Inside Of Our Faith Faith Series
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jul 9, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Using the tools that God gives us allows us to live out our faith and touch the lives of those around us.
Sermon Series “Toolbox of Faith” #1
Inside of our faith
Luke 7:1-10
Mark 1:40-45
Father, today would you do something amazing!
Those of us who have gathered to hear your word desire it.
Those of us who have come hungry and wanting more for our lives, allow us to be in your presence and hear from you.
Today as we begin a new series, give us insight on how we can live productive, pure, energized,
empowered lives for you and through you.
May the tools that you give us bring us that abundant life now and also for eternity. In Jesus Name! Amen.
Today, we begin a new series, I like to see down the road to what we want to accomplish. I want us to use the tools that God gives us so that we can become all that God wants for our life and that we are vessels that others not only see Christ in us but we are sharing Christ with those that we come into contact with.
Conviction- That is a word we don’t use very much anymore. That was a word that was used heavily from church pulpits years ago.
Conviction defined is “A firmly held belief or opinion.” “The quality of showing that one is firmly convinced of what one believes or says.”
As a believer in Christ- we should be convicted that we live what we believe and share what we believe.
We should not be swaying back and forth and determining every day wither we are believers because it should become who we are.
Living out our commitment to Jesus and be grateful for the things that God has done for us.
We live in an age that commitment has become an option.
Well, for me… I will leave that to preachers and leaders.
Well for me…I cannot live that Holy of a life- so I will do the best I can.
Well for me…I am not committed to anything that much! So the Lord will understand.
Well… it is not about us, it is about Jesus in is in our lives.
Jesus says… “My disciples will hear my voice”- They will hear my voice and they will respond with obedience.
Jesus says… “Follow me”- If Jesus looks behind, He should see you and I following.
Jesus says… “Make disciples” A disciple is a follower of Jesus. Learning, studying, and becoming a teacher of His Word. That does not mean we are all preachers, teachers for pay. It means that in our lives where God has placed us, we will be vessels that the Lord can use and when He needs us, we will be there.
Coming back to conviction-
We have got to settle our relationship with Jesus.
As a follower, we do not have the option of getting in and getting out. It is all in just like Jesus was all in for us.
Conviction is allowing the Holy Spirit of God to readjust our path, teach us to look at the compass and see when we are off track and get back to going into the right direction.
People today are struggling because they are trying to live their own life and attempt at living for God as long as it lines up with what they want.
It is totally the opposite- we are to live for Christ! We are to be seeking His face for things going on in our lives.
Then when our lives are in sync with the Lord, we find that many times He gives us the desire of our heart because we are willing to be in His will.
When our will is to do His will- wow! We see amazing things begin to happen!
What to look at and discover in His Will
Faith- internal and lived out
Holy Spirit and the enabling power of His Spirit working in our lives
Forgiveness- given and received
Generosity- Given and received- That is not only for those with money.
Connection and finding purpose
Word of God- Allowed to change our lives- used to change other people’s lives.
So let’s look at our faith- some say it is private. That Is not biblical.
Our faith is lived out for the world to see and be drawn to God.
I believe that there is an element of internal faith and external faith.
One part see’s us through the rough times of our life and keeps us on track.
Another part is lived out and expressed to others that God brings into our path.
No one sitting here was saved totally on someone living out their faith. It may have drawn you and encouraged you to pursue God, but at some point, someone told you about Jesus and you made your own decision.
If your faith is not operating like that, could maybe be why we struggle with day to day things that should be settled and under the blood of Christ.