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Sermons on Isaias 42:1:

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  • Called To Be A Covenant People (2017)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Oct 23, 2022

    …. one of the four Servant songs. The message seems to be about the nation of Israel at face value. However, the message can be applied to when Jesus came in the first advent. Jesus literally embodied what this text meant as a prophecy that was fulfilled through Him.

    Isaiah 42:1-9 1. "Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. 2. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. 3. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he more

  • The Mighty Saving Works Of God's Gentle Servant Series

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Jul 17, 2022

    Christ will not break the bruised reed nor quench the smoking flax. None of his believers are disposable, none are useless to him. Be sure that when you go to Christ with your troubles, He will help. Be sure that when you repent and bring your sins to him, He will be gentle.

    The book of Isaiah is sometimes called ‘the fifth gospel.’ In the New Testament we have four gospels, of course: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These tell the story of the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. Well, you could say that Isaiah does the same thing, because his book is such a great more

  • To Boldly Go

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 25, 2022

    We are to boldly go into the world to advance Christ's kingdom and hasten His coming.

    Christopher Columbus set sail from Europe on August 3, 1492, with the three ships Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria, presumably to discover a western route to the Orient. My earlier studies of Columbus’ journey to the New World left me with a limited understanding of the man and his motives. I thought more

  • Words Of Comfort To Weary Souls (Matthew 4:12- 5:12)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Nov 17, 2024

    Jesus' public ministry got underway after His time in the wilderness. He had overcome the temptations of the devil, and was now ready to change the world.

    Matthew 4:12-28: Jesus had just returned from the desert when He heard that John the Baptist had been cast into prison by the order of Herod Antipas for speaking out against Herod's adulterous relationship with the wife of his brother Philip. The LORD went on to the region of Galilee, more

  • The Gentle Servant Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Oct 16, 2024

    Embrace God’s Gentle Servant, depend on God’s great power, and believe in God’s sure and certain promises to find light in the midst of your darkness.

    At the elementary school where Becky Barnes teaches in Arizona, they had a problem with students throwing rocks. The principal made an announcement over the intercom warning students that anyone caught throwing rocks would be taken home by him personally. Later that day, during afternoon recess, a more

  • No Screaming, Lots Of Listening

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 8, 2025

    We might make the fiery preacher John the Baptist into our kind of Messiah. Energize by screaming at folks.

    Feast of the Baptism of Jesus 2025 Sometimes in our reflections we might think that if God just made a few changes in the way He engineered our salvation, things might have gone better. Isaiah predicts that the Messiah would come gently, not screaming His message, giving people who were broken and more

  • Servants Are Light Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 22, 2023

    God is light. He makes his disciples to be his servants and gives them the mission of being light to the nations. His servants have to listen to people and to God. Be channel of blessings to disburse the free gift of salvation.

    Theme: God’s servants are the Light Text: Isaiah 42:1-9   Greetings: You are the servants of God. You are the Light to the world. The Lord is good and his love endures forever. We began this year with the first order and command of God, ‘Let there be Light’. We have meditated about the Gospel more

  • Behold My Servant PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 2, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the significance of Jesus' baptism, our rebirth through water and spirit, and our mission to spread the Gospel to the world.

    Good morning, beloved family of faith. It's a joy to gather together today, nestled in the warmth of our shared belief, united in our love for our Savior. We're here to reflect upon the miraculous, the divine, the transformative. We're here to consider the baptism of Jesus, the birth of our new more

  • Critically Reading The Signs Of The Times In The Last Days Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Apr 13, 2023

    The world is in chaotic times, unable to solve the problems it has made. Where is it all heading? The Christian must not be unsettled for the bible is clear on where all this is going. This examines the SIGNS OF THE TIMES that Jesus spoke about. We are in the last days of the Church age.

    CRITICALLY READING THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES IN THE LAST DAYS This is an important posting. Please do not tune out and ignore what is happening now at increasing speed. We need to be able to read the signs of the time and that is biblical, from the Lord Himself – {{Matthew 16:3 “and in the more

  • Honour God By Doing Good

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 4, 2023

    The Pharisees wanted to use the Sabbath to trap Jesus and accuse Him of wrongdoing. Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath to honour God and do good, which is the true purpose of the Sabbath. He obeys the will of God and does what is right despite the opposition.

    Matt 12:9-21 Honour God By Doing Good Matt 12:9-21 ESV Parallel Passages: Mark 3:1-5 and Luke 6:6-11 9He went on from there and entered their synagogue. 10And a man was there with a withered hand. And they asked him, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”—so that they might more

  • God's Servant, The Justice-Bringer (Isaiah 42:1-9) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Mar 28, 2024

    God commissions and empowers his servant to produce "justice" for the nations. "Justice" here= "God's desired way of life." It's done, through gentle, careful teaching. The servant is Israel, Jesus, and the church.

    This is going to be a pretty ambitious sermon today, so let's dive right in. Isaiah 42:1: (1) LOOK! My servant, [Isaiah 41:8, 9; 34:10; 44:1, 2; 45:4], I am upholding him, [Isaiah 41:10] my chosen one [Isaiah 41:8, 9; 43:10; 44:1, 2; 45:4], my soul/inner being has delighted in [or: more

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