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Sermons on Los Salmos 62:5: showing 31-45 of 52

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  • God Is Calling You Now As Time Is Short

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 20, 2018

    You see Saints we can go kicking and screaming into Gods service whining and complaining or we can go willingly and immediately with enthusiasm and joy. What is the condition of your heart?

    God is calling You Now as Time is Short Scripture Readings Mark 1:14-20 Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Message: In today’s scripture references we see two ways that people respond to Gods call to follow Him. We have the Old Testament account of Jonah who was a man more

  • The Disastrous Effects Of Impatience Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on May 21, 2023

    Even when the times are tough, and we feel like God should act … we must wait on Him! Abram and Sarai refused to hear this, and acted impulsively to usher in the birth of a child.

    Introduction - 2023 has had one primary “purpose”: To know there is a God! -- Continuing our series, “Alpha and Omega”; examining the beginning to the end - Last week we examined the promise God gave Abram which is also for us! -- Even in the face of despair and frustration (which many more

  • Sermon On Hope & Expectations

    Contributed by William Meakin on Oct 19, 2023

    Hope and expectations are considered beliefs and wishes concerning the future.

    Joyce Meyer, an American writer and speaker once remarked: “Hope is favorable and confident expectation; it's an expectant attitude that something good is going to happen and things will work out, no matter what situation we're facing.” Hebrews 11:1 confirms: “Now faith is the assurance of more

  • Submit Your Children Into The Hands Of Jesus

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jun 30, 2024

    The best approach to raise our children is to submit them into the hands of Jesus on a daily basis and remind him that they are his property and possession, and he can do whatever he wants with them.

    A small testimony which happened recently: my 4-month-old niece had fever, cough, and cold throughout the night. When I was praying in the morning, I had a dream or vision, and within 30 minutes my niece’s cold, fever, and cough went away. Jesus did a wonderful miracle. In this vision, I was in a more

  • 3rd Sunday After Epiphany, Year B. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 12, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    JANUARY 21st, 2024.

    Jonah 3:1-5, Jonah 3:10, Psalm 62:5-12, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Mark 1:14-20 A). THE EFFECT OF REPENTANCE. Jonah 3:1-5, Jonah 3:10 When Jonah at last arrived in Nineveh after his circuitous journey, his message was simple: “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown” (JONAH 3:4). more

  • The Rock Of Our Salvation: Finding Security In God Alone Psalm 62:7 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In Psalm 62:7 we discover the unwavering security found in God alone. In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, we are reminded of the unshakable foundation we have in our Heavenly Father.

    The Rock of Our Salvation: Finding Security in God Alone Psalm 62:7 Opening: Today, we embark on a journey into the depths of Psalm 62:7, where we discover the unwavering security found in God alone. In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, we are reminded of the unshakable foundation we more

  • Be Still And Know: Finding Peace In God Psalm 46:10 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Apr 20, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today we dive into the beautiful words of Psalm 46:10, which invites us to experience the transformative power of stillness and trust in God's presence. In a world filled with noise and chaos, let us discover the profound peace that comes from resting in the Lord.

    Be Still and Know: Finding Peace in God Psalm 46:10 Introduction: Today we dive into the beautiful words of Psalm 46:10, which invites us to experience the transformative power of stillness and trust in God's presence. In a world filled with noise and chaos, let us discover the profound peace more

  • Easter: Hope Come Find It! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Apr 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever had your hope in something crushed – filled with disappointment when you bit into it? Discovered that what you put your faith or trust in was hollow and or empty hope? Jesus proved on Easter that He is a Living Hope! So, embrace Him today and find Hope and even joy in the journey!

    Easter 2019: Hope come find it! Introduction: We challenged you today to come find hope and that is what we are talking about this morning – in the prayer time, in the worship time and in the testimony times – by the way there are more testimonies coming to show how people found a living hope more

  • Sermon On The Language And Power Of Silence

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jun 21, 2023

    Words are often considered as an effective means of communication between two or more people.

    Karen Marie Moning, an American author once remarked: “Words can be twisted into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul. In the final analysis, words mean nothing. They are labels we give things in an effort to wrap our puny little brains around their underlying more

  • On Eagle's Wings

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Jul 7, 2023

    The American Bald Eagle can help us see the nature of our God

    This past Tuesday was Independence Day, the day we celebrated our declaration of our independence from England 247 years ago. As we discussed last week, it was our new beginning for the 13 colonies to be known as America. The American flag with its thirteen alternating red and white stripes, and a more

  • Wait Only Upon The Lord: An Exposition Of The 62nd Psalm

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jan 19, 2021

    How much time do we waste by not taking time out to wait upon the LORD?

    Wait Only Upon the LORD: An Exposition of the 62nd Psalm If there is any word that describes modern life is that it is not “wait.” We go through life rushing from place to place and from crisis to crisis. No sooner have we dealt with one problem that another springs up. Instead of acting upon more

  • Love Came Down Pt 1 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 6, 2020

    Love came down from Heaven at Christmas 2020 years ago to bring us Hope and to light our way through the darkness and lead us into the presence of Love – which is the greatest Christmas blessing of all times.

    Video Transitions from Announcements: 1. Love came down by Kim Walker Smith 2. Skit Guys, Advent Hope! Series: Love Came Down Thesis: Love came down from Heaven at Christmas 2020 years ago to bring us Hope and to light our way through the darkness and lead us into the presence of Love – which is more

  • "Finding Hope In The Midst Of Sorrow”

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jun 12, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Today's message looks at the life of King David and how through His example set forth in the Psalms we can find hope in the midst of our sorrows and tragedies, and then how Jesus is who we find that hope in.

    “Finding Hope in the Midst of Sorrow” {You can Watch today’s message at:} {You can Listen to today’s message at:} Today, I’d like to return to a series I really didn’t know I was on until the more

  • Satisfied Soul

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Jan 19, 2020

    In looking to be satisfied, we will never feel complete. When we trust that God has control, & has us. Then we are satisfied, because He always has the better plan.

    Sermon- The satisfied soul - Last week I raised the question of why isn’t revival happening. - A big reason lies in the fact that we are in the middle of what seems to be a time of prosperity. - Now, Think of what it means to prosper. - I know being financially secure usually lands more

  • The Sermon On The Mount (Part 22) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Feb 24, 2020

    Today we finish the series with Jesus talking about those who put his words into practice and those who don't. Those who build their house on the rock and those who build their house on the sand. He describes the outcome of each when storms come.

    THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (part 22) Matthew 7:24-29 1) The house on the rock. Matt. 7:24-25, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against more

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