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  • The Coming King Series

    Contributed by Bob Hostetler on Jan 21, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus rules as king where He is received as king. A special sermon contribution from the SON OF GOD sermon packet for pastors, inspired by the SON OF GOD movie from Mark Burnett and distributed by 20th Century Fox.

    Everyone wants to back a winner. Take our allegiance and enthusiasm for sports teams, for example. Year after year may pass, and the local team may have a nucleus of loyal fans, but when they start winning, when they enter the playoffs, when they are vying for the championship, suddenly more

  • God Is Coming Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 28, 2014

    A look into the Messianic prophecies as a means of encouragement and reassurance

    There are a lot of funny things to be said this time of the year. Christmas does things to you. You can either laugh about it or get run over by it. It makes you act like a kid and age faster at the same time. Speaking of being a kid… You’ve heard of the 3 stages of man: He believes more

  • The Glory To Come Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 11, 2013

    If we glimpse the glory that's coming tomorrow, we'll be able to carry the cross today

    There were three sisters – ages 92, 94, and 96 – who lived together. One night, the 96-year-old drew a bath. She put one foot in, then paused. “Was I getting in the tub or out?” she yelled. The 94-year-old hollered back, “I don't know, I'll come and see.” more

  • Come Forth

    Contributed by Dave Clark on Apr 7, 2014

    A call to come out of the ways of death into the ways of life.

    Come Forth John 11:1-45 April 6, 2014 Rev. David J. Clark The story begins with a request for Jesus to hurry to the aid of his deathly-ill friend, Lazarus. But Jesus delays. He sent messengers back to Lazarus’ home, saying “the sickness is not unto death.” Jesus made a more

  • With His Coming

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Mar 30, 2015

    Jesus became vulnerable so that we might become victorious. He put himself in harm's way to drive all harm away from us.

    THERE’S A STORY in the Bible about King Jehoshaphat and how, one day, he was given some distressing news. Messengers came, and they told him that the massive armies of three – not one or two, but three – nations were coming against him. “A great multitude,” they more

  • The King Is Coming

    Contributed by Jeff Kautz on Apr 3, 2015

    A message for Palm Sunday

    The King Is Coming Luke 19:11-14 This is Palm Sunday The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem Zechariah 9:9—“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and more

  • Coming Home

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jun 7, 2015

    A sermon on "coming home" to heaven, or more accurately, the New Earth, where believers will live for eternity in the new order.

    Coming Home A sermon on heaven Chuck Sligh June 7, 2015 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon upon request by email me at ATTRIBUTION: The “Top 10 Reasons the New Earth Will Be A Blast” under the first point in my sermon is adapted from more

  • Come And See Series

    Contributed by Mark Driscoll on Oct 12, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    You are a connector for God. He has called you to bring your worlds together in Christ. You are an evangelist.

    Tonight we will be in the Gospel of John. And we will be in the Gospel of John potentially until we see Jesus again face to face. This could be a while. And what I’m gonna ask that you do tonight is something very simple and very practical that we begin with. The first thing I’m gonna more

  • Coming Home

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 19, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    What a wonderful thing coming home is! After a 15 mo. deployment in Iraq, this sermon was timely, with Jesus telling us about His home, the hope we can have to go there and how to get there.

    Coming Home Preached during “Reintegration” after a 15 mo. deployment of troops to Iraq from our military community. Chuck Sligh June 2008 The “Top Ten Reasons Heaven Will Be A Blast”’ under point I. are adapted from Steve Malones sermon by that title at more

  • The King Is Coming

    Contributed by Jason Bonnicksen on Apr 22, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is the ever-present King who rode along the palm laden road to the Cross of Calvary in order to bear our shame. He came to declare he’s the way, the truth, and life, and he’s calling us to change our perception of him towards God’s eternal light.

    INTRO Let’s start our time this morning with an interesting, Palm Sunday, brain tease. Listen to this account, and picture in your mind “the one” I am going to speak about. Okay, here we go… The crowds cheered and waved their hands. Many stood upon their tip-toes more

  • Coming To Church

    Contributed by Matthew Davaughn Cox on Sep 18, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon will reflect on our reason for coming to church.

    Today’s sermon will be one unlike any other sermon you have heard or read here at St. Matthew’s. You will find me coming from Matthew 21:12-13 on this day. I would like for you to ask yourself this question: Why do I come to church? This very question is very important and should be answered with more

  • Come, Children

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Oct 4, 2012

    Sermon for World Communion Sunday, the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B.

    Mark 10: 13 – 16 / Come, Children Intro: Recently, I saw a commercial that made me think of all the “thou-shalt-nots” that I heard as a child. A little boy is standing with his mother at a bus stop. When he attempts to use his shirtsleeve to wipe his nose, his mother turns to more

  • Come To The Feast

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Oct 11, 2012

    The feast of the Lord's Supper is where those who never expected to be invited bet to come.

    Title: Come to the Feast Text: Luke 14:15-24 Thesis: The feast of the Lord’s Supper is where those who never expected to be invited get to come too. Introduction: In our story today Jesus had been invited to dinner at the home of an important Jewish leader on the Sabbath Day. It was more

  • Coming To America Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Oct 27, 2012

    A description of the sin that was in Rome and how it is reflected in our nation.

    Video “Evidence of God’s Existence” Paul wrote the Book of Romans to the believers in Rome. He has praised them for their faithful living. He has encouraged them to remember their need for fellowship. He unlocked the mystery of the Gospel so that they could tap into the power to have authority more

  • It Will Come To Pass

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Nov 1, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    I heard of a Pastor who asks his congregation a question. He asks, in your time of trials and discouragement, what is your favorite scripture in the Bible that gives you strength and encouragement? A young man said, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not

    It will com e to pass. I heard of a Pastor who asks his congregation a question. He asks, in your time of trials and discouragement, what is your favorite scripture in the Bible that gives you strength and encouragement? A young man said, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. That’s more

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