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Sermons on Kehillah in Galatia 4:15:

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  • Freedom Letter- Don't Go Back Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Feb 20, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 42nd sermon in the Action Series. This series began during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study in Acts will also include the letters written to the Churches. This is the 8th sermon from the Letter to the Galatians.

    Series: Action [#42] FREEDOM LETTER- DON’T GO BACK Galatians 4:8-20 Introduction: Several years ago, Karen and I was up in the Ruidoso area; and I decided to try a short cut that I thought I knew about. The problem was, the road turned into a very rough dirt road; and the further we went, the more

  • The Book Of Galatians – Chapter 4:12-20 - Message 15 – Paul’s Heart Was Outpoured For The Galatians Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jun 1, 2024

    Paul recounts his own bodily illness and looks again to labouring in birth to deliver the Galatians from the bondage of false teachers. Paul’s sensitivities are at the fore in this letter, and his love for the Galatians was yearning for their deliverance from error.

    THE BOOK OF GALATIANS – CHAPTER 4:12-20 - MESSAGE 15 – PAUL’S HEART WAS OUTPOURED FOR THE GALATIANS PART [A] - HUMBLED TO BECOME AS THE GALATIANS WERE {{Galatians 4:12 “I beg of you, brethren, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You have done me no wrong”}} Paul tells them more

  • Chronos: Galatians 4 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Nov 19, 2022

    Full Freedom come as a result of Christ’s love for us and our response or action

    This week we continue our series called Chronos. A term which means time. We have decided to study the scriptures this year in the order they were published. It gives us a very unique insight into the early church and the struggles of a growing movement. This review of history is important more

  • Galatians Chapter 4 Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on May 23, 2022

    Verse by Verse Study of Chapter 4

    Galatians Chapter 4: *This may need to be trimmed or summarized. Gal. 4:1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; (KJV) 4:1 Now what I mean [when I talk about children and their guardians] is this: as long as the heir is a more

  • Galatians 4 Identity Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Do you know who you are in Jesus? Do you know your God given identity?

    Sermon: Galatians 4 – Identity! Question: Do you know who you are in Jesus? Do you know your God given identity? Scripture: Galatians 4:1-31 (NIV) 1What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2He is subject to more

  • Slave Or Son? Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jun 22, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Do we embrace the status of slaves or sons? Our relationship to God gives us the courage to take a stand for truth.

    Introduction: Last time we were faced with a choice: Do we trust the Law to save us, or the Promise of God? Today we have a similar decision: Do we embrace the status of slaves or sons? Verses 1-10 On the way to the Promised Land, the Israelites grumbled and wished they had stayed in Egypt. more

  • Keep Pressing On Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Aug 14, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We must always keep pressing on with Jesus.

    Keep Pressin' On Text: Gal. 4:8-20 Introduction 1. Illustration: Bob Dylan in his song, "Pressing On," said, "Many try to stop me, shake me up in my mind. Say, "Prove to me that He is Lord, show me a sign" What kind of sign they need when it all comes from within When what's lost has been found, more

  • The Gospel: Preaching With Compassion Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Nov 19, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    The Galatians responded to the gospel, grew in their faith and had a close relationship with Paul. For some unknown reason after receiving their freedom in Christ they took a turn back to bondage. They started following the regulations of the law.

    Whales are one of the most impressive creatures on earth. It’s amazing even to watch a film of them swimming in the ocean. They are an inspiration with their strength, majesty and freedom. But tragically with their immense size they become trapped when they have come too close to shore. For more

  • What Happened To Your Joy? Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    There’s no joy in religious legalism. Joyless religion is like going into a nice restaurant and eating the paper menu instead of enjoying the food.

    INTRODUCTION We’ve all seen special-occasion cakes that have a message spelled out in the frosting. There’s a collection of pictures of funny messages called Cake Wrecks. Apparently, some of these cake decorators had someone order a cake over the phone and they took their verbal more

  • Power And Wisdom Of The Holy Spirit Through Paul Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 22, 2018

    Message 3 in our exposition of 1 Corinthians commenting on the work of the Holy Spirit in Paul's ministry.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “The Power and Wisdom of the Spirit Working Through Paul” I Corinthians 2:1-5 Basic Outline Address and Introduction (Greeting and Thanksgiving) 1:1-9 I. Reproof for fleshly behavior 1-6 II. Response to questions and issues 7-16 Conclusion 16:5-24 more

  • Great Grace #8: Adoption And Freedom From Bondage

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Apr 11, 2013

    A simple Bible study in Galatians 4, looking at our adoption into God's family, and freedom from bondage.

    GREAT GRACE & FREEDOM #8: ADOPTION AND FREEDOM FROM BONDAGE OPENING QUOTE: “One of the tragedies of legalism is that it gives the appearance of spiritual maturity when, in reality, it leads the believer back into a “second childhood” of Christian experience.” (Warren more

  • If God Wills

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Jan 1, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Many live under the illusion that we'll be able to live the good life with the right strategy, the proper techniques, and enough discipline. The reality? James says we are not in control of our lives.

    Opening: One day, a young man saw a sign at a restaurant that said, "Free Lunch Tomorrow." The next day he brought his friends to have lunch at the restaurant. When they finished eating, a waiter came to him with the bill of $100 to pay. He was surprised and didn't want to pay. He more

  • Grace From Galatians (10 Of 19)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 7, 2022

    We are looking at the five different appeals that Paul used in dealing with these Galatians.

    In the first appeal, he dealt with them about three things: • He appealed to their PAST • He appealed to their PRESENT • He appealed to their PREDICAMENT In this second appeal, he appeals to their love for him and how he should be treated by them. • Being a Minister of the Gospel is considered by more

  • Are You A Child Of The King? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 25, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    What blessings does God give us when He makes us "children of the King," and why would anyone want to try steal those blessings away from us?

    After the death of Elvis Presley it was fairly common to read headlines in Tabloids: “I was Elvis’ Love Child” or “Elvis’ Ghost is My Father”. Many people claimed to be related to “The King” either for the prestige or for the possibly of getting a share of his inheritance. A radio station in more

  • Because Of Their Loss Of Joy

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 27, 2019

    Paul had a genius for developing deep and lasting friendships. Between him and his spiritual children there was always shared feelings and reactions in times of suffering and victory.

    November 16, 2013 The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians Tom Lowe Chapter III.C.1.b: Because of their Loss of Joy (4:12-20) Galatians 4.12-20 (KJV) 12 Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am; for I am as ye are: ye have not injured me at all. 13 Ye know how through infirmity of the more

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