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  • Living Right

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on May 26, 2020

    We need to have a right relationship with the Lord as defined by the Lord

    Living Right Proverbs 12 Introduction- Good Morning everyone Happy you decided to join us as we gather together to hear the word of the Lord. We are hopeful that you have come with an open heart for Him to speak to you. We have had so much negative news lately that I would like to open the more

  • Live In Wisdom

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Jun 21, 2019

    Beloved fear God and walk in His ways. DONT do what you know He doesn't like. Study His Word day and night and you will discover what He hates.

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: *LIVE IN WISDOM* 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 King James Version (KJV) 10 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2 And were all baptized unto more

  • Living In Harmony

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    Lessons on Harmony from 1 Peter

    Living in Harmony - 1 Peter 2a June 29, 2008 Turn with me this morning to the end of your Bibles, to the book of 1 Peter, chapter 1. We want to continue on in our study of the book of 1 Peter. Remember that Peter is writing to give practical help to Christians dealing with daily problems. He more

  • Living As A Witness

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    Peter's call to witness

    Living a Witness - 1 Peter 2b July 13, 2008 Turn with me this morning to the end of your Bibles, to the book of 1 Peter, chapter 2. We want to continue on in our study of the book of 1 Peter. Remember that Peter is writing to give practical help to Christians dealing with daily problems. He more

  • Living Humbly

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    The importance of Humility

    Living Humbly - 1 Peter 2b July 13, 2008 Turn with me this morning to the end of your Bibles, to the book of 1 Peter, chapter 2. We want to continue on in our study of the book of 1 Peter. Remember that Peter is writing to give practical help to Christians dealing with daily problems. He starts more

  • Idle Living

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    Making the most of our lives

    Idle Living - 1 Peter 4 July 20, 2008 Turn with me this morning to the end of your Bibles, to the book of 1 Peter, chapter 4. We want to continue on in our study of the book of 1 Peter. Remember that Peter is writing to give practical help to Christians dealing with daily problems. He starts by more

  • God Lives

    Contributed by Pastor Randall Timblin on Aug 16, 2019

    Today we will be discussing FOUR points: 1. Our God of Antiquity 2. Our God of Yesterday 3. Our God of Today 4. Our God of Tomorrow

    Hebrews 1:1 1. OUR GOD OF ANTIQUITY Ever since a man named Noah existed, God spoke to him and later prophets. We must understand that a prophet is a messenger of God. A prophet delivers important messages directly from God. They are not always received well by the general public. Noah spent more

  • Living In The Vine

    Contributed by Austin W. Duncan on Jun 14, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is the Vine, we are the branches. The Father the Gardener, the vinedresser. Everything God does is to enhance our abiding and fruitfulness. With each trimming, we become more like Christ, for God’s glory and for the blessing of others. For the blessing of the world around us.

    Christ often used illustrations for us when explaining spiritual truths. “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Today, in John 15:1-11 we’re looking at the grapevine as more

  • To Live Is Christ Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jul 21, 2022

    Commentators call vs 21 the ‘heart of the book of Philippians’. Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

    To Live is Christ   Philippians 1:21-30 Introduction Our series is called FUEL FOR YOUR FAITH and we are listening to God through Paul’s letter to the Philippians. First lesson was Focus on the Finish Line - Jesus is coming! Second Lesson was Advancing Through the Challenges of more

  • Living Victoriously

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Aug 9, 2022

    How do we know what suffering is coming our way? We don't. But as we will see in John's writing and in Jesus's words, Jesus has already secured victory for us, no matter what we face. How privileged we are to have a Savior who has won the war for us.

    2 weeks ago as I sat in the office of my lawyer, he showed me a photocopy of a handwritten letter from Abraham Lincoln that was written to my lawyer’s great-great uncle. The uncle happened to be the president of the University of Pennsylvania at that time. He was involved in writing a pamphlet on more

  • Living Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Sep 9, 2022

    Do not conform to this world standard, world scales, or world patterns of thinking, doing, and acting accordingly but be transformed, renewed, revived, and reformed according to the standard of the Gospel of Christ.

    Romans 12:01-08 Living Sacrifice to God 1. Present yourself - Romans 12:1-2 Present yourself as a living and pleasing sacrifice to God. This is the spiritual act of worship. Do not conform to this world standard, world scales, or world patterns of thinking, doing, and acting accordingly but be more

  • The Purpose Of Living

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 9, 2022

    Every one of us has a purpose for living – EVERY ONE!

    Illus: Even the hobo on skid row has a purpose for living. WHAT IS HIS PURPOSE FOR LIVING? Everyday his purpose for living is to DRINK ALL THE BOOZE HE CAN GET FOR THAT DAY! And when he wakes up the next day the process starts all over again. Illus: One man had a goal in life. He was going to more

  • Living In The Light Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Feb 16, 2022

    As children of God, we need to let our light shine for everyone to see.

    Living In the Light Text: Eph. 5:1-14 Introduction 1. Have you ever noticed what often happens when a light burns out? Many times, when a light is turned on for the last time it produces a sudden burst of light (even burning brighter than it normally does) until the element burns into darkness. A more

  • Look And Live

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 22, 2022

    In this text we are going to talk about something that most folks do not like to talk about, that is SNAKES!

    Illus: When it comes to snakes, most of us are like the fellow who said that the only kind of snakes he likes are dead snakes. However, we all have seen some people who enjoy playing with these slimy creatures. Every time we see people doing this, we experience a comforting feeling from within more

  • A Living Testimony

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Mar 13, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Lazarus would one day die again, and he would have another funeral, but because of him, everyone that encountered him would receive a Living Testimony!

    The Changed (v.2 but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table) • Martha – Still serving, but now with no complaints for Jesus • Mary – Still at His feet, but now preparing for Jesus’ burial • Lazarus – Still with his sisters, but now alive and sitting at dinner with Jesus. He was alive and more

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