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  • The Greatest

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Sep 12, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    The analogy of the child being the greatest in God’s Kingdom was completely contrary to the prevailing culture then and now. Imagine how His disciples must have reacted to Jesus then and how indifferent it is even today.

    Opening illustration: If God was taking resumes, what would you put on yours? In other words, what makes a good Christian? What would really impress them when you arrive in heaven? Experience, qualifications, references, character traits … The reason I asked is because followers of Jesus more

  • Heavenly Citizenship

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Oct 19, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    The writer of Hebrews tells us that we are citizens of another country. We are citizens of Heaven and there are things that go along with this citizenship.

    Heavenly Patriotism Hebrews 13: 14-16 Intro: The story is told of a young French soldier, during the First World War, who received a serious wound during the Battle of the Somme. The young man’s right arm had been so severely damaged that it had to be amputated. The soldier was a more

  • Foundational Demands Of Fatherhood-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jun 18, 2019

    1 of 3. The Holy Spirit used the writer of Proverbs to reveal the foundational demands of Fatherhood. Those demands are obviously available & accessible. But what are some of those demands? A foundational demand of fatherhood is to...

    FOUNDATIONAL DEMANDS OF FATHERHOOD-I—Proverbs 23:22-25 Attention: Father’s Day...So What? As of June 14, 2019 the ‘National Retail Federation’ says 76% of people plan to celebrate Father's Day. Compare that to 84% on mother's day. We also spend more on mom. $25 billion dollars compared more

  • Exemplary Creature Of An Impeccable Creation

    Contributed by Ed Lu on Aug 23, 2020

    This is a discourse to observe our role as God meant for us when He made us and gave us life. And to understand how Creation is God’s overarching plan to bless us with a part to be witnesses of His love, mercy, grace, power and goodness.

    God who is Creator is also my Helper 1. Psalm 121:1-2 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Here is a pauper turned psalmist because in the midst of grueling horror he sees a glorious hope. He may have been more

  • From Dust To Dust Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021

    Adam faced a terrible punishment when he was sentenced to return to dust, but God forbid that we ignore the changes made by Christ, and continue to live on the level of that judgment "From dust to dust."

    The Sunday School teacher was introducing his lesson on heaven by asking his boys if they wanted to go to heaven. One boy said, "Not me!" The teacher was shocked and asked, "You mean to tell me you don't want to go to heaven when you die?" "When I die? O, sure !" more

  • The Angels Minister To Us Series

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Jul 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The angel of the Lord encamps around you invisibly, to keep you from your enemies. But unless you see through the eyes of faith, you will not be able to see the invisible reality of God’s mighty hand protecting you.

    The Angels Minister to us “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.” - Psalm 34:7 Last week we meditated on the role of the Angels in the heavenly realm. They create an example for us of how we should worship the Lord. But there is another way that angels more

  • The Final Post Resurrection Appearance In John's Gospel Series

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Apr 24, 2020

    Peter had failed Jesus by denying him 3 times and Jesus forgives him by allowing him to negate each of the three denials. We will fail but when we come to Jesus he will restore us

    Jn 21:1-19 Introduction As I mentioned last Sunday and also on Easter Sunday, John records only four of the Post Resurrection appearances of Jesus. I think his reason for doing so is that the aim of his book is to awaken faith – and not to be - JUST another historical record of the times of more

  • Grandparents Day

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Aug 22, 2023

    Grandparents have a unique opportunity with their grandchildren.

    Today is National Grandparents Day. Let me tell you a story. One day, Grandpa Henry sat in the park with another old man. Henry discovered that his seventy-five-year-old friend had just married a twenty-five-year-old woman. Grandpa Henry was amazed. "Your wife must be beautiful,” he said. more

  • Born To Be A Better Savior Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 23, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus was born to be our savior. But what does that mean, and what difference can that make in our lives?

    There was a Christian who gave a Bible to somebody who was going through a rough time. Their life had been one disaster after the other, but in all that time there was never really made an effort to follow Jesus. So, as this Christian gave a Bible to the man… he encouraged him to read it, and he more

  • On The Shelf: Not Ready

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 16, 2023

    As a book is covered with dust sits on the shelf, so is one spiritually that is not prepared, or not ready. We must be more than forgetful hearers. BE READY. BE PREPARED.

    ON THE SHELF: PREPARED, READY OR NOT… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) Part #2. COME LET US REASON TOGETHER… BE READY… (You have to do this as two parts, or cover the points quickly.) As a child we played a game: “HIDE AND SEEK.” One person would face more

  • The Christmas Truce On 1914

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Dec 27, 2021

    The amazing Christmas Truce on the Western Front during WW1.

    Christmas Truce in the trenches in 1914 As we celebrate Christmas, I am reminded of one of the more curious events that happened in the First World War - “The Christmas Truce of 1914”, which on the Western Front. It all appears to have started on the evening of 24th December, the day the more

  • Checkmate: Can God Handle My Problems?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 13, 2022

    IT IS EASY TO FALL INTO A RUT OF NEGATIVITY and stay trapped. Can God handle my problems. We find God has been trustworthy from the foundation of the world.

    CHECKMATE: CAN GOD HANDLE OUR PROBLEMS? CHECKMATE! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. You know what a rut is? A RUT IS AN OPEN ENDED GRAVE… Seems negatively is a trap that tired believers fall into and have trouble getting out. Have you ever got yourself in such a mess that more

  • Three Appooaches To Life Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Apr 25, 2022

    The Parable of the Good Samaritan show us the three approaches to like- beating people up, passing people up and helping people up

    THREE APPROACHES TO LIFE Luke 10:25-37 From the Book, “Parables Found Only in Luke” Last week we saw that the religion of the Scribes and Pharisees lacked love for people. They looked down on people socially, racially and religiously. This was strange because the Old more

  • Shortcut, Short Circuit (October 16, 2022)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Oct 13, 2022

    Shortcuts lead to short circuits in our spiritual lives. Today we will talk about repentance, confessing faith and persecution.

    SHORTCUT, SHORT CIRCUIT Text: John 10:1 -2 and Matthew 5:10-12 John 10:1 "Very truly, I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate but climbs in by another way is a thief and a bandit. 2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. Matthew 5:10-12 more

  • Holy Compromise, Holy Joy

    Contributed by Russell Metcalfe on Jan 28, 2021

    The word "compromise" is a red flag among people of principle. But in the real world of human relationships, compromise is perhaps the most overlooked source of genuine joy.

    Mark 2:1-5 (3) "And they came, bringing to Him a paralytic, carried by four men." The word "compromise" is a red flag among people of principle. But in the real world of human relationships, compromise is perhaps the most overlooked source of genuine joy. The fact is (1) more

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