  • Rich Cook

    Contributing sermons since Jun 21, 2005
Rich's church

Clarksville Grace Nazarene
Clarksville, Tennessee 37040

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  • His Rules Or House Rules?

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Using the backdrop of board games, we look at God's sovereignty and our temptation to take his original plan and insert our own "house rules."

    God’s game. His rules or House rules? 1. Games. (Scrolled through slides of several games: Life, Monopoly, Uno, etc.) 2. Sorry: Object of the game is to get your four pieces from the start into your home, different cards different instructions, slides (but not your own color), safe more

  • Samson: A Life Wasted

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A study of waste and wasted potential. Samson had such potential to be a great man of God. Instead of treasuring the gifts he'd been given, he wasted his strength on his own desires.

    What a Waste Seeds: some background notes from a Steve Malone message/outline. 1. I’m aggravated by waste. 2. Waste: wasted time (waiting in line, or at the doctor, or to get your driver’s license), wasted food (seeing food thrown away, or left on the plate), wasted money (government more

  • Jesus At The Temple

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A short outline about what Jesus did in the Temple during Holy Week, and also what he does in our hearts today.

    Jesus and the Temple Seeds: Bible app study note 1. Matthew 21:12-17. 2. I love when the bad guys get what’s coming to them. In the movies or on a TV show, it’s almost “therapeutic” to see the bad guys get theirs. 3. That’s what we feel most often when we read more

  • Lessons From The Titanic

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Lessons and warnings that led to the sinking of Titanic, and challenges for Christians and the church.

    Titanic Much of this sermon is original. However I’ve picked up thoughts, points, illustrations and quotes from many sources. 1. (Slides 1-5) Always been fascinated with the Titanic, elementary school library book, Titanic was found when I was in high school, the movie (James Cameron more

  • Lose The Weight Of Unforgiveness

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2005
    based on 73 ratings

    A final sermon in the "Lose the weight of ..." series. This message looks at what forgiveness is and what it isn’t. A tough message for those dealing with forgiveness issues, but a challenging one for those seeking spiritual health.

    Lose the weight of unforgiveness Purpose: To illustrate the destructive nature of unforgiveness and to give opportunity to forgive. 1. This month we’re trying to lose the weight. Hebrews 12:1, "Let us throw off everything that hinders." 2. (I started this message with a personal story of more

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