Sermon Series
  • 1. Inside Of Our Faith Faith

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2019

    Using the tools that God gives us allows us to live out our faith and touch the lives of those around us.

    Sermon Series “Toolbox of Faith” #1 Inside of our faith Luke 7:1-10 Mark 1:40-45 Prayer- Father, today would you do something amazing! Those of us who have gathered to hear your word desire it. Those of us who have come hungry and wanting more for our lives, allow us to be in your presence more

  • 2. Inside Our Faith #2

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2019

    Continue to see that our faith is internal and external and we need both to operate in our lives.

    Sermon Series “Toolbox of Faith” #2 Inside our Faith #2 Romans chapter 8:1-11 Prayer- Father, Have your way Lord! I thank you this morning for Stephon’s testimony. I pray you continue to use him and allow him each day to get into your presence and your presence will matter in his life and to more

  • 3. Pentecost; What Next?

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    I am not talking about a tool out of the faith toolbox. I am talking about Holy Spirit walking with you everyday.

    Pentecost; What next? Acts Chapter 2:1-13 Prayer Father today on this Pentecost Sunday, may your Spirit fall fresh on us and have us respond to your leading and your Spirit direct us into new truth… into living the abundant life that you promise to believers who have put their faith in you. I pray more

  • 4. Generosity, Kindness, And Compassion

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2019

    Generosity, kindness, and compassion comes from allowing Christ to give you His heart for people

    Toolbox of Faith series Generosity, kindness, and compassion 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Prayer- This morning Father, I ask that you would speak to our hearts and minister to our souls of the importance of being kind, being generous, and having a heart of compassion for the lost and for the people that more

  • 5. The God Of Peace And Comfort

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Desiring God's peace and comfort

    Toolbox of Faith series The God of peace and comfort 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 Prayer- Father today, would you do something amazing in our lives? We need to sense your presence. We need to sense your peace and your comfort. Take hurting hearts and touch them with your love. Take a heart today that more