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  • The Purpose Of God’s X-Ray

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 27, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Take a quick look at the marvel of the X-ray and also notice that God invented it first! Before we get to heaven, we must go through 3 heavenly X-Rays.

    THE PURPOSE OF GOD’S X-RAYS 2 Cor. 5:10 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Today I got a call by a man who was angry about our street signs. I asked him how HE was trying to get the Gospel out, and he said he wasn’t. “I like how I’m doing it better than how you’re NOT doing more

  • Inhale And Exhale The Gospel

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Aug 31, 2015
    based on 47 ratings

    In the Christian life faith and works go together like inhaling and exhaling. Billy Graham stated it in these terms: Faith is taking the Gospel in; works is taking the Gospel out." Updated September 2018

    A very young boy ... was hurrying catch a bus. Carrying gifts under his arm, ...he was struggling ...with his crutches. Suddenly, ...a man bumped into him ... knocking his parcels all directions. The man then paused ...and scolded the young lad... for getting in his way. more

  • Out Of This World

    Contributed by Judith Hand on Jan 14, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus prays for his disciples as He is about to leave this world

    “Out of This World” Gospel passage: John 17:6-19 Jesus came to the world from out of this world to teach people not of this world to go into all the world to preach the truth that he gave his life to save us out of this world. The passage of scripture from John 17 today takes more

  • Apostle Philip Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 1, 2014

    Philip came from the town of Bethsaida, the town of Peter and Andrew.-- "Philip" is a Greek name, meaning "lover of horses." He probably also had a Jewish name as well, because all twelve apostles were Jewish. --- But his Jewish name is never given.

    #9~Apostle Philip: 2-1-14 Today if the Lord be willing, we'll continue our study to do with the 12 apostles, and so today, we'll think on and talk a little bit about the apostle more

  • Sanctity Of Human Life And The Gospel

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 23, 2012

    A sermon on the sanctity of human life and the gospel (Outline and thoughts taken from the book, Life in the Spirit: Spiritual Formation in Theological Perspective, chapter 12 by David P. Gushee)

    HoHum: Francis Schaeffer said that “cultures can be judged in many ways, but eventually every nation in every age must be judged by this test: How did it treat people? Our own is not exception. Those who regard individuals as expendable raw material do battle on many fronts with those who more

  • #19~seventeen~ Bible Number Meanings Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Feb 23, 2012

    Seventeen is found in our KJ Bible TEN times, seventeenth SIX times, all through God’s Word, both the Old and New Testaments, SEVENTEEN is revealed as bearing the meaning of "vanquishing the enemy" and complete victory in Christ."

    #19~SEVENTEEN~ BIBLE NUMBER MEANINGS 2-25-12 The numbers SEVENTEEN signifies "vanquishing the enemy" and complete victory in Christ. Seventeen is found in our KJ Bible TEN times, seventeenth SIX times, all through God’s Word, both the Old and New more

  • Proverbs 20 - On Life And Conduct Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jul 24, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    This is a look at Proverbs chapter twenty.

    Pearls From Proverbs – Chapter Twenty We will now look at Proverbs chapter twenty: On Life and Conduct 1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, And whoever is intoxicated by it is not wise. Proverbs 20:1 (NASB) Alcoholism is a great problem. The Bible teaches that alcohol is useful in its more

  • A Coat Of Many Colors - #11 Gold Series

    Contributed by Ronnie Thrower on Oct 9, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This is study about the different color’s that could have been used in Joseph’s coat. Hopefully through this study, we can get a better understanding of the message Jacob (Israel) was imparting to Joseph.

    This was a series of messages on the coat of many colors – Power point is available through E-Mail Several Illustrations, points, and the main idea for this series of sermons dealing with the coat of many colors was from James May’s sermon, “A Coat Of Many more

  • Ibelieve: God, The Father Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Aug 26, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon focusing on the aspect of God, the Father Almighty as contained in the Apostle's Creed.

    In case you didn’t know, Vanessa and I just moved. We discovered, once again, we have a lot of stuff. We’ve also committed to never moving again. At least, we hope we don’t have to move again. It’s tiring. It’s taxing. It’s challenging. And, we’ve got more

  • Psalm 103

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Praising God in Difficult Times

    Psalm 103 - 7/31/16 PM Funny: A woman fell out of a second-floor window and landed in a slow-moving garbage truck. Half-buried in the litter, she tried without success to get the truck-driver’s attention. A foreign diplomat standing on the sidewalk saw her and quipped, “another example more

  • Come, Let Us Make Room --- I Will Never Be The Same Again

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 9, 2016

    It was a sad day when there was NO ROOM for the son of God. The Shunammite woman made a room for the Preacher. There were benefits for making making room for God's plan.

    COME, LET US MAKE ROOM... I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Psalm 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Psalm 116:12 What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me? ANSWER THIS QUESTION: WHAT IS more

  • Use It Or Lose It

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Nov 19, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus' parable of the talents is a call to us to invest all that we are and all that we have in God's kingdom building work. The story reminds us not to compare, but to faithfully invest what we have, and to get to know the Master's heart.

    Matthew 25:14-30 Use It or Lose It Today’s parable is a story about investments. Sometimes we think it’s about using our natural abilities to serve God. Why do we think that? Because the story uses the word “talent” throughout. Our English word “talent” actually comes from that interpretation of more

  • Before The Lights Went Out

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on May 30, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God acts in mercy once more before His people end up in the dark. A Sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, Year B

    Before the Lights Went Out 1 Samuel 3:1-20 Verse 3 says that this event happened before the light went out in the Tabernacle. This is more than just the physical light. The lamp in the Tabernacle was never supposed to go out because it represented the continuous presence of God with the people of more

  • Song Of Asent

    Contributed by James Lowe on Feb 28, 2019

    It's easier to go down than up, and never underestimate the difficulty of the climb

    It's easier to go down than up, and never underestimate the difficulty of the climb Psalm chapter 120 is the first of 15 chapters called "the psalms of ascent". The Songs of Ascent are a special group of psalms comprising Psalms 120—134. They are also called Pilgrim Songs. Four of more

  • "It's Time To Stop Staring At The Clouds"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on May 15, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about the Ascension.

    “It’s Time to Stop Staring at the Clouds” Acts 1:1-11 The two men in white robes asked the disciples kind of a strange question, did they not: “why are you standing here looking toward heaven?” But, if you saw Jesus rising into the clouds, wouldn’t you look more

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