God's Warning And Will For Believers Series
Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: exposition on Matt ch6
Matthew 6 v. 19 - 34
God’s warning to believers.v 19 - 32
God’s will for believers. v. 33 - 34 v. 33 "seek ye first the kingdom of God."
God’s warning against:-
1. Trust in riches v. 19 "lay not up" or heap not up treasures upon earth.
(a) negatively - God tells something not to do. why?
because earth’s riches are passing. v. 19 "moth and rust doth corrupt" moths are as threatening as theives. John Wesley said " gain all you can, save all you can, then give all you can, if I leave more than £10, you and all mankind bear witness that I lived and died a thief and robber."
(b) positively - God tells us something we should do. why?
because heaven’s tresures are permanent "lay up treasures in heaven" i.e. by consecration to God, by ministration to man, Matthew 10 v. 42 " even a cup of cold water shall not lose its reward". "Mansions & furnishings in heaven are secure from moths and termites, metals free from rust, precious stones free fron thieves, and all hearts are free from fear of loss forever",
(c) descriptively - God tells us why we should do it v. 21"where your treasure is there will your heart be also."
according to Colossians 3 v.1 - 4 the Christian is weaned from this world because of his :-
(A) v. 1 position "if ye then be risen with Christ."
(B) v. 1 pursuit "seek those things which are above."
(C) v. 1 pattern " where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."
(D) v.2 priorities "set your affection on things above."
(E) v. 3 purity "for ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God."
(F) v. 4 prospects "when Christ who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory."
2. Double mindedness v. 22 - 24 " no man can serve two masters."
(a) positively - Gods encouragement to be single minded, free from lusts and diversions - sound ie. full of light
(b) negatively v. 23 Gods discouragement of double mindness, if eye unsound ie. full of darkness
(c) descriptively v. 24 "no man can serve two masters." note:-
(1) the problem (impossible)
(2) the preference hate or hold
(3) the provocation (hate, love, hold or despise)
(4) the proposition - therefore serve God not mammon.
3. Worry & anxiety v. 25 - 34 v25 " take no thought for your life."
(a) negatively God says "take no anxious thought"
(b) positively God says - "that life is more than meat," v. 25 "that the body more that raiment," v. 25 that man is greater than materials v. 25 greater than fowls v. 26 greater than problems v. 27 and greater than plants v30
(c) descriptively v. 32 "for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.".
v. 30 worry doubts :-
the providence of God v. 32
His omniscience " your heavenly father knoweth."
His omnipotence " if God so clothe the grass of the field "
His omnipresence, v. 30 " shall he not much more clothe you, o ye of little faith?"
the promises of God, "shall he not much more", v. 30
the power of God "o ye of little faith".
God’s will for believers v. 33 & 34 "but seek ye first the kingdom of God".
1. The priority of God’s will "seek ye first"
2. The possibility of God’s will - you can seek it, because of what Christ has done.
3. The promise of God’s will "all these things shall be added unto you"
4. The peace of God’s will v. 34 "take therefore no anxious thought"