the body”. As I read those words my mind immediately flashed back to the old Superman comics I read as a kid or even the Superman movie as you would see “the man of steel” able to visually focus in on any object with those laser beam more

  • Setting Up Your Retirement Plan

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Jan 24, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    what Jesus says about laying up treasure

    "Setting Up Your Retirement Plan" Matthew 6:19-34 6\8\97 Intro: When people choose a job these days, one of the most important questions is "What kind of pension plan is included?" Americans have devoted great energy to planning ahead so we can enjoy all of the benefits of retirement. A number more

  • Money And Giving

    Contributed by Greg Tabor on Feb 20, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    This sermon deals with Jesus’ call to us to store up treasures in heaven rather than merely stockpiling wealth for the here and now.

    Money and Giving 12/4/05 Pastor Greg Tabor Lighthouse Assembly of God Introduction There was a song years ago entitled ‘I Wanna Be Rich.’ It said ‘I want money, lots and lots of money.’ That song’s lyrics are just as true today. People want money and they want all the things that money can buy. more

  • "What The World Needs Now--Contentment"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Sep 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A stewarship Sermon.

    Matthew 6:24-34 Philippians 4:12-13 “What the World Needs Now—Contentment” By: Rev, Ken Sauer, Pastor, East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Paul, a human being just like you and I, found the secret of contentment, but I am afraid that there are very few of us who make it to this more

  • The Most Important Need Series

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Jan 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The main point of Christ’s teaching here is that we should be seeking His kingdom and righteousness, not getting our needs met. So what does it mean to seek first His kingdom and righteousness?

    The Most Important Need Griffith Baptist Church – 1/27/08 A.M. Service Text: Matthew 6:25-34 Key verse: Matthew 6:33a The Introduction Two blondes were flying to Miami from Cleveland. Fifteen minutes into the flight, the captain announced "One of the engines has failed and the flight will be more

  • Attention Please

    Contributed by Roger Nelmes on Jan 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    You know sometimes we can get so caught up in worrying about yesterday and tomorrow that we miss what God is trying to do today. Someone has once said that the average person is crucifying himself between two thieves: The regrets of yesterday and the wo

    Attention Please Matthew 6:25-34 (The Message) 25"If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more

  • Give It Up - First Things First

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Feb 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    There is a principle in the scriptures of keeping the first things first. That which is first in our life is important to God. Is God first in our finances? Relationships? Time? Marriage? Etc.? )Thoughts taken from a sermon series entitled Give It Up by P

    Introduction Today- talk about giving- important topic in the Bible. Many of Jesus’ parables have to do with money. Attitude towards money-barometer-spiritual condition More important- money- principle- First Things First. Begin by watching this video- First things First As we talk about giving- I more

  • Surviving And Overcoming Worry And Anxiety Series

    Contributed by Max High on Feb 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus holds the answer to conquering our worry and anxiety.

    Surviving and Overcoming Worry and Anxiety Matthew 6, Psalm 37 Introduction: I. We must remember that we are valuable to God. (Matt. 6:26) A. We are more valuable than the birds of the air B. We are more beautiful than the lilies of the field C. We are more splendid than Solomon’s more

  • Treasures In Heaven

    Contributed by Jeremiah Parker on Feb 23, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Christ puts money in proper perspective.

    Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:19-33 I. Impermanence of Stuff (Moths, rust and thieves) a. Stock market crash: Oct. 29, 1929 Depression began in US and spread throughout the world. Rich folk were made poor overnight. People committed suicide. Jobs became scarce. “In Chicago, a crowd of men more

  • Getting Your Big Rocks In

    Contributed by Don Jaques on Sep 5, 2006

    The only way to accomplish what is truly important in life is to get those priorities into your schedule first.

    When it comes to our lives – two things are clear. There are more rocks than we’ve got jar space! If we want to make the most of our jar space - we’ve got to make sure to get the biggest rocks in first. As we come into another fall, there will be lots of “rocks” vying your time and attention. more

  • Games People Play: Hungry Hungry Hippos Series

    Contributed by David Ward on Sep 25, 2006

    When we commit ourselves to God, He commits Himself to us.

    Games People Play: “Hungry Hungry Hippos” Matthew 6:25-34 INTRODUCTION: Hungry Hungry Hippos is the game of get all you can while the getting is good. [Demonstrate game] My kids love to play Hungry Hungry Hippos; unfortunately, so do most Americans as we play for all the "marbles" we can. more

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