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  • What Does God Want?

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Nov 25, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We struggle over knowing what God wants. We ask for signs. Some in scripture have an advangage, sort of, they get to speak to God or atleast hear God’s voice. What about us today?

    What does God want? Hebrews 11:8-19 You know, I have a pretty hard time knowing what I want some times. I can get caught up in all kinds of simple dilemmas; it can be a simple as choosing something for lunch when there are lots of interesting to try. In more important situations perhaps some more

  • Preparations For God's Voice Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jul 23, 2018

    God called Moses to prepare the Israelites for God's presence and words!

    Please open your Bibles, the Word of God, to Exodus 19……. Next week, we will study Exodus 20, the 10 Commandments given by God to His chosen People! We will read today in Exodus 19 the preparation for handing down those precious Laws from God. It was preparation not only to hear the laws but to more

  • Geuss Who's Talkin'

    Contributed by Michael Bolin on Jan 31, 2010

    listening for only God's voice

    Have you ever watched the Antiques Roadshow on PBS? This is the show were individuals are able to take antiques and have them a evaluated with are worth. One of the show’s most famous discoveries was a Seymour mahogany card table from Boston, bought at a garage sale for $25. She later sold more

  • A Voice Of Continuance Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Our passage contrasts the difference between people & God. People are temporary & they change. By contrast, God & His promises are sure. His promises never fail for His Word endures forever.

    ISAIAH 40: 6-8 [ADVENT I SERIES PART III] A VOICE OF CONTINUANCE [ Psalm 103:15–17; James. 1: 21-25; 1 Peter 1:23- 25] The voice has just told us that fallen humanity will be visited by the eternal God who will indwell His people. We are told to proclaim these glad tidings with the strong more

  • "The Voice"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jun 16, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    The sermon is based upon the Voice of God why we hear the voice and why we don't.

    Psalm 29 "The Voice" 1. Our text today says the Voice of the Lord is like: A. The Text says the Voice of the Lord is over the Waters The Voice of the Lord is like Thunder The Voice of the Lord is Powerful, The Voice of the Lord is Majestic (Holy Garments) The Voice of the Lord is able more

  • Discerning God’s Voice

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Feb 27, 2022

    There are many different voices fighting for our attention, so we need to train ourselves to hear God’s voice over everything else. In our lesson we'll learnt hear not only what the Lord is saying, but also how we are hearing it.

    Discerning God’s Voice Mark 4:24; Luke 8:18 There are many different voices fighting for our attention, so we need to train ourselves to hear God’s voice over everything else. In fact, it’s vitally important that we seek God and His righteousness first and foremost, and that we hear His voice, more

  • Follow God’s Voice Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Oct 16, 2010

    1) The Voice of the True Shepherd (John 10:1-6) 2) Following the Voice through the Only Door to the Fold (John 10:7–10)

    John 10:1-10. "Follow God’s Voice" Everton Community Church. Sunday October 17, 2010. This week saw two radically different outcomes from mine disasters. In Copiapo Chile, 33 miners began their first weekend above ground since a rescue that gripped the world, of their 69-day ordeal trapped deep in more

  • Voices Of Victory Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Dec 24, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Something is happening in professional sport, teams that have not tasted victory for a long time are winning championships. Then there’s Tiger Woods, the greatest golfer ever toppled from the top of the world rankings for the first time in years after get

    Last year the New Orleans Saints football won the Super Bowl for the first time in team history after the ravages of hurricane Katrina. They were led by a MVP quarterback who is clearly a Christian both in word and in action. The Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup after a 49 year drought led more

  • "Voices"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Apr 16, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    Listening to the voice of Jesus.

    John 10:1-10 “Voices” By: Rev. Kenneth Emerson Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA Voices, voices. There are voices all around us. I was in the drugstore last week when I glanced down at the magazine rack in the check out line. I believe more

  • The Voice

    Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on Jul 18, 2015

    This message looks at John the Baptist as THE VOICE of one crying in the wilderness

    “THE VOICE” John 1:19-28 Intro TV Show – searching for singing talent THE VOICE (Three judges – how they work ) As we look at our passage today…we discover John the Baptist And the first thing we will read in our passage today is this is an account of John’s more

  • The Voice

    Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on May 16, 2016

    Looks at John as being THE VOICE of the one crying in the wilderness

    “THE VOICE” John 1:19-28 Intro TV Show – searching for singing talent THE VOICE (Three judges – how they work ) As we look at our passage today…we discover John the Baptist And the first thing we will read in our passage today is this is an account of John’s more

  • The Voice

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Apr 23, 2004
    based on 43 ratings

    Wisdom cries out in the streets and invites us to listen to the Voice that desires to teach, lead, and protect us from those that will try and entice and lure us into destruction.

    The Voice Proverbs 1:20-33 As we continue our study of Proverbs today we hear a new voice—the voice of Wisdom. Wisdom is presented to us as a person, Lady Wisdom, who calls out at the entrance to the city to all of those who pass by and are heading into dangerous surroundings. If you will remember more

  • The Voice Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Oct 9, 2002
    based on 138 ratings

    Four ways Jesus speaks with authority to break through into our lives.

    One of my favorite movies is the Indiana Jones movie The Last Crusade. It’s the story of Indiana Jones and his father’s quest for the holy grail, the legendary chalice that Jesus used in his Last Supper with his disciples. In one of the final scenes, the ancient temple they’ve found the chalice in more

  • Oh The Depth Of God's Wisdom!

    Contributed by Doug Koehler on Aug 19, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    Our children (and new Christians) will eventually be exposed to the wisdom of this world. Sometimes such wisdom can confuse and frustrate a persons faith especially when they present so much data and so many voices to stand against God’s Word. Today’s mes

    Text: Romans 11:33-11:34 Title: OH THE DEPTH OF GOD’S WISDOM! Hi, thank you for looking at this sermon. I hope it helps. Please do not say the sermon did not help you just because you did not like the style or could not use the entire message for your own needs. I have discovered a few souls more

  • The Voice

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Sep 21, 2022

    Revelation 14 (English) (Indonesian) (Spanish) (Filipino) (Chinese) THE VOICE (REVELATION 14) The American singing competition “The Voice” has aired since 2011 and it aims to more

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