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  • Jesus The Master Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jul 26, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Jesus invites us to follow Him - to apprentice under him as the Master.

    Apprenticing under the Master June 26, 2005 Mark 1:1-20 Jesus the Master Early on in the second session of God at the pub, we had the talk on “Why did Jesus Die?” Almost everyone in my small group was able to see Jesus as a great model for life, someone that they would like to follow, but more

  • Jesus And Jeremiah? (Matthew 16:14) Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Are you Jeremiah? (Matthew 16:14) (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Jeremiah chapter 1 verses 1-8. • I won’t embarrass you this morning; • By asking when was the last time your read through the book of Jeremiah? I GUESS THERE ARE THREE REASONS WHY WE DON’T READ IT: (a). Daunting. • The book is 52 chapters long (second only to Isaiah 66 more

  • Survey Of Matthew: The Change In Jesus' Ministry

    Contributed by Wayne Odonnell on May 17, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Survey of Matthew: The Change In Jesus’ Ministry

    Survey of Matthew: The Change in Jesus’ Ministry Recorded Sunday, September 30, 2007; Wayne ODonnell; The Two Key Outline Verses This is a survey of the gospel of Matthew and it is called, “The Change in Jesus’ Ministry.” Is anybody missing the handout? Everybody has one? Cora, more

  • A Costly Calling

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 25, 2019

    When Jesus calls us to follow Him, that call is costly, but rewarding!

    A Costly Calling? Luke 9:23-26, 57-62, 14:25-32 January 20, 2019 If you were to ask my sister’s - - they would have quickly told you I was cheap. I did my best not to spend money as I was growing up. Not that I had much, but I will admit I got away with not contributing much to group presents. more

  • Passion For Jesus

    Contributed by Neal Gray on Mar 2, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    A CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Pastor preaches the passion we should have to know Jesus, to follow Him, to love Him.

    "Passion for Jesus" Author: Dr. Neal Gray Passage: John 10:19-31, KJV Purpose: It is an eternal surprise to me. Jesus wants to know me. And the Son of God allows me to know Him. Jesus gives me eternal life, never perishing, never separated from Him. My passion is to know Him, to follow Him, to love more

  • Called To Suffer Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 15, 2021

    Jesus is 1) Believers’ perfect standard for suffering (1 Peter 2:21-23), 2) their perfect substitute in suffering (1 Peter 2:24), and 3) became their perfect shepherd through suffering (1 Peter 2:25).

    1 Peter 2:21-25 [21] For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. [22] He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. [23] When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he more

  • Matthew The Tax Collector Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Matthew was a rebel who had fulfilled his dream in the world, and who realized it was not satisfying. He calls himself the publican, however, in his Gospel, because he rejoices that he is a trophy of grace.

    Someone said, you never could take your money with you, but some can remember when the government would let you keep some while you were still here. It is hard for many to believe that our country was founded partly to avoid taxation. As bad as taxes are, however, only two classes of people ever more

  • What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Dec 27, 2007
    based on 34 ratings

    This sermon looks at how following Jesus is a life long committment of listening to Jesus and reflecting HIS light.

    Imagine being like those fishermen. Sitting at work, in a place that is familiar to you a place you are comfortable with, even if things were occasionally a bit difficult, then all of a sudden some character comes up to you and says "Hey come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of more

  • Jesus In Jeans Part 2 Of 3 Series

    Contributed by John Braland on Aug 21, 2007

    What kind of a disciple are you? Are you a Christian in name only? Are you a wishy washy disciple? Or are you a revolutionary talmid, one of his fully devoted followers who live like Jesus and teach like Jesus and touch other people with God’s love jus

    The tragedy at Virginia Tech has touched lives from coast to coast. The senseless acts of a rogue individual has damaged hundreds and thousands of peoples lives forever. The sad thing is that is exactly what he set out to do. Now we are in recovery mode and the first question people are asking more

  • Jesus' Resurrection (Matthew 28)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 14, 2024

    Two focal points of Christianity are the resurrection and the great commission. Let's look at these in Matthew 28.

    Did Jesus have some important instructions after His resurrection? Let’s find out in Matthew 28. Jesus’ Resurrection What happened early that Sunday morning? After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent more

  • Following Jesus

    Contributed by Johnny Byrd on Oct 18, 2017

    What does it mean when we follow Jesus

    Matthew 4:18-22 18 One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. 19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” more

  • Cold Call Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 10, 2017

    A study of the Gospel of John 12: 20 –50

    John 12: 20 –50 Cold Call 20 Now there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast. 21 Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” 22 Philip came and told Andrew, and in turn Andrew and Philip told Jesus. more

  • A Gracious Call To A Social Outcast Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jan 25, 2021

    So many people today feel like they exist more than they live, thinking that everything in this world is against them and that no one cares. Matthew, the tax collector, is just such a case. It turned out that Jesus had a plan for him, and for you as well.

    Jesus' compassion for people is evident as we progress through this Gospel. This display of Divine love is recorded by Matthew and Luke as well. The Lord Jesus is not the exclusive property of any group or man- made religious system. Nobody can mold Him into one particular behavior to suit more

  • Called To Care

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Aug 10, 2016


    CALLED TO CARE MAIN TEXT: MATTHEW 14:15 And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. MATTHEW 14:16 But Jesus said unto them, They need not more

  • An Encounter With Jesus

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Jan 22, 2003
    based on 208 ratings

    A sermon for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany The call of 4 disciples

    3rd Sunday after Epiphany Mark 1:14-20 An Encounter with Jesus   Today four more common men have an encounter with Jesus. If you remember last week’s sermon, we looked at the call of Philip and Nathaniel. Jesus had called Philip and then Philip told Nathanael about his encounter with Jesus. more

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