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  • A Messiah Who Will Cost You Everything Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Oct 1, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    When we decide to follow Jesus, we are surrenduring everything.

    A Messiah Who Will Cost You Everything Text: Matthew 8:18-22 Introduction 1. Illustration: Salvation is free, ... but discipleship will cost you your life. — Dietrich Bonhoeffer 2. Illustration: In The Cost of Discipleship Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote: “The cross is laid on every Christian. As we more

  • Sunday Night-A Man Worthy To Follow

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on May 17, 2017

    Jesus is described by God as One worthy to be followed.

    Sunday Night: A Man To Follow Place: BLCC Date: 5/21/17 Text: Isaiah 42.1-7 CT: Jesus is worthy to be followed. Two months before [Orthodox priest] Aleksandr Menn was felled by an ax, he was asked in a radio interview broadcast across Russia, "Does one need to be a Christian, and if one does, more

  • Don't Diminish Jesus' Name

    Contributed by Howard Green on Oct 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Everything Christians do and say will either elevate or diminish Jesus' name to a watching world.

    The Bible tells us a time is coming when every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, Philippians 2:10-11. Christians openly honor His name now, while unbelievers must confess He’s Lord on a day yet to come. Much of what people believe about Jesus comes from what they more

  • Jesus Is Both - All In All

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Oct 14, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    To show that JESUS is our All in All, He's Everything to us. 21 Characteristics of JESUS. I learned this from my dream dated October 11, 2014, then I researched each one from the Bible to get the proof of text. GLORY to GOD!

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you know why you got healed? Because JESUS the Healed by the LORD is within you. Colossians 1:27 (Amplified Bible) 1:27 To whom God was pleased to make known how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ within and among you, the Hope of more

  • Jesus And The Power To Overcome Death

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Sep 11, 2015

    Jesus’ raising of Lazarus sent the people running for cover, and it should also send us running for cover too. We and they finally see that Jesus is Lord and liberator of all the people of God.

    The passage from John 11:30-47 shows Jesus at some of the highest and lowest points in his ministry. Jesus was told a few days earlier that his friend Lazarus was sick, but he waited for two days before he and the disciples went to the home of Mary and Martha, who were Lazarus’ sisters. By more

  • Peter Confesses Jesus As The Christ Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 20, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    In this lesson we learn the significance of confessing Jesus as the Christ.

    Scripture For the past 20 months we have been studying the life of Jesus as it has been recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Recently we invited friends and guests to our Easter Service by asking the question, “Why did Easter change history?” Today’s text is especially appropriate more

  • Six Testimonies About Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Nov 3, 2020

    Jesus says that He's not going to testify about Himself, but He's got an impressive lineup of witnesses to who He is. What can we learn from them?

    - v. 31. Six Testimonies about Jesus: 1. The positive testimony of John the Baptist: Jesus is the Perfect Lamb. - John 5:31-35. 2. The positive testimony of the work: Jesus is the Suffering Messiah. - John 5:36. 3. The positive testimony of the Father: Jesus is the Beloved Son. - John more

  • Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jan 18, 2024

    The point is that Jesus is the focus of the Old Testament, so don’t ignore it, but rather embrace it.

    SEEING JESUS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Text: Acts 13:13-23 Introduction 1. Illustration: One of my biggest heroes was a man named Dr. Stanley Horton. Dr. Horton was the leading theologian in the Assemblies of God for over 50 years. One day, I had the pleasure of having lunch with him, and then more

  • Jesus, A Man On A Mission

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Jan 21, 2005
    based on 38 ratings

    how Jesus fulfilled his mission and struggled with his mission as Messiah

    January 23, 2005 Isaiah 49:1-6 Listen to me, you islands; hear this, you distant nations: Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name. He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and more

  • The Hand And Hem Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jul 9, 2013

    Jesus' miracles and ministry reveal Him to be the promised Messiah and the "Word Incarnate.

    “The Hand and Hem of Jesus” Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43, Luke 8:40-56 Jesus continues to demonstrate the awesome Power of the Living God in His more

  • The Touch Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Jul 25, 2020

    A message about Jesus touch. This is in the series of The Miracles of Jesus. Each miracles shows us something about the Messiah.

    Title: The Touch of Jesus Theme: To show the compassion of Jesus Text: Mark 1:40-44 Note: This message was done about much research on the topic. I am not sure where I got some of the notes but I I know not all of this message is original. I wanted to share. Mark 1:40 Now a leper came to Him, more

  • Encountering Jesus Series

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Dec 18, 2022

    John 1:1-5 sets the stage for the rest of gospel - we get to see the Son of God, the Messiah in every story, every place, every circumstance and with every person. This is what John wants the reader to experience in their own lives, to encounter Jesus, the Son of God, the Messiah.

    John Stott said, “Nothing hinders evangelism more than the widespread loss of confidence in the truth, relevance, and power of the Gospel.” There has been an erosion of convictions in Christian circles concerning: 1. the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, 2. the exclusive truth claims of more

  • Our Messiah Must Be Made Known Series

    Contributed by Kyle Meador on Jan 15, 2001
    based on 150 ratings

    If the lost of this community are ever going to see Jesus for themselves, they must first see Him in us.

    Our Messiah Must Be Made Known “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to more

  • The Promise Of John The Baptist – Making Room For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Are you ready for the Messiah?

    Luke 1:5-25 The Promise of John the Baptist – Making room for Jesus Are you ready for Christmas? What do you do to get ready for Christmas? Are you ready for Jesus? Read Luke 1:5-25 This is an amazing story – the old priest encountering Gabriel in the temple, the old couple conceiving a baby, more

  • When Jesus Came

    Contributed by Dan Waite on Dec 9, 2005
    based on 101 ratings

    Isaiah 35 describes 6 things that would happen when the Messiah came.

    Other sermons can be found at Isaiah 35 When Jesus Came... I. Empty lives were filled (vv 1 – 2) A. We “always” have an excuse. 1. Fear of failure keeps us from trying. 2. Fear of success keeps us from doing our best. 3. Procrastination is a learned more

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