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  • Joel Sees John's Locusts Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Sep 29, 2015

    The prophet Joel and the apostle John see the same vision! Confirmation that God is speaking.

    The day of the Lord is coming! 2:1-11 It is impossible to imagine what Joel now sees, but we assume it is awful enough to warrant a severe warning. Though we hear the familiar “it is near” as in the Book of Revelation, we are clued in to the reality that the things Joel is about to more

  • 9th Century Israel Or The End Of All Things? Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Sep 28, 2015

    Joel's prophecy causes some confusion for interpreters because it seems, and is, a description of two very different events. Very different, yes, but very related, also. See for yourself.

    2. History and Prophecy. The book of Joel There are two portions of Scripture that I believe need our further scrutiny on the subject of locusts. Actually the subject is Bible prophecy, a favorite of mine for sure. The first portion is the prophecy of Joel. I quote here from a former blog of more

  • Apostle; James The Great Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 1, 2014

    Today local churches send missionaries. -- it is best to call them missionaries, to keep some folks from being confused, if they were referred to as apostles, some folks might think of them as being like the Twelve Apostles, and the Apostle Paul.

    #6~ APOSTLE; JAMES THE GREAT 1-11-14 * JAMES -- name of four men in the New Testament: 1~ James, the son of Zebedee brother of John, both were apostles. 2 ~ James, a son of Mary, half brother of Jesus, he was not a member of the apostolic band, and not more

  • Your "Id" Please...

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Aug 9, 2013

    To aspire for the unique identity John (Son of Zebedee) had amongst the disciples "The Disciple whom JESUS LOVED".

    YOUR "ID" PLEASE... It's quiz time folks. Not a tough (for regular Bible readers') question comes your way. Name the disciple whom Jesus loved. If your answer is John, Son of Zebedee, brother of James, pat yourself on the back. more

  • The Apostle John's Vision Of Heaven"

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Apr 20, 2004
    based on 60 ratings

    This sermon looks at the false views of heaven and presents a Biblical picture of heaven.

    The Apostle John’s Vision of Heaven Revelation 21:1-8 One of the earliest Christian Creeds written by early church Fathers in the 2nd to 7th Century gives a statement of faith that defines the Christian Faith from Non Christian Faith. Apostles Creed English Version I believe in God, the more

  • The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: The Character & Personality Of John

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 27, 2021

    He was the sage who wrote the most beautiful, eloquent, and theologically deep description of the life of Jesus. He followed Jesus all the way to the cross when the rest of the disciples fled.

    He was the sage who wrote the most beautiful, eloquent, and theologically deep description of the life of Jesus. He followed Jesus all the way to the cross when the rest of the disciples fled. He was so humble and self-effacing that he only mentioned himself in his gospel account as ‘the disciple more

  • It's Not The Baptist's Church Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 10, 2013

    All witnessing points to Jesus and away from ourselves

    It’s Not the Baptist’s Church John 3:22-36 Rev. Mark A. Barber Last Week, we saw how Nicodemus was witnessed to by Jesus who knows the hearts of all people. The whole gospel is a witness to the person and work of Christ. We saw in the earlier sermon “How to be a Good more

  • I, John - A Tale Of Two Kingdoms

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Dec 20, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A first person sermon by John the Apostle about the confusion of religion and politics. It's purpose is to focus on the kingdom of God and not be overwhelmed by the kingdom of this world.

    “A Tale of Two Kingdoms” – December 19, 2021(Sunday AM) Subject: What is the connection between religion and politics? Complement: its a confusing connection - but our King is Jesus Big idea: The government shall be upon his shoulders. Introduction: (the sermon is told by John in first person); more

  • The 12 Apostles: John Son Of Zebedee

    Contributed by John Gaston on Mar 22, 2015

    Here is the mysterious person who leaned on Jesus at the last supper, the only one of the 12 to die a natural death, and who was vouchsafed with the greatest prophetic insight of any person in Scripture.

    THE 12 APOSTLES: JOHN SON OF ZEBEDEE INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Rabbi Levy was walking home from synagogue one Sabbath when he saw Issy, a leader in his congregation, going into ‘The Chinese Crab’ restaurant. 2. As he looked through the window, Rabbi Levy saw Issy order a plate of more

  • The Unveiling Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by David Kosobucki on Oct 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This book, more than any other, led me to the Lord almost 40 years ago, so it has a gigantic place in my heart and my story of faith. Here is a look at the first chapter, which begins a series that will take us through the entire Apocalypse.

    The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Revelation 1 I began reading the book of Revelation almost 40 years ago, before I had even put my faith in Jesus Christ. We had a large, old, fancy Bible in the house and I began reading it, prompted by some music I was listening to that had a few biblical references. more

  • Let Me Introduce You To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Ray Geide on Dec 22, 2021

    With the help of two Johns, John the Apostle and John the Baptist, I would like to introduce Jesus to you.

    May I Introduce You to Jesus? John 1:14-34 I would like to share with you one of the big mistakes that I made after we first got married. Gerlie and I were visiting a church. I knew the pastor. After the service I went up and talked with the pastor. We had a good conversation and then we left. more

  • Who Is The Antichrist? The Witness Of The Apostle John Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on May 24, 2015

    Revelation 13 and 17 are John's two clear testimonies about the coming antichrist.

    5. JOHN: REVELATION 13 Have you ever considered just how much Daniel and John have in common? As young men, both had a personal relationship with the Lord. They were both considered beloved of God. Defiantly strong for the Lord as young men, they both grew into long-term servants of God whose more

  • The Apostle's Warning

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jul 30, 2022

    Expository sermon in II John.

    Title: The Apostle’s Warning Scripture: II John Type: Expository Where: GNBC 7-31-22 Intro: A friend of mine has a phrase that he has used for years. “Always put a little velvet around the brick.” What he means by that is “When telling people something they need to hear, make sure to be more

  • John's World

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jun 15, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Was John only the apostle of love, or also the prophet of judgment? Was he "free will" as in John 3:16, or "predestination" as in John 6:37. To ask these things about him is really to ask them about the One he quoted. Jesus does not fit into our boxes...

    John’s World… Did John contradict John in regards to the doctrines of grace? Whose side was he on, after all? It wasn’t just Paul! There’s a real opposition in the evangelical church to what they call “Calvinism”, but what Spurgeon called “Bible.” more

  • 12 Disciples - John Series

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on Aug 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Study on the lives of the 12 Disciples

    12 Disciples – John – Monday 23rd October 06 John is the 4th disciple mentioned in Matthew 10:3 The name ‘John’ means “grace of the Lord”, or “Jehovah’s gift” John was the younger brother of James, son of Zebedee and Salome (we saw last week how some believe that Salome was Mary’s sister and more

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