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  • Thank You Lord For One More...

    Contributed by Jeff Smith on May 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    There is always something to thank God for in this life

    THANK YOU LORD FOR ONE MORE... 1 Thessalonians 5:18 We should be grateful for every opportunity for God's blessing. We never know when this life will come to an end. We are undeserving and God is so merciful. Thank you Lord for... 1. One More Day 2 Kings 20:1-6 Hezekiah more

  • There Is One Lord Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 12, 2024

    For Jesus to be our Savior, He must also be our Lord. The Lordship of Jesus in our lives is lived out in view of God's ownership and our discipleship. The Lordship of Jesus is not a burden, but is our blessing, provision, and protection.

    A. As you know, we are in a sermon series about the 7 ones that equal unity. 1. God wants His people to be unified and the 7 ones are the things that unite us. 2. So far in our series we have discussed the one body, the one Spirit, and the one hope. 3. Today, we want to talk about a subject that more

  • One Lord Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Mar 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this seven-week series, we explore the seven "ones" of Ephesians 4 and how they can help us experience the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace! Week four: One Lord.

    ONE LORD Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 1/28/2018 A three-year-old girl was listening intently to the children’s sermon one Sunday morning at her church. The minister explained that God wants everyone to get along and love each other. “God wants us all to be one,” he said. more

  • There Is One Lord Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Apr 17, 2023

    What if you had a boss that demanded that you check in with him every ten minutes, no matter what? What if he required it even if you were in the middle of other important work?

    Alba 4-16-2023 THERE IS ONE LORD Ephesians 4:5 This morning's message is entitled “There Is One Lord” from Ephesians chapter four, verse four. What if you had a boss that demanded that you check in with him every ten minutes, no matter what? What if he required it even if you were in the more

  • Ministered To The Lord

    Contributed by Tom Feola on Jun 25, 2012

    As the early church came together you see one set of words that run throughout the book of Acts and that is "ONE ACCORD" We today need to walk this way and see the power of God in our churches.

    Ministered To The Lord As the early church came together you see one set of words that run throughout the book of Acts and that is "ONE ACCORD" We today need to walk this way and see the power of God in our churches. Acts 13:1-4 (NKJV) 1 Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain more

  • One Lord, One Gospel

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Jan 14, 2017

    Salvation is for everyone; even those who don't resemble us. With Christ’s help, we can put aside the partiality that binds us, and love people as He does.

    Most of us like to assume that we're enlightened, tolerant, and unprejudiced people. Unfortunately, a new study reveals many of us have a hidden bias against anyone with a foreign accent. According to a summary of the study in The Wall Street Journal, "The further from native-sounding an accent more

  • One Lord, One Gospel

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Jan 14, 2017

    Salvation is for everyone; even those who don't resemble us. With Christ’s help, we can put aside the partiality that binds us, and love people as He does.

    Most of us like to assume that we're enlightened, tolerant, and unprejudiced people. Unfortunately, a new study reveals many of us have a hidden bias against anyone with a foreign accent. According to a summary of the study in The Wall Street Journal, "The further from native-sounding an accent is, more

  • The Love For One

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Sep 3, 2007

    Search & Rescue of Scott O’Grady Leads us to remember our rescue by Christ

    – Lk 19:10 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost Lk 15:4-7 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? 5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his more

  • The Perfect One

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 134 ratings

    This sermon is about Christ being the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

    I have a confession to make. It’s not easy for me to say this. This is difficult for me to admit. But, I used to watch professional wrestling. I know, I know, that’s hard to believe. That was back in the days when Hulk Hogan was in his prime. It was cool to watch professional wrestling. more

  • One Lord, One Church, One Banquet

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Oct 2, 2023

    Celebrating Worldwide Communion

    As the first Sunday of October, today is not only our regular Communion Sunday, it’s Worldwide Communion Sunday for Christians around the world. (Our Communion table is arrayed with different types and colors of bread symbolizing the worldwide Church’s diversity.) It’s a day to celebrate the more

  • Christian Education Is Basic. Listen, And Speak, About Jesus

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Sep 23, 2022

    A sermon on the Shema, urging us to listen, love, and teach.

    09.25.22 Deuteronomy 6:4–9 4 Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God. The LORD is one! 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 These words that I am commanding you today are to be on your heart. 7 Teach them diligently to your children, and more

  • The One True God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jul 3, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God reveals Himself as the One true God who redeems Israel, warns them and finally judges them. Israel is called to worship the One and only God, and to show the nations that the Lord their God, the Lord is one. They failed.

    We’ve come to the last King of Israel and the end of the Northern Kingdom (2 Kings 17). • It ended this way - 2 Kings 17:5-6 5The king of Assyria invaded the entire land, marched against Samaria and laid siege to it for three years. 6In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured more

  • Harmonize In The Lord Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Message 23 from Philippians. This message covers Paul's admonition to live in harmony.

    “Harmonize in the Lord” We in the section of Paul’s letter to the Philippians where he instructs them in some specific actions or behaviors that facilitate joy no matter what. 1. ADOPT THE RIGHT AXIS – A Passion to praise Christ 1 Exalting Christ in everything is a foundation for joy. 2. MAINTAIN more

  • Love One Another Series

    Contributed by Doug Koehler on Mar 25, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    For those that might feel that the Lord’s Supper is only a symbol, you are welcome to discover the connection of footwashing, (a physical act) to that of the Lord’s Supper (a physical gift). This is a Maundy Thursday Message.

    Hi, thank you for looking at this sermon. I hope it helps. Please do not say the sermon did not help you just because you did not like the style or could not use the entire message for your own needs. I have discovered a few souls automatically hit the ’did not help me’ button if the message they more

  • One Day In The Temple

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Aug 29, 2020

    We don’t have a temple anymore yet we gather as a church as we gather we recognise that God is bring pilgrims home to be encouraged with spiritual strength as we help each other see the reality of God’s strength.

    You can listen to the message here:- Message Psalm 84:1-12 One Day in the Temple 1 How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! 2 My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my more

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