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Sermons on Markos 1:42:

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  • Choosing Compassion Series

    Contributed by John Bright on May 27, 2023

    Working through the Gospel of Luke using consecutive expository preaching. Teaching sheet included at end of text.

    "Choosing Compassion" Luke 13:10-17 A sermon for 10/2/22 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor John Bright Luke 13 10 Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. 11 And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and more

  • Make Me Clean Lord - Mark 1:36-45 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Jul 1, 2023

    What Jesus did for the leper is a picture of what he does for our hearts.

    Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. 36 Simon and his companions went to look for him, 37 and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” 38 Jesus replied, “Let us go more

  • Jesus, The Man Of Surprises Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 3, 2023

    As we move through Mark's Gospel, Jesus continues to amaze and surprise the people as everyone tries to figure out who Jesus really is. In this sermon, Jesus really surprises everyone by touching the leper and forgiving the sins of the paralytic.

    A. Have you ever thought you knew someone, but then you were surprised by something interesting that you learned about them? 1. What’s true about our friends is also true about celebrities. B. Let me share some of the surprising hobbies that some famous celebrities have that you probably were more

  • The Healing. A Story Of A Man With Leprosy. Mark 1:40-45

    Contributed by David Cramer on Nov 13, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is a story that was shared to me many years ago which is about faith, hope, and healing in our walk here on earth with the Lord our Saviour.

    Good Morning Stand with me and lift your bible and repeat after me. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. I am going to learn how to be what it says I can be. Today I will learn more of the word of God. The indestructible, never ending, more

  • One Pair Of Hands

    Contributed by David Nolte on May 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    There are many kinds of hands -- calloused, arthritic, genteel and bejeweled. And there are the Hands of Jesus

    “One Pair Of Hands” Mark 1:40-42 David P. Nolte Hands – some are gnarled and misshapen with arthritis; some are calloused and stiff from years of labor; some are smooth, delicate and well cared for. Hands can hurt or help, strike or soothe, grasp or give; exclude or embrace. Hands more

  • You Can’t Quarantine The Gospel!

    Contributed by Greg Stier on Mar 23, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    We are living in some strange times! In this sermon Greg Stier, founder of Dare2Share ministries, shares some practical wisdom and insight into a gospel centered response.

    We are living during some strange, strange times. More and more cities are taking drastic steps to contain the spread of the Coronavirus. We, as a ministry have taken drastic steps as well. We have cancelled our face-to-face large group meetings for the immediate future and have moved much of our more

  • On Social Distancing

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 4, 2020

    Jesus broke cardinal rules of social distancing

    On Social Distancing Mark 1:40-42 As I was contemplating writing the manuscript for my Easter sermon which because of COVID-19 will have to be delivered on-line, I was troubled at the mass fear I see all around me concerning this virus. So before Easter, I must needs remember the suffering of Holy more

  • Moved With Compassion

    Contributed by Clay Ledford on Dec 13, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Three of the greatest words in scripture are "moved with compassion:. What moves you? What moves your needle? Jesus was "moved with compassion" for the lostness of man (Matthew 9), for the needs of man (Matthew 14), and now for an individual who needs a touch and a word.

    Moved with compassion #3 Mark 1:40 – 45. It’s personal. Everybody is motivated/moved by something. What moves you? Money, success, family, friends, politics, love. In this series we’ve looked at two things that “moved” Jesus “with compassion”. In Matthew chapter 9 we found that Jesus was “moved more

  • Jesus The Amazing Teacher Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jan 4, 2020

    The one thing we can never do with Jesus is be bored by Him. We can reject Him, we can receive Him, we can love or hate him, but he can never be boring. We notice in Mark that people are often Astounded or Amazed by Jesus - and we should be as well.

    JESUS IS AMAZING: AN AMAZING TEACHER Text: Mark 1:21-45; Psalm 103:1-5 Introduction The one thing we can never do with Jesus is be bored by Him. We can reject Him, we can receive Him, we can love or hate him, but he can never be boring. We notice in Mark that people are often Astounded or Amazed more

  • Go Thy Way: When Jesus Healed A Leper Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Feb 9, 2020

    Remember the slogan, "WWJD" or "what would Jesus do?" When a leper came to Jesus asking to be healed, what did Jesus do?

    Introduction: Leprosy. This was one of the worst, and perhaps the most dreaded diseases of all time. If anyone ever came down with this disease, that person just about faced a death sentence. Everyone, who had this disease, faced expulsion from society, including home, family, friends, and more

  • #9 A Life-Transforming Touch Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    One touch motivated by compassion transformed a leper’s life forever. This message explores the healing of the leper in Mark 1:40-45.

    A Life-Transforming Touch Series: Gospel of Mark Chuck Sligh February 16, 2020 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at Please mention the title of the sermon and the Bible text to help me find the sermon in my archives. TEXT: Please turn more

  • Inside Of Our Faith Faith Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jul 9, 2019

    Using the tools that God gives us allows us to live out our faith and touch the lives of those around us.

    Sermon Series “Toolbox of Faith” #1 Inside of our faith Luke 7:1-10 Mark 1:40-45 Prayer- Father, today would you do something amazing! Those of us who have gathered to hear your word desire it. Those of us who have come hungry and wanting more for our lives, allow us to be in your presence more

  • The Whole Good News Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jan 7, 2016

    Jesus heals a man with an unclean spirit, Peter's mother-in-law, and a leper.

    Mark 1:21-45 “The Whole Good News” INTRODUCTION What would be some of the greatest headlines that you’d like to read in 2016? • ISIS Defeated! • Surprise Resident Wins Powerball Lottery • War On Poverty Won! For the writer of the gospel of Mark the more

  • A Life Changing Touch Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Mar 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Leprosy was a dreaded disease, that led to a slow and painful death apart from divine healing. Jesus touched a leper, bringing healing and hope to his life. Leprosy pictures sin, and the saved have experienced such a touch from the Lord.

    A Life Changing Touch Mark 1: 40-45 Today we read of one of the greatest miracles Jesus performed while here on earth. Leprosy was a dreaded disease without a known cure. Apart from a divine touch of God, those who contracted the disease faced a slow and painful death. There is only one other more

  • How To Become A Contagious Christian

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 1, 2017

    Jesus touched a leper but He didn't get leprosy, rather the leper got Jesus. Why? Because Jesus was contagious with a strain from Heaven, which, when caught, replicates Jesus in the lives of those who catch it! We need to pass it on!

    HOW TO BECOME A CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIAN Mk. 1:40-42 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. When you’re a boy, dirt is a good thing. I heard about a “preacher’s kid” who was told by his mother that he should wash his hands because there were germs living in all the dirt he’d been playing in. 2. He looked up at more

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