  • George Bannister

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
George's church

George B Bannister
Woodville,, MS 39669

About George
  • Education: *B.A. in Religious Education, Louisiana College, Pineville, LA *M. Min. & M.Div. Southern Baptist School For Biblical Studies, Jacksonville, FL *D.Min., Southern Baptist School For Biblical Studies, Jacksonville, FL *Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (Graduate with High Distinction) Ph.D. in Apologetics and Theology, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate School of Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.
  • Experience: I have been preaching the Gospel since 1975. I Served in my first staff position in 1976. I began pastoral ministry in 1980. I have served as instructor and director for seminary extension in Natchitoches, La and Lafayette, LA. I previously served as Associational Missionary for the Steel Valley Baptist Association in northeast Ohio. I am presently the Senior Pastor of the Woodville Baptist Church in Woodville, Mississippi..
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Series of sermons on Brokenness, by Dr. Charles Stanley "Confidence in the midst of Conflict" By Dr. Charles Stanley
  • Family: I am married to the former Lisa Thibodeaux (since July 15, 1977). I have three grown sons Ben (27 years old), Dan (24 years old), and Bob (22 years old). All Three have answered God’s call to the Gospel Ministry and are pursuing their education in preparation for ministry.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Says she would rather hear me preach than anyone she knows of. ...Why I can’t understand!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Feed God’s people. Make sure you don’t waste the time of those who come to hear you preach.
  • Books that have had an impact: "Confronting Casual Christianity" by Dr. Charles Stanley "Forgiveness" By Dr. Charles Stanley "How To Handle Adversity" By Dr. Charles Stanley "Listening To God" By Dr. Charles Stanley
  • Hobbies: I enjoy listening to and singing Southern Gospel Music, and playing Golf.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord.
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  • How To Be Real In Human Relationships

    Contributed on Sep 1, 2018

    Sermon on James 2:1-26

    Series Title: Being Real an Automated World How to be Real in Human Relationships James 2:1 – 26 1 My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others? 2 For example, suppose someone comes into your meeting more

  • Easter-Its A Matter Of The Heart

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2016

    An encounter with the risen Christ is life-transforming. Meeting the risen Christ on the Emmaus road changed the perspective and actions of the two men in the Gospel account. Taking the Easter message to heart can do the same for his disciples today.

    Text: Luke 24:13-35 Topic: “It’s A Matter of The Heart.” INTRODUCTION: A- Tell the Easter Story (Luke 24:1-12). B- Read the text (Luke 24:13-35). TS: What Easter means to you is “is a matter of the heart.” There is a three-step progression that will make more

  • Practical Principles For A New Year

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon suggests some possible personal core values to guide individuals in daily living.

    Practical Principles for a New Year Text: Philippians 3:7-21 7 I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. 8 Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I more

  • Developing An Attitude Of Gratitude

    Contributed on Jan 4, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon discusses keys to developing an attitude of gratitude

    Philippians 4:4-9 4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all more

  • Excuses

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon deals with common excuses people offer for disobeying God.

    TEXT: Exodus 3-4 ETS: Moses tries to make excuses in order to avoid obeying God. ESS: There is no acceptable excuse for failing to obeying God. OSS: Believers will surrender to God’s will for their lives. PQ: What is the proper response to God’s will for my life? UW: Excuses more

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