
Summary: A Biblical warning agains worry


Matthew 6;25-33

We, as Christians, worry without the authization of God to Do so. Three times in this chapter we are told to "Take no thought". This literally means that we are not to worry.

Jesus was very clear about this in our text.

I. The Command Not to Worry

(Based on four principles)

A. We have better things to do (25b)

B. Worry is useless (27)

C. Worry shows a lack of faith (30b)

D. Worry hinders our spiritual walk

II The Plan Not to Worry

(Remember these three principles)

A. The Lord cares (30a)

B. The Lord knows (32)

C. The Lord expects (33) Three things He expects

1. Effort (seek)

2. Prioritized Life (first)

3. Spiritual Committment (The Kingdom of God)

If you are troubled with worry in your life the solution is simple. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

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