The Disastrous Effects Of Impatience Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on May 23, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Even when the times are tough, and we feel like God should act … we must wait on Him! Abram and Sarai refused to hear this, and acted impulsively to usher in the birth of a child.
- 2023 has had one primary “purpose”: To know there is a God!
-- Continuing our series, “Alpha and Omega”; examining the beginning to the end
- Last week we examined the promise God gave Abram which is also for us!
-- Even in the face of despair and frustration (which many face today) there’s hope
-- God is still the God who authors our faith, and completes it by His righteousness
-- If Abram could receive such a promise and believe, can’t we? Will we?
- Abram’s belief is what brought him righteousness … and the same applies to us
-- IF we will believe, and receive God’s promise, we too will be seen as righteous
- Perfect? No. Blameless? No. Incredibly attractive and sweet? No.
-- However, righteousness in God’s eyes is worth so much more because of Jesus
-- Righteousness is what brings us forgiveness – which leads to hope of eternity
- Today, study the birth of the Arab nation – of them as a people, roots, origin
-- But it is all centered around one key word: impatience
-- Impatience is an emotion that gets tired of waiting or is fed up with delays
-- Impatience causes us to act or react before we should
- This morning, let’s just rip the Band-Aid off with a quick poll
-- Show of hands … how many people are impatient?
-- Remember, lying is a sin (smile) … so I’ll ask again: how many are impatient?
- Being impatient is 100% a human trait, it is part of that sinful path of destruction
-- Adam and Eve were inpatient in the garden because they wanted a quick snack
-- And in that, it fractured and destroyed their relationship with God forever
- So, let’s not beat ourselves up … yet knowing who we are allows us to change
-- It is in this that we can really see ourselves, and seek God’s mercy intently
- Let’s dive in … Read Genesis 16:1-16 / Pray
- TR: What does impatience look like? First, we must examine …
Point 1 – The causes of impatience
a. An unfulfilled desire (v1)
- Sarah was desperate to have a child; children meant acceptance in society
-- She’s now 75 yrs. old, childless, and she feels like time is running out
-- Her impatience increasing – she feels she must act now
b. A mistaken thought (v1)
- One thought that must have haunted her: “Why am I unable to have children?”
-- Naturally, this would lead her to question God’s promise to Abram
-- Perhaps the promise didn’t include her? What would become of her?
-- Naturally, this would cause anyone’s patience to wear thin
- For us: We must know that God instructs us to hear from Him, and when we do to rely on His word / promise: Psalms 62:5, “Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.”
-- In her mind, she blames God for this condition, and confides in Abram
-- Her logic: The Lord has prevented me from having a child, so I have an idea!
-- Warning: If your rationale begins like this, you’re probably about to sin …
c. A worldly or carnal suggestion (v2)
- There was a custom: If a wife could not have a child, the maid could surrogate
-- However, this custom (to have an heir) was devised by man, not by God (key)
-- God’s word has always enforced monogamy – one man / one woman
-- And of note, Sarah suggested this arrangement … not Abram
- Her idea is commendable; she wanted Abram to bring the promised seed
-- And she was willing to sacrifice – but at the cost of following the “world”
- God’s word makes a very strong plea to stay faithful: Romans 12:1-2, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice - the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
- TR: A carnal spirit will lead us to follow the world’s suggestions
-- It can take us into sin, and hold us captive forever
-- Abram’s response: “Sounds good to me!” (Bruh … )
-- This leads us to our second point …
Point 2 – The consequences of impatience
a. Impatience results in wrong plans and methods (v3)
- Yes, Sarah’s motives are good – she wanted to see God’s will done