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  • The 12 Days Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 22, 2015
    based on 15 ratings

    When you view the Christmas story in Scripture, it almost seems like God didn't invest much in Jesus' birth. Lowly parent, born in a barn, laid in a manger, announced to mere shepherds. Is there something about this gift of Christ that we're missing? (acapella – fade out at 3:00) Did you notice how much fun those guys had singing that song? That’s the way it ought to be because Christmas is a fun time of the year. There’s another Christmas song that says that Christmas is the more

  • That Same God – Part 4

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Mar 1, 2025

    The same God who lifted the lowly, made a way where there was none, and fought battles for His people is still at work today. He does not change, and He is still in control of your situation. What He has done before, He will do again.

    THAT SAME GOD – PART 4 By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:37 – “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with more

  • Blessed Are The Meek Series

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Nov 4, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    We don’t see much meekness in this world, but it was a meek and lowly life that Christ modeled for us. When we watch a movie depicting the life of Christ, we often see a soft spoken and gentle man. Perhaps that is the picture we have of meekness. Only

    Great things are always revealed to God’s chosen people on the mountaintop. There are many examples of this throughout the Bible. We haven’t the time to look at all of these, but we can continue to look at what Jesus spoke on the Sermon on the Mount. Again, what we should notice is the fact that more

  • A Servant's Heart Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The greatest man or woman of God can perform the most menial tasks willingly. Plus, the most lowly of jobs can actually be the most mighty works for God if you combine two things: wisdom and God’s Spirit. Learn how it worked in the life of Stephen.

    In a lot of ways chapters 6 and 7 mirror the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus was anointed by the Spirit, chosen to serve, healed and performed miracles while contending with the intransigent religious leadership and preaching the gospel, then was arrested and tried for attacking Moses (supposedly) and more

  • Come Unto Me

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jul 8, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” Matthew 11:28-29.

    Introduction: A major problem in our nation today, and not a day goes by without it being mentioned in the news media, is corruption. All attempts to end it have proved unsuccessful as many people see nothing wrong with it. The reason is that they are always hearing that lying and cheating pays. more

  • Light In Earthen Vessels

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God saw a lowly farmer like Gideon as a mighty warrior. When God looks at each of us, He sees a mighty warrior too. However, that warrior doesn’t appear unless we put our trust in the Lord and rely entirely on Him in faith.

    Our text today will come from the New International Version. In our message we’re going to view a story about an ordinary man who had an intense struggle with trusting God, and this man’s name was Gideon. We will learn how when Gideon finally trusted the Lord, that he understood what it meant to more

  • The Heart Of Jesus Revealed.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Oct 31, 2021

    Whatever is crumbling all around you, where ever you feel stuck, Come to Him. Bring that part of you where you feel most defeated, He is there; He lives there, right there, and His heart for you during that darkness, is gentle and lowly.

    The Heart Of Jesus Revealed. Matthew 11:25-30 Noah Drew at age 2 discovered the protective presence of Jesus. The tender Jesus. The Drew family was making the short drive from their house to their neighborhood pool. Leanna, the mom, was driving so slowly that the automatic door locks did not more

  • May The Weak Be Strong

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jan 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The following sermon is going to review 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 to help us remember that God chooses the foolish, weak, lowly, and despised of this world to serve Him and in doing so shames the wise and strong so that boasting of righteousness, holiness and redemption would only be done in the Lord!

    May the Weak be Strong 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Online Sermon: What do you do when the Creator of all things seen and unseen who was slain to purchase your soul (Colossians 1:16; Revelation 13:8; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20), asks you a born-again believer to more

  • #5&6~ The Lord's 2nd Coming. Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jul 28, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Today we'll talk for a few minutes about the 2nd coming of Christ. He came the 1st time as a meek and lowly Lamb to pay our sin debt, but when He returns the next time He'll come as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, He'll rule with a rod of iron.

    #5&6~ The Lord's 2nd coming. STILL TO COME 7-20-13 For the passed 4 broadcasts we have been talking about things that "ARE STILL TO COME" on Gods Prophetic Calendar. #1- is the rapture of the True Church, this is next on Gods Prophetic more

  • Witnessing To The "Gods" Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 25, 2012
    based on 64 ratings

    What "gods" was David witnessing to? And how can the decision he made influence our choices in how we witness for our Lord?

    OPEN: A Sunday School teacher once asked her students: “What do you think God looks like?” These were some of the answers: - He looks like Billy Graham. - He’s an old man because of all the years He’s been alive. - He looks like a human being with a heart, feet, eyes like more

  • Ministry Partnerships-4(2025)

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 4, 2025

    4 of ? Elizabeth & Mary shared their experiences as ministry partners in God’s service. Ministry partnerships foster an atmosphere for sharing experience in God’s service. But What exactly do those partnerships in God's service share? Ministry partnerships share...

    MINISTRY PARTNERSHIPS-IV—Luke 1:39-56 --Luke 1:46-55[part-2--:51-53](1:39-56) Attention: Old Mr. Woodruff loved the game of golf, but his age was making it increasingly difficult for him to play. He complained to the pro-shop staff about his eyesight. He said, “I can't play with my glasses more

  • Ministry Partnerships-3(2025)

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 25, 2025

    3 of ? Elizabeth & Mary shared their experiences as ministry partners in God’s service. Ministry partnerships foster an atmosphere for sharing experience in God’s service. But What exactly do those partnerships in God's service share? Ministry partnerships share...

    MINISTRY PARTNERSHIPS-III— —Luke 1:46-55[part-1--:46-50](:39-56) Attention: The other day, my wife(the First Lady of Salem) was making a big pot of vegetable soup. But she didn’t want us to start eating it immediately, because she had only recently added some key ingredients to the soup. She more

  • God Calls Us To Walk Through Life In A Worthy Way Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 26, 2024

    How can we live in a worthy way for Jesus Christ? 1. Head toward humility (vs. 2). 2. Move forward with meekness (vs. 2). 3. Learn to be longsuffering (vs. 2). 4. Be led by godly love (vs. 2). 5. Pursue godly peace (vs. 3).

    God Calls Us to Walk through Life in a Worthy Way Ephesians 4:1-3 Sermon by Rick Crandall Series: The Book of Ephesians (Prepared April 26, 2024) BACKGROUND: *Here in chapter 4, Paul reminds Christians that we are all called by God to live in a worthy way. The Apostle then began to show us how. more

  • The Be-Attitudes - Part Iii Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on May 14, 2002
    based on 12 ratings

    A contiuation of a series on the Beattitudes. Blessed are the meek.

    God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them. Matthew 5:5(NLT) Let’s talk about what it means to be gentle. First of all gentleness is not harsh or abrasive. Think of cleanser commercials. Talking about how non-abrasive they are. Abrasive materials hurt more

  • Following In His Footsteps

    Contributed by Joseph Daniel on Apr 19, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    The test of a true Christian comes in our everyday walk with Christ.

    FOLLOWING IN HIS FOOTSTEPS (Ephesians 4:1-6) [Ask song director to sing “Footsteps of Jesus” #325 red hymnal] This morning our Scripture reading is Ephesians chapter 4, verses 1 through 6. The message is entitled “Following in His Footsteps,” and we’re going to be talking about walking. Talking more

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