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  • Don't Worry, Be Happy Series

    Contributed by Dan Jackson on Aug 19, 2005
    based on 137 ratings

    2nd message on James. Troubles and trials are part of the core curriculum of life. James shows us how to deal with them.

    Lucy offers one of her unsolicited observations about life in a “Peanuts” cartoon. “Life,” she muses to Charlie Brown, “is like a deck chair. Some place it so they can see where they are going. Some place it so they can see where they have been. And some place it so they can see where they are at more

  • Father Of Lights Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jan 2, 2020

    Someone shows that they are a follower of the "Father of Lights" through their: 1) Words (James 1:19-21), 2) Walk (James 1:22-25), and 3) Works (James 1:26-27).

    James 1:17-27 [17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. [18] Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. [19] more

  • Are You A Son Of Thunder? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 13, 2001
    based on 143 ratings

    In many of us there is a little of James and John. (This sermon generated a lot of comment).

    OPEN: I love basketball. I watch it whenever I can. I’ll watch it on TV, and once in a while I’ll even get a chance to watch a live game. Going to basketball game is different than watching the game on TV. When you go to a game, you’re going because you like one of the teams. You’re there to root more

  • Living The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by Leonard Cook on Feb 18, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Living the Word of God (James 1:19-27) Key Center v. 22 22 Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Accept the Word of God (1:19-21) Obey the Word of God (1:22-25) Live the Word of God (1:26-27)

    Background Material James Biographical Info: • The author was James, Jesus’ half-brother; James and Christ had different Fathers (Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3). • James, also called James the Just, (Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3). • James was not a believer (John 7:3-5) until after the resurrection (Acts more

  • The Birth Process

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jan 28, 2014

    Have you ever felt like blaming God for your situation?

    “Faith That Works: The Birth Process” James 1:13-18 A young woman came to Christ in a marvelous way. Her conversion was, from a human perspective, partly due to the fact that she had come to a very low place in her marriage, making her intensely aware of her spiritual need. Having met more

  • The Active Life Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jan 28, 2014

    How much time do you spend in front of the mirror? How often do you look in the mirror? What do you do with what you see there?

    “Faith That Works: The Active Life” James 1:19-27 A young pastor’s wife came to her husband one day with a look of obvious concern. He lovingly inquired as to the problem. She replied that she had really been struggling lately with the sin of vanity. “How’s more

  • Making Amends Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Apr 23, 2013

    James (or actually, Jacob in Hebrew) was one of the most dramatic cases of a changed life after having been an eyewitness to the resurrection.

    Show Jesus’ Little Brother video clip from 1. James’ Ossuary A little over 10 years ago, a French scientist made the discovery of an ossuary with the inscription, “James, the son of Joseph, brother of Jesus” on it. An ossuary was more

  • Swapping "pasei Sophia Didakontes...." For The God Who Speaks Our Language. Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Oct 24, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for Bible Sunday preached in 2011 at Holy Trinity Barkingside

    ................................................................................................... [begin reading in ancient Greek...] "Ho logos tou Christou enoikeitO en humin plousiOs, en pasEi sophia didakontes kai nouthetountes heautous, psalmois, humnois, Oidais pneumatikais en tE more

  • Waiting On The Lord Series

    Contributed by Floyd Steverson on Apr 6, 2017

    Sermon from the series "Practical Christian Living" on the topic of waiting on the Lord.

    Waiting on the Lord James 5:7 Therefore, brothers, be patient until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth and is patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. 8 You also must be patient. Strengthen your hearts, because the Lord’s coming more

  • How We Can Defeat The Darkness Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Dec 22, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    How can we defeat the darkness? 1. Put a priority on prayer (vs. 1-5). 2. Rely on our Redeemer (vs. 6-16). 3. Strive to stick together (vs. 12-16). 4. Live in loyalty to the Lord (vs. 17).

    How We Can Defeat the Darkness Acts 12:1-17 (Reading vs. 1-5) Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church April 6, 2014 (Revised Sept. 18, 2016) *Anybody paying any attention at all knows we are living in a time of growing darkness. A five-minute glance at the headlines is enough to prove that more

  • I Deserve The Best

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 6, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    our we ambitious or greedy? Humble or do we think God owes us the best? Ambition of James and John shows us the answer.

    Ambition of James and John/ I deserve the best Mark 10:35-45 Prayer- Introduction- This morning we will look at the heart of James and John, two of Jesus disciples and hear the request they made of Jesus. At first most will say that they would never ask such a question of Jesus, but as we more

  • Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time; 29th Sunday B -- Can You Drink The Cup?

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 18, 2021

    For training purposes, the supervisor suddenly handed the nurse a wine glass that happened to be on a nearby shelf. The "director" asked the nurse to "lose" her thumbs by tucking them into her palms. It was uncomfortable and difficult to hold the glass.

    Jesus asked James and John, “Can you drink the cup that I drink?” To answer, One can use Theology as Drama. e.g. A supervisor and a nurse did a re-enactment when a patient was going to have an operation on her thumbs the following day. The nurse asked, "Why? What's the matter with more

  • Free Not To Be Me

    Contributed by David Roth on Mar 21, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Lent 5 (B). Christ gave his life as a ransom, freeing us not only from sin, but from our own flesh and the power of the devil. We are now free to serve others, as we live under Him in His kingdom.

    J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. “Free not to be me” Jesus and his disciples are on their way to Jerusalem. And as they are walking, He is telling them about His upcoming more

  • Faith Without Works Series

    Contributed by Buffy Cook on Apr 5, 2015

    "For Dummies" books are a raging success! Why? Full of practical wisdom and simple "How To's" Wouldn't a "Christianity for Dummies," a book full of practical wisdom & simple How Tos on how to live out our faith, be great? James & this series is JUST THAT

    Christianity For Dummies: Faith Without Works James 2:14-26 I. Introduction A. We are continuing in our series "Christianity for Dummies" based on the Book of James. The first two weeks, we examined How to Respond to Trials & How to Understand & Defeat Temptation. Since that time, our more

  • The Son Of Thunder Grows Up

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 24, 2024

    The Thunder boys came to Jesus and asked if they could call down fire from heaven

    Feast of St. John the Evangelist 2024 No matter what our age as disciples of Jesus may be, we all have some challenges, some questions we need to answer. Let’s take them starting with the one who is questioning: “who am I?” Then “who is God?” and “what does God want of me?” From there we ask more

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