Doug Koehler
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power And The Glory
Contributed on Nov 20, 2009
Our church was robbed last week and this message out of Daniel is God’s blessed timing of comfort. As Daniel had fear over the visions of four powerful ruling kingdoms, God was able to comfort Daniel and ourselves with a vision of His Ruling Authority in
Pastor Doug Koehler Faith Lutheran Church Oklahoma City, OK Christ the King Sunday November 22, 2009 For Thine Is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Daniel 7:9-14 In the name of our Savior and King, dear friends, In God’s Word for today, we have part of a vision that God gave ...read more
Making Sure To Put On Every Piece Of Armor
Contributed on Aug 28, 2009
It is easy to skip over God’s instruction trusting in past encounters with God. However, the Lord wants us to daily be prepared so that we can stand against the devil and his cunning.
An Astronaut is ready for the first time to walk in space. He has spent countless hours in simulations. He has already taken off from earth and is now in outer space. He has his space suit on and so he is protected from head to toe against the deathly cold of space. This astronaut seems to be as ...read more
God Really Did Make This Time For You.
Contributed on Jun 12, 2009
When going to church on Sunday seems like just another demand on our time or another obligation, why not stay in bed to get extra sleep? That is why God teaches us that God made the Sabbath day for you. It is a day when God gives and who would want to sle
Sermon Second Sunday after Pentecost Mark 2:23-28 June 14th, 2009 From the concise code of Jewish Law: When one observes the Sabbath properly it is as though he has fulfilled the whole Torah, and one desecrates the Sabbath, it is as though he has denied the whole Torah. (from the Holiness ...read more
God's Blueprint For The Perfect Church
Contributed on May 29, 2009
God took 3000 strangers and turned them into brothers. The Holy Spirit moved 3000 believers into forming one of the most successful churches in history. The story you are about to read will hopefully encourage you into seeing God’s Blueprint for His Churc
God’s Blueprint for the Perfect Church God’s Blueprint for the Perfect Church I wonder what it was like for those 3000 people who were saved that day on Pentecost? Maybe it went something like this: Joshua couldn’t sleep! It was a while ago when he heard about the teacher who was put to ...read more
The Hurting Person's Guide To Recovery: Test All Spirits!
Contributed on May 8, 2009
This is a story about an individuals great trials and what God says to her, to us, to restore us and give us hope.
1 John 4: 1-11 (12-21) Remember: Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. One day Sara Jones woke up and felt completely lost. For weeks she was heading down a path full of sorrow, loneliness and ultimate insecurity but, up until this day she was able to hold onto some sort ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power And The Glory!
Contributed on Nov 20, 2009
Maundy Thursday
Contributed on Mar 25, 2005