Living In The Moment Series
Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 17, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: There are certain events that many of us have seen take place in our lifetime and when they happened it was as though we were frozen in time because we can still remember exactly where we were when they took place.
“Living in the Moment”
Matthew 8:5-13
There are certain events that many of us have seen take place in our lifetime and when they happened it was as though we were frozen in time because we can still remember exactly where we were when they took place. I remember talking with my father in law some years ago about December 7, 1941, the day Pearl Harbor was bombed. He could recall exactly where he was when he got the news. He along with my father and many others soon enlisted to serve our country.
In my era on November 22, 1963 JFK was assassinated. I was 10 years old and still recall exactly where I was sitting in my 5th grade class when the news came over the intercom.
And there are many other events like these I can recall as well. Where were you when the events of September 11. 2001 occurred? Because most of us in this room can recall. For me this church was just a year old and I was seated at my desk early that morning when a church member called me and said Pastor have you seen the news? A plane has just flown into the twin towers. America is under attack. We have no television service in the building so I went next door to the Bank of America where 5 minutes later thinking I was seeing a repeat of the news I witnessed the 2nd plane live as it flew into the 2nd tower.
There are events that are etched into our minds and hearts and will be there forever. Because in each case there was a moment in time when everything seemed to change. There are times when God gives me a sermon and it all starts with one word and it happened again this week and the word was “moment” and it grew to the phrase “a moment in time” and I started thinking about how life is often built around brief moments in time where everything changes – often for the worse but many times for the better. Some are spontaneous, some are planned. But it is always better when we learn to live in the moment. Fully present. Fully committed. Fully aware. Let’s walk through this passage together.
First of all we see the centurion’s request. Vs. 5-7. This miracle takes place in the town of Capernaum. It’s a small fishing town just N of Galilee. At the time the population was about 1500. Now an important fact to remember is that this was the home town for 5 of the 12 disciples. Jesus was from Nazareth but Capernaum would become the focal point of much of his ministry.
And as Jesus comes into Capernaum this centurion comes to him asking for help. A centurion btw was an officer in the Roman army who was in charge of 100 men. So this man would have been a Gentile not a Jew and he comes asking for help with his servant. His condition—the servant was described as being paralyzed and in terrible agony. Luke tells us he was in critical condition as close to death.
Now this centurion being a Gentile, not a Jew reminds us that anyone who is in need can come to Jesus. You just need to be willing. And he was. So in that moment the Centurion brought his request to Jesus.
2. In that moment, Jesus was willing to help. He helped the centurion. He will help you. Look at the conversation. The centurion asks for nothing for himself. But here is what you need to know. When you come to Jesus with a need he is more willing to help than you are willing to ask. He is more willing to give than you are to receive. God wants more for you than you want.
Ephesians 3:20. To him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think.
Now look again at v. 7. The Rabbis of that day taught that any Jew who enters a Gentile’s home was considered unclean. In the book of Acts Peter says….. NLT… Acts 10:28. But remember if breaking the law of the day allowed you to accomplish good Jesus always chose good. He healed on the Sabbath. In fact he performed at least 7 separate miracles on the Sabbath. He healed the sick, he fed the hungry. He did what was necessary to carry out his ministry and to do the will of the father.
Here is a truth to remember. Jesus not only wants to help, he is actually eager to do so. To help. Jesus did not say to the Centurion, I will come and see what I can do. He said I will come and heal him. He didn’t doubt the power of the Father and you and I should never doubt his willing ness to help. Now look at the authority of the centurion. Which translates to the authority of the believer. The authority you and I have. Vs. 8-9. There are at least two things that stand out about his authority.